agni said:
It’s interesting how consciousness communicates with us. I am only on day 4 of fasting (on water), and as body starts to repair itself I see a dream where my car is partially lifted in the air and being repaired. It’s like a personal proof of relation of vehicle in the dream to physical body vehicle :)
Little bit off topic, bud did anyone notice “predator mind” being quite silent during fasting period ?
Just a question- what exactly is your routine about this diet-cleaning? Are you simply drinking only water or is something else involved?
I know this goes beyond a subject of this topic and would fit more under diet/health section, but I have to ask,
cause if you are only drinking water and not doing any enema, you could get poisoned by ur own body toxins,
as far as I'm acquainted with a subject and that is not something to play with.
„It is a necessity to do regular enema during the period of drinking only water (with few drops of lemon!)
cause a strong flow of bowel's toxins occur, which are then entering our system through our blood,
so patient can experience an overwhelmed weakness, hallucination and emotive crises...
A serious body-poisoning can occur from it's own body toxins., which can be easily prevented with regular enema.“
„Even more dangerous then water-diet itself is person's returning to everyday eating habits.
That period must last as long as the diet itself was lasting. Fast and unwary comeback can result even with a deathly end cause of the possibility of creating brain edema. What is the safe time line for such a diet to last – it's very difficult to predict, so is the period of time necessary for one's body to fully recover. „
*insert from Drago Plecko interview, 1986. he wrote a book on the subject, based on experiences of dr. Alan Cott and Russian doctor Nikolajev, both of them weer studying a subject of water-diets, but accompanied with regular enema. Drago Plecko himself went through this diet, 12 days lasting one..
Okay, sorry if U were already aware of this subject but I felt in a way obligated to point it out.