Fireball over Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 31/1/13


The Force is Strong With This One
Few days ago I saw fireball over Sarajevo. It was flying at very low altitude (100-200m) and was really slow, something like car speed. It was sparkling like fireworks or similar to welding and then it disappeared behind roof and after that I couldn't follow trajectory, I believe it fell apart. It had strange light it was bright orange, I believe there is something electrical to it.
Very interesting surfer, thanks for sharing!

Did you see reports about it from others? Maybe it was mentioned in the media somewhere? It would be great to add a report to
I haven't found reports in the media, only this theme and reports on one forum from Sarajevo:

Rocket-comet-firework-UFO-over mountain Trebevic

Here are some quotes, sorry for this bad translation with Google translator

jeli ko vidio danas u 17.27h iznad Trebevica ista?
pogleda. na trebevic u smjeru vraca i odjednom vidjeh nesto ko raketa/ vatomet pici s ljeva na desno jako brzo, cu se tih piskutav zvuk i 2-3 puta se ko "raspa" ono ko "two stage" rakete i odjednom nesta.. il izgori, sta vec!!
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Have someone see anything today at 17.27 PM over mountain Trebevic (Southeast Sarajevo)?
view. On mountain Trebevic (SE Sarajevo) towards place Vraca (south Sarajevo) and suddenly I saw something like a rocket / firework from left to the right moving really fast, there was a quiet beep sound and 2-3 times it was “falling apart” like a "two stage" rocket and disappeared suddenly.. or burned out!!

bez zezancije, najlogicnije mi je objasnjenje da je neko ispicao vatromet koji mu je ostao od nove godine, al nije puko neg samo letio.
znas one koji gore i smanjuju se kako lete i nestanu.
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No kidding, the most logical explanation to me is that someone fired fireworks that was left of the new year, but it did not rupture, it just flew.
you know the ones who burn and decreases as they fly and disappear.

Zanemari moje dosadasnje postove i gluposti koje sam pisao..
Vidio sam objekt koji je naglo povecao i smanjio svjetlost. Na trenutak mi se ucinilo kao vatromet, ali bio je na velikoj visini tako da sumnjam
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Ignore my past posts and nonsense that I wrote..
I saw an object that is rapid growth and reduced light. For a moment I thought like fireworks, but it was at a high altitude so I doubt

bez zezancije vidio sam i ja
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No kidding, I saw it too

Dobro je, mislio sam da sam poludio.
Vidio sam "to" u blizini aerodroma u sumrak. Što je najčudnije, išlo je vodoravno. Rekao bih da je visina bila oko 300 metara. Na kraju se samo ugasilo.
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Well, I thought that I was gone crazy.
I saw "it" in the vicinity of the airport (SW Sarajevo) at dusk. Oddly, it was moving horizontally. I would say that the altitude was about 300 meters. In the end it just went out.

Kontam do mene je pa nikom ništa ne govorim,
Vidio sam i ja, nažalost imao sam slušalice pa nisam ništa čuo, ali je izgledalo "lijepo"
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I tought it is up to me and I am saying nothing to anyone,
I have seen it too, unfortunately I had headphones so I did not hear anything, but it looked "nice"

drago mi je da nisam jedini koji je vidio, kontao sam da sam puko.
a Da, islo je vodoravno velikom brzinom
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I'm glad that I'm not the only one who saw it, I thought that I am gone crazy.
Yes, it all went horizontally at high speed

E ovako, maksuz sam dosao na forum da vidim ima li sta o ovome. Nesto su me krenuli ovi bliski susreti. Prije par dana vidjeh ono na istocnom nebu a danas bas oko 17:25-30 vidjeh i taj objekt koji je isao vodoravno i kretao se nevjerovatnon brzinom. Ali sto je interesantno i misteriozno je to da ja to nisam vidio na toj strani vec na suprotnoj strani grada. Bio sam u okolini vogosce kada je objekt preletio preko auto puta, gledajuci iz vogosce prema ilijasu isao je s desna na lijevo. Nevjerovatna brzina. Ne mogu odrediti visinu niti velicinu objekta ali je pichio ko svjetleci metak. Ludilo.
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So, I came to the forum to see if there was anything about this. Something made me go these close encounters. A few days ago I saw it in the eastern sky, and now around 17:25-30 and I saw this object moving horizontally with incredible speed. But what's interesting and mysterious is that I did not see that on those side but on the opposite side of town. I was near Vogosca (6 km N from Sarajevo) when the object flew over the highway, looking out from Vogosce towards Ilijas (8 km NE from Sarajevo), it went from right to left. Incredible speed. I can not specify the altitude or size of the object but it moved quickly as a lighted bullet. Madness.

Bukvalno tako, k'o neki veliki svjetleći metak. Koliko se mogu orjentisati, došao je iz pravca Vogošće, a ugasio se ili nestao, pojma nemam, iznad Butmira ili Hrasnice. I da, išao je velikom brzinom.
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Literally so, like a big glowing bullet. How much I can orient myself, it came from the direction of Vogosca (N Sarajevo), and shut down or gone, I have no idea, beyond Butmir or Hrasnica (S, SW place near Sarajevo). And yes, it was going at high speed.

vidio sam ovo.dok sam bio na grbavici..prvo sam mislio vatromet al veliko nekako mi se ucinilo i nije bilo pucnja
bio i zaboravio na to dok ne vidih temu
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I was in Grbavica (place in Sarajevo) when I saw it.. at first I thought it is a firework but a big one and there was not a gunshot
have forgot about it until I saw this topic

Jasta neg vidio. Stojim na tramvajskoj kod predsjedništva, kad proleti nešto u pravcu Trebevića, dobro je bio sam se ____, mislio sam da sam puko
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Jeah, I have seen it. I'm standing at the tram station at the presidency (in Sarajevo), when something flew in the direction of mountain Trebevic (SE from Sarajevo), well I was (dirty word; astonished), I thought that I have gone nuts

Svjetla tacka na nebu oko 18:00 kretala se prema Trebevicu. Sve se desilo u par sekundi, naglo se svjetlo uvecalo, izletjelo par iskri oko objekta i onda nestalo.
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Light point in the sky around 18:00 PM moved towards mountain Trebevic (SE from Sarajevo). It all happened in a few seconds, light magnified suddenly, a few sparks slipped out around the object and then it disappeared.
I've checked daily papers and there is nothing. Thanks Toda22 for search on klix forum. I would mention again strange glow and tail which was longer then 5-6 diameters of fireball. No wander that stories were written about these type events in history.
On Saturday evening, "above Sarajevo," I saw something (comet, asteroid) very bright with great tail behind. Lasted a while. On Sunday I saw the first one "thick" white streak in the sky, but I did not because of his sight failed to see what's up. And at the moment when I thought, "maybe the plane" plane is encountered. Of course, his track is much "thinner" and quickly disappears. When I stood at the window again, shortly thereafter, I saw other "thick" trail. I'm looking for anything anywhere on portals ... no.

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