Feeling in 3D but not in 4D/5D


Jedi Master

If I understood it correctly, our 4D ancestor's fell for the lizards’ trap and promise to give them in 3D, something that they lacked in 4D - feelings (I include sex as something consisting of feelings; it’s allure was not in the procreation.)

Unless, our primary soul tribe/being was not of 4D… what was it of, then?
3d with some bi-density pre-fall , before it depends on how far "back" you want to go. Not lacking fell into self pleasing , ie , "tree of knowledge of good and evi ".

If I understood it correctly, our 4D ancestor's fell for the lizards’ trap and promise to give them in 3D, something that they lacked in 4D - feelings (I include sex as something consisting of feelings; it’s allure was not in the procreation.)

Unless, our primary soul tribe/being was not of 4D… what was it of, then?
I’m under the understanding that the wave is cyclic 309,000 years (ish) ago was the last ‘time’ is came around. Before then humans were in alignment with 3D STO with connection to 4D STO.

Sex is not the issue per se, it’s the use of sex for self serving pleasure. Yet I can’t imagine what was so appealing that would make us want more …. Kinda boring in my opinion!!
I’m under the understanding that the wave is cyclic 309,000 years (ish) ago was the last ‘time’ is came around. Before then humans were in alignment with 3D STO with connection to 4D STO.

Sex is not the issue per se, it’s the use of sex for self serving pleasure. Yet I can’t imagine what was so appealing that would make us want more …. Kinda boring in my opinion!!

Right. Is not that we were 4D, but that we were 3D beings in alignment with STO 4th density, the bi-density feature might have been a consequence of this, and perhaps because of the cosmic environment was way different back then which allowed some of this also.
Regarding the sex part, more than that being appealing, maybe started more as curiosity at the beginning, sort of like wanting to try that type of physical experience first.
Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a "fall"?

A: Pleasure for the self.
Sex is just one part.

From the moment we wake up it is a continuous search for pleasure.

A coffee, but to my taste...

I don't need breakfast, but it tastes good...

The table in the restaurant..., not that one..., this tip is for you and give me that other table over there...

I already have a car..., but I will do anything to have that other one that will give so much pleasure to have...

Each and every one of the daily actions is a search for pleasure.

And selfish actions to achieve it are the norm.

Of course there are exceptions.

They are very rare around here (the planet Earth, just in case anyone is susceptible), it seems to me.
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Sex is not the issue per se, it’s the use of sex for self serving pleasure. Yet I can’t imagine what was so appealing that would make us want more …. Kinda boring in my opinion!!
Well, sex is such a mechanism for so many things being expressed and obtained. Mainly power, control, attention, yes.. affection, love, care and beauty, but those latter ones aren't drives that create a need for more. The first few, well.. they create dependence.

Think about what sex has become, a sport, a sales tactic, and a way for people to get power over another human being, even strangers across the globe. Sex went (OSIT) from a natural mechanism of creation, the way creative forces would manifest in 3D, to a biological drive through which a person can get power over another human being, manifesting other forces of self serving.

Instead of the sexual act flowing outwards, it now almost exclusively flows inwards. And I think the OnlyFans phenomena is probably the clearest way to illustrate this point.

If I understood it correctly, our 4D ancestor's fell for the lizards’ trap and promise to give them in 3D, something that they lacked in 4D - feelings (I include sex as something consisting of feelings; it’s allure was not in the procreation.)

Unless, our primary soul tribe/being was not of 4D… what was it of, then?
I too find this subject is little confusing. It looks to me that there are two parallel components exist in this event that happened 309K YA - Soul and physical vehicle.

Soul perspective:
Souls are from super ancient legend 'Lucifer' which was in union with One( i thought that is 7D) - They craved for the physicality and all that fallen has to learn hard way. In that sense, 7D too doesn't seemed to be 'sacrosanct'. Sex is a means to the highest form of energy (that direct connection with 'Feminine creative thought'). what I find it interesting is C's mention of 4D STS inability procreate because of being entropic. Whatever they can get from Sex is for power similar to pedophiles of 3D.

Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.

Body perspective:
- Lizards won the 'war over mind' of the previous cycle ( i mean before 309K YA) when Lemuria is one continent in pacific ocean. At that time it is in 4D reality, more like in 3D STO that is in connection with 4D STO . Once Orion STS/Lizards chose to genetically modify the body and it is these Luciferan souls decide to step in to them to 'satisfy their physicality'.

Given that there is no 'time' in that reality where these things happen, it is confusing to say which one is before and which one is after. All can happen at the same time.

Little off topic, though relevant

Based on the current understanding, planet moves into to 4D reality soon as wave facilitates that. In theory, all the bodies on the planet also moves there being on the planet. I am not sure that is correct either. what about OP's and 3D souls that are not yet ready?

Is there a difference between souls (with 3D capabilities) in 4D (STO /STS) and souls (with 4D capabilities) in 4D? . Probably this is where getting 'super powers' with transition comes into picture? Little confusing to me.
catalyst is 100x greater here than Eden.... imagine life in Eden.... wouldn't it seem so benign? Yes, mostly in time/space... Hmm, maybe like the afterlife in 5d? Then the Dracos add in the heavily manipulated bodies, especially the addition of the psychopaths ~50k years ago... a lot happened around that time period it seems. Add in their manipulation of the Nephilim... on 'ice' until needed.... still 3d... is that by choice or not? Seems the Dracos are their own biggest problem... that tunnel vision affect... perhaps our own addictions like sex or violence are a reflection of that?
And we get to 'enjoy' all this 'feeling' here in purgatory. The C's said the east Asians? were more advanced... previous Lemurians, right? If so, this can be explained in that book 'The Art of War'. A bit different mindset than the rest of us here... with so much excess emotions or feelings, especially at these closing events reaching for a climax of its own manipulation. It all seems like a big zit coming to a head.
Instead of the sexual act flowing outwards, it now almost exclusively flows inwards. And I think the OnlyFans phenomena is probably the clearest way to illustrate this point.
Yes, the give and take of sexual energy in balance has been heavily distorted, be it by design to feed those perverted 4D STS or just a natural function of human nature in a STS realm. Either way, what a smorgasbord we offer up to our masters.
I imagine in a STO realm that the desire to serve others encompasses giving yourself freely in love and joy and receiving the same.
I think Ra commented on this something like (paraphrasing) everyone was going around making love with other selves knowing that they each were the One therefore very slow development because lack of catalyst.

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