Feeling at a stand still


Jedi Master
I've been thinking I need to post for a long time, but can never think of what to post. I've been a lurker and when it comes to posting I always feel that my emotions regarding how I am feeling at the time are a little confused. My health pretty much rules my world right now, because when I am in a positive mood it is because I am feeling well physically and vice versa.

At the moment I am feeling unwell and am rather negative because of my health. I have been doing the candida diet for a total of seven months now, and I have made progress, but I am still extremely toxic. Also in the past two or so months I have been stressed and it has more or less brought a halt to detoxing. My sleeping schedule is out of whack, because my partner works third shift. EE is often something I put off due to inflammation and stress which makes the breathing incredibly difficult. I realize I need to normalize these things in order to cut down on some stress, and I need to find some willpower to do it. So even though I am struggling at the moment, I just wanted to let everyone know I am here, and I will continue to work toward my goals.

On another note, my bf and I have had the opportunity to share what we have learned here with another couple who live down the hall. The girl has been a good friend since I was very young and is now our neighbor, and her bf was very open minded about what we had to say. The conversation lasted a couple of hours and I feel that it was objective on all sides. It made me happy to realize that we now have neighbors who apparently think.

Edit: Thread is in wrong place, sorry. Maybe "whats on your mind" board would work. I definitely need more sleep :shock:
Hi Drea, sometimes it's hard to get over the threshold and post something on the forum. I suspect that sometimes it can feel as if we hadn't anything 'important' to say or contribute. However, we all here are equally important to this great puzzle; by just posting how you're doing, like you did just now, you are helping both others and yourself. So thanks for posting! :)

You said that you health is not good, what kind of symptoms do you have?

This thing you have going with you neighbors sounds like a very valuable thing, I wish I had neighbors like that.

Hang in there, and keep posting even if it feels hard!
Drea said:
Edit: Thread is in wrong place, sorry. Maybe "whats on your mind" board would work. I definitely need more sleep :shock:

Hi Drea,

I moved it to the "What's on Your Mind" board when I saw you had posted it in the Movies board. :) I'm sure you will feel better after a good night's sleep. You don't have to do the entire EE at one go. You could break it up and do bits of it at a time. For example, you could start by doing the pipe breathing and the POTS and skip the warrior and bioenergetic parts. With time and practice, you will be able to do the entire EE in one go.
I moved it to the "What's on Your Mind" board when I saw you had posted it in the Movies board. Smiley

First off, Thank you for moving my post Vulcan, and thanks for the replies.

However, we all here are equally important to this great puzzle; by just posting how you're doing, like you did just now, you are helping both others and yourself.

I agree with the importance of posting, though it isn't always easy to express yourself openly. When I read what others share , I always end up learning something. All those who took that step to share what they feel has helped me to open up in everyday life. I cannot find anything more important in life than truth, and sharing the truth about how you feel may seem like a small step, but it is a step taken toward an over all goal.

As far as health, I have a heavy feeling in my body almost consistently. It is hard to get the motivation to do anything that takes a lot of energy. Stress has brought me a bit of a different problem. My shoulders and upper body get very stiff, and in combination with inflammation my bowels hardly move. I do enemas when it gets unbearable, but I am uncertain if they can negatively affect peristalsis in the long run. For about a month straight I did an enema every day with no ill effects, but I am still unsure about them. There was an article on the net that shed some light on the topic, but I still am unsure.

Article is here: .http://www.doctorsreview.com/history/jul05-history/.

If anyone can give me some insight, it would be much appreciated.

I have worked my way through most of the diet and health related pages. Supplements have helped me greatly, especially L-glutamine. There are still a few others that I feel could be beneficial such as L-tryptophan.

Because I have had to cut carbs down, I am 5,5 and weigh 93 lbs. According to the BMI I am starving. :rolleyes:

At the moment my body cannot handle any anti-fungals and I am taking a mild probiotic in the form of home made sauerkraut.

You don't have to do the entire EE at one go. You could break it up and do bits of it at a time.

Sometimes I will do the pipe breathe before bed or when I am stressed. I do the POTS every night before falling asleep. Bio energetic breathing has really helped me regain some of my lost memories. At some point I forgot much of my past, and I am not sure if that was due to memories being painful or the onset of candida. It may have been a bit of both. I really have to fight with my predator to do a full EE, but I think if I keep pushing I may win.
Are you getting proper amounts of protein and animal fat? I've noticed that those have a huge impact, helping with fatique. I always try to get big amounts of fat and protein in the morning. I've also had big problems with constipation lately. Three days ago I switched to magnesium citrate powder instead of tablets and it helped immensely. Also, I'm sure you've tried this, but in case you haven't, try to get some melatonine, GABA and 5-htp to help get better quality sleep.

Apropos, have you done the Ultramin Quizzes, what were your results?

Just some thoughts, for what they are worth. :)
Hi Drea,

For detox purposes, coffee enemas are useful and in cancer patients there has been some very good results. But if you are feeling heavy and constipated, it is best to look into what you eat first. Did you tried the ultra simple diet? Remember to eat plenty of vegetables and to take regularly magnesium and vitamin C in order to keep the bowels regular.

