Find the middle: programs, own thinking...


Dagobah Resident
I will not say anything new, but I can say what I feel and see in myself and in the people around me, which as subjective as it is, it is still a necessary step to reach objectivity.

We can read and read and read, we can know the theory of something or other, we can paraphrase someone... it is fine to do it to some extent. Where is the boundary between thinking for oneself and been thought by others? I absorb information and then I discern it. Based on what? In previously obtained patterns, in lived experience, and so on. How do I know if I am right, if there is such sought certainty?

We are robots. We acquire physical and mental skills which shape us and the result is what we are. Besides, human beings react and live conditioned by external factors, ie by external impulses he acts in one way or another. To put it in a way, he is not "owner" of himself, he has no real control over the situation, he simply reacts to external factors as learned by experience, as inculcated by the family, society, teachers and all that shapes our lives directly or indirectly.

Work that I consider important: to realize about the programs which configure me, knowing at any moment what happens to me and why. That is, not knowing how I am, but knowing why I am as I am. And with constant work, I deprogram myself from that which really doesn't belong to me, but which belonged to others. But who tells me that doing this is yet not another program? Reading and the techniques that I know to work with are necessary tools for this, and I do my best in order to not be thought by others even if what I acquire is of great value: in any case I have the last work

I can follow my intuition thinking that it is right. What if those intuitions are also programs? I must admit that sometimes I come back to this issue, although I know that is not the right way to go. That is why I don't stop in my determination to continue my journey, and even with doubts, I keep going. I avoid intellectualisms, as I have seen that people who are overly intellectual are like computers with a number of programs installed (forgive the redundancy) who paraphrase and "believe" that their opinions are their own, which is not true in most cases. Furthermore it is clear that language is not exactly the best way to convey some knowledge and it becomes obsolete on many occasions. With this I mean that the people can have a lot of theory, but if you don't put it into practice, nor feel it, then all theories and knowledge are useless, it serves only to talk about something that has not been experienced and may not belong to the one who is talking about it.

On the other hand, we must also be aware when we "feel", and we must also discern about what we feel. For this, we need to be informed.

Then: I do not believe anything at 100% and I try to stay balanced on the issues I have discussed above; a way to achieve a goal that I still don't know, and it is fun!
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