This beyond real. When i was very young, "they" would conditioned us as very young children to protect our self's by having these mock drills in responce to and in case of nuclear detonation, during the Cold War year in the 50's.
The siren, or alarm ( ) would go off, there would be voice, that would come over the school intercom indicating that we were to assume the postion. We as kids would all crawl under our desk, with our hands clasped behind our necks, covering ours ears to protect us from flying glass due to the blast. Like that was going to help at all. Living so close with in a 30 mile's radius to several key military instillation's in the bayarea of California. We were pretty much toast, unless they had us all situated a couple of miles below the surface, in a bunker.
Looking back, it was all about manipulation of the mind's through fear, just like these event's with mock terror drill in "Operation Mountain Guardian" in Arizona.
With every thing moving out of there control ( ) with such incredible speed, and chaos ( that this how the psychopath mind roll's) it would appear that "they" are about to pull another stunt, with timing, being about everything.
From UrbanSurvival
The Latest Web Bot Hit: Netting Protesters:
1950's Bomb Drill
NAZI Terror Drill Terrorizes Children 'Operation Mountain Guardian'
The siren, or alarm ( ) would go off, there would be voice, that would come over the school intercom indicating that we were to assume the postion. We as kids would all crawl under our desk, with our hands clasped behind our necks, covering ours ears to protect us from flying glass due to the blast. Like that was going to help at all. Living so close with in a 30 mile's radius to several key military instillation's in the bayarea of California. We were pretty much toast, unless they had us all situated a couple of miles below the surface, in a bunker.
Looking back, it was all about manipulation of the mind's through fear, just like these event's with mock terror drill in "Operation Mountain Guardian" in Arizona.
With every thing moving out of there control ( ) with such incredible speed, and chaos ( that this how the psychopath mind roll's) it would appear that "they" are about to pull another stunt, with timing, being about everything.
From UrbanSurvival
The Latest Web Bot Hit: Netting Protesters:
All of which would be dismissed as just another worry if the predictive linguistics which had this discussions of "Discards and the Rubbish Revolt" when the Shape of Things to Come report was released on September 20th:
We now have new supporting sets that include aspect/attributes with [bound (human chains) in ropes], and [(mass) judgments (canceling right to trial)], and [prison ships (docked at large complexes (in north east?)], and other sets going to the idea of a [usofa military invasion (of a major east coast american city)]. While there are indicators that this is a [test run], that supporting set can also be applied to the very first open skirmish in a war. There are repeated and reinforced (by cross links) sets going to the idea of [netting (scooping) up of people], and [forbidden imagery (now outlawed by edit and scrubbed automagically on line as it is posted)] that will be of [mass roundups] and [people running to escape (public netting)]. Some of the imagery, will, as they say, be disturbing to more rational humans as it will be [taken from dizzying heights (on street battles below)], and even worse, will [include (the decapitation)] of the [videographer].
And sure enough, snooping around on the 'net we see how the fulfillment of the rickety time machine output got underway on Saturday as the Occupy Wall Streeters were mass arrests and in stories like this one, the police use of 'nets' is clearly referenced.
Oh - and as to that scrubbed automagically online as it is posted part of the report? Well, well, quite as predicted the popular website Activist Post was taken down during the protests,. although we note that it's back in operation along with an excuse/apology from their hosting outfit (Google) that it was all due to an automated process of some sort. Yup, Universe is just full of coincidences, ain't it?
1950's Bomb Drill
NAZI Terror Drill Terrorizes Children 'Operation Mountain Guardian'