Fighting an invisible force - Part 2?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Luke Wilson's recent dream about the sun reminded me of a dream I had a month or so ago that I meant to post but forgot to do so.

It was a pretty standard dream with not much going on....I was walking down a motorway with 6 or 7 lanes and feeling pretty this point the sun came out behind me and brightened everything up and began to warm me which I let out a sigh of relief and relaxed.

It should be worth mentioning that the previous months I've had dreams with the re-occurring symbol of sun in. Whenever I see it it warms me and fills me with energy in quite a tangible way.....I do not know if this is a good thing or not, but it is something I was seeking in the dreams.
When I would try to turn myself to the sun to relax, bathe and fill-up/recharge in the warm blinding ball of would be blocked from me. It would move or be hidden behind a building that would suddenly appear.
Something would block it from me....

So, feeling the warmth of the sun on me in this dream I instantly knew it was about to be blocked......and turned around as fast as I could. I wanted to see the sun, and I wanted to see what was hiding it from me. And the only way to do that was to act/move faster than it could.

Behind me, stood between me and the light was a familiar face, with the same sly smile on it.....the 'invisible force' from my dream in March. A black figure with only its face and eyes (possibly glowing, I can't remember) distinguishable.
This time he had friends with him....4 black figures in-front of him....who appeared to be riot police or armed men with guns.
I put my hands up to create a protective barrier of force, and split it down the middle pushing the 4 men aside and held them there as I faced this thing down......
I was fed-up of it interfering!

It stepped forward and the dream changed just like in the previous dream from March did (I couldn't block it because I was holding the 4 other guys at bay...which left an opening for it to step through??), every time I spotted it it would cover its tracks by changing the scenery....and I'd get lost in the dream again.
The theme of the dream was me and some residence realising that the place we lived in was actually a prison, and trying to figure out how to escape....we were not even sure there was an exit!

Given the dream was a while ago it may no longer be relevant....but to have the same 'thing' turn up in more than one dream is getting pretty odd to say the least!! Any input welcome.
fwiw I've seen that smile on the face of a dragon I once saw in a meditation a few years before finding my way here. Can't help thinking I've got something 'attached' to me that may not be too pleasant.
Perhaps these dark menaces are aspects of the self, the shadow, where all of your aspects you felt would make you less appealing to parents and others of authority in your childhood.

These aspects become your shadow, rejected from the self as inappropriate or unworthy.

Such aspects require integration, otherwise they limit one's potential and wholeness. As alienated aspects, they fester in their rejection, becoming so big they the sun.

Thanks Gonzo
That did cross my mind when I wrote the post :rolleyes: it will be interesting to see if it shows up again, as I seem to be discovering and integrating a lot of parts of myself I didn't know I had recently.....all of this has happened in the time after the dream.
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