Finland: Holmlund wants to utilize army to help the police


Jedi Master
Holmlund would utilize the army to help police to patrol the peripheral areas (

The Finnish Minister of the Interior, Anne Holmlund (Kokoomus), would allocate some of the Finnish Defence Forces' regional human resources to aid the police in the peripheral areas. Holmlund said in Rovaniemi, according to Yle news, that security authorities should increase their co-operation especially around the scarcely populated eastern- and northern-Finland.

Ministry is going to examine the possibilities of utilizing the army for wider use in domestic disturbances.

Minister Holmlund would also want to test a system where police's role would be assigned to authority first to arrive to the area of disturbance.

"Meaning that that official takes the job who is patrolling nearest to the place of disturbance and in time will transfer the matter to that authority to whom it actually belongs."

My comment: I translated this article myself, couldn't find an English version of it anywhere. This comes just a few months after cuts in the police's budget and widening of their districts. There are also many unemployed straight out of police school who could easily be provided jobs. This is just one clear example of the reach of global pathocracy entering into the Finnish domain.

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