You can do coffee enemas just occasionally, when you feel you must. Although coffee enemas can helps us to detox, one shouldn't over do it if it doesn't feel right. Some people get bloated with regular coffee enemas.
Hi Drea. Just looking at this list:

[quote author=Drea]

I am feeling unwell and am rather negative because of my health
I have been doing the candida diet for a total of seven months now, and I have made progress
in the past two or so months I have been stressed
My sleeping schedule is out of whack, (my partner works third shift)
EE is often something I put off due to inflammation and stress which makes the breathing incredibly difficult
As far as health, I have a heavy feeling in my body almost consistently.
It is hard to get the motivation (low energy)
My shoulders and upper body get very stiff
in combination with inflammation my bowels hardly move
I have had to cut carbs down

And possibly your answers to this:

Did your partner go to third shift in the past two months or so? If not, what was the change around that time when your sleep was effected? Extended sleep disturbances can lead to extremely low energy levels and considering the changes your body is going through, you need much more energy (from quality sleep), OSIT.

If I may ask, why do you say specifically that you had "had to cut carbs down"? Are you also doing a low-carb diet at the same time as this detox and sleep disturbance is going on?

And thinking about what you said here:

I realize I need to normalize these things in order to cut down on some stress

I'm just speculating, but it appears to me that based on how you describe things, perhaps we could reverse the statement above? Starting with better quality sleep, you may begin to notice more energy, lower stress levels, more energy for EE and all other body functions and health-improvement efforts.

Hoping for the best for you! :)
Are you getting proper amounts of protein and animal fat?

In the mornings I eat eggs or sardines, for lunch it is steamed vegetables, and for dinner I have chicken or another meat. Carbs are limited to a cup of cereal a day or a small helping of brown rice. I have experienced problems with eating too much beef. I have no choice but to buy the farm raised meats at the store, so I am sure the fats aren't the best thing for me.

Also, I'm sure you've tried this, but in case you haven't, try to get some melatonine, GABA and 5-htp to help get better quality sleep.

Actually, I have not tried any of these yet. I was looking to get some L-tryptophan to supplement serotonin and melotonin. Would 5-htp be a better choice?

But if you are feeling heavy and constipated, it is best to look into what you eat first.

I started with eliminating the big candida culprits, but I ended up on a diet that looks a lot like the ultra simple diet. Admittedly, I made many mistakes on the way. My latest one was eating pork skins as a chip alternative. My body does not handle fried foods very well. After I read about deep frying I'm glad.

Vitamin C, magnesium citrate, chlorella, l-glutamine, and rice protein are part of my waking routine. I usually wait for an hour after to I have breakfast. Then I take my multi-vitamin and fish oil. Before bed I drink some ground flax mixed in water for fiber.

The coffee enema is something I have been meaning to try. However, it kind of worries me because when I do regular enemas I usually retain some water. If the coffee has to make its way to the bladder will I be getting caffeine?

Did your partner go to third shift in the past two months or so?

Yes and it is very stressful trying to adjust. It is common for me to only see him for two hours a day. I am really not good at being alone. :(

Carbs were cut down to fight the candida. I realize carbs help with the production of serotonin, which is another reason I need to supplement. This was a change I made some time before the my sleeping cycle got thrown off.

[quote author=Bud]

I realize I need to normalize these things in order to cut down on some stress

I'm just speculating, but it appears to me that based on how you describe things, perhaps we could reverse the statement above? Starting with better quality sleep, you may begin to notice more energy, lower stress levels, more energy for EE and all other body functions and health-improvement efforts.

Hoping for the best for you! :)

Sorry, when I posted that I wasn't very clear on what I was referring to. I did mean it as normalizing my sleep schedule, and doing EE routinely. Better sleep would be a very good start. When the stress isn't there I dream. Lately, I haven't been dreaming, or remembering dreams, so maybe I am not getting quality sleep.

Thank you all very much for the replies. Having help is already allowing me to relax a little. :)
Aragorn said:
Apropos, have you done the Ultramin Quizzes, what were your results?

Just some thoughts, for what they are worth. :)

Just realized I forgot to reply to this. I have done the ultra mind solution quiz and it seems my endocrine system is impaired. I scored high for adrenal and thyroid dysfunction. Also, the scores I got for dopamine, serotonin, gaba, and acetylcholine were a little disappointing. In the past, I have taken just about every anti-depressant out there and that may have been the reason I am in the situation I am in now. Also I have not had a period in five months due to the diet. So, there are some definite issues with my chemistry.
Hi Drea,

Not having your period for 5 months is not normal! Have you checked this with a doctor?

If you are having cereal and rice, you are still having gluten. Eliminate those and add other carbs like buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth or wild rice. These last are pseudo-cereals, hence they don't contain gluten.

You also need digestive enzymes and ox bile in order to process the fats better. Fats are essential to our health.

You need to eat protein at lunch as well, only veggies is not enough! Protein, carbs and fats at breakfast and lunch time. If you must have a lighter meal, it should be at dinner time. Eat like a king for breakfast, like a prince for lunch time and like a beggar for dinner time.

You might also be intolerant to eggs and it's best to test them through the elimination diet (ultrasimple). If you follow the menu on the diet, you'll eat more! And the menu is only a guide and even for weight losing purposes. Most people eat much more!

Just some quick thoughts. As for the coffee enema, in theory it doesn't go into the general circulatory system. Some people who are very sensitive to coffee (giving them palpitations) usually tolerate coffee enemas just fine without palpitations.
If you are having cereal and rice, you are still having gluten.

Yikes, I was under the impression that only rye, barley and wheat contained gluten. My cereal is even marketed as "gluten free". I have tried buckwheat and I have problems with it.

I take a digestive enzyme after each meaty meal, but I may need more than the one caplet I have been taking.

The doctor told me that I wasn't having a period, because I wasn't eating enough carbs. He did not say it was a bad thing, and seemed to shrug it off. Perhaps, if I start eating more this will correct itself.

It sounds like my eating habits are backward here. My biggest meal was usually at night and breakfast was small. This calls for a grocery trip. I'm going to grab some amaranth, wild rice, regular coffee, and some good fatty meat.

Thank you. Your advice was very helpful Psyche.
You'll find a video about gluten intolerance and which foods contains gluten at http://www.glutenfreesociety.org/video-tutorial/gluten-sensitivity-what-is-it/ The gluten-free industry will benefit watching that video as well :)

Buckwheat may have cross-contamination with gluten, so if you react to it, make sure you tried a brand that was gluten-free or that doesn't say "may contain traces of gluten." If you still react to it, then you can eliminate it and then test it with the elimination diet.

Do you know your blood type? Even type As often tolerate pork quite well. Having a good breakfast will also help your adrenals. You need fatty meals cooked with saturated fat, meats and carbs as well. Do eat more :)
My supper tonight consisted of some catfish and wild rice. I have to say the rice tasted better than brown rice, but it was over 3 dollars for 4 ounces. :( It did not give me any problems, so if I can find a good cheap source for it I will be eating it again. I'll be trying Quinoa when I get the chance.

The coffee enema went well. There was no shakiness or anxiety that would normally come with caffeine, but I did notice an increase in blood flow.

Buckwheat may have cross-contamination with gluten, so if you react to it, make sure you tried a brand that was gluten-free or that doesn't say "may contain traces of gluten."

Come to think of it I cannot remember having problems with the box of Kasha, but I found it cheaper in bulk. I will have to try the Kasha again.

I am unsure of my blood type and would very much like to get myself tested. Right now I am thinking it is O+ from what my mother told me, but her memory isn't the most reliable thing.

By the way, how should I be testing the eggs? From what I recall it was 2 weeks without and then trying the food again. Rereading the ultra simple diet thread is the next thing on my list.

Now time for some :zzz:. Thank you again.
Thought I'd update this thread since in the past two weeks a lot has happened.

My eating habits have gotten a lot better. Quinoa and buckwheat are now everyday things for me, and neither of them cause me problems. The eggs seem to do fine with my digestive system, but I found that I am allergic to almonds. So, almond milk is out of the question, and other tree nuts will be the next thing I'll experiment with.

My boyfriend was off work for five days last week and I was treating him very badly. There was very little external consideration on my part. I just felt that I was falling apart and something had to break, because I had been so stressed out for many months. At some point I just kinda fell to the floor and started crying and going through this emotional purging that lasted two days. He was very supportive and gave me an outlet to talk about what was stressing me, and it allowed me to realize there are still a lot of programs I brought with me from my past. (long story for another time)

Interestingly enough within the next two days my body went into all kinds of spasms and the muscles that had been tense for months started to relax. My bowels started moving again on their own for the first time in at least two months, and my period returned. So much emotional garbage just melted away, and I certainly don't want it back!

Something I took as symbolic happened to me yesterday morning. I was walking outside to smoke a morning cigarette and I looked up to see a pigeon flying over me and its outline looked like the classic dove image of Christianity. My thoughts turned to peace and prosperity and how it related to my new feeling of making it through the storm. Two seconds later the pigeon was pinned to the ground by a hawk and desperately fighting to break free. I sat back and tried to debate doing something about it. Next thing I knew I was standing up glaring at the hawk and told it that it was making me angry. Without actually intervening the pigeon broke free and flew into the back door leaving a couple of blood spatters on the white siding. The pigeon sat there all day and when night came I brought it inside in a box to keep it from freezing. This morning it got out of the box and was walking around, so I put it outside and it seemed to be doing okay.

For me it was symbolic of the predator always lurking around the corner waiting for its opportunity. Life is worth fighting for and that was certainly true to that pigeon who gave its all on its dying breath and ended up surviving.

One thing that bugs me is that the pigeon had an injured eye. Hopefully it does not get infected.

So, the stress has gone for now and my health problems that came with it have disappeared. I am going to have to learn better ways of coping with my stress and seek outlets in other ways. It sounds like a challenge that for once I feel up to.

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