First Lizzie dream. Yuck.


The Living Force
This one woke me up at 3 am EST this morning, thankful that it was a dream, but wondering what else it was.

It started as a standard stress dream: being in college and trying to find the right classroom, with a few references to shamanic subjects.

Then the tone and 'experience' abruptly changed to include me with the full sensory range...color, sound, sensation, etc. Two lizardly beings walked out of a classroom hallway and basically told me that "There is no escape. The Change has taken place, and you're going to choose from the options we give you or die."

Then I was restrained and tortured, forced into a series of odd looking bodies, and forced into a very strange totalitarian society.

Despite all that, I kept EE breathing, and at every opportunity, connected with other people doing the same thing.

This broke the dream, so did singing whenever possible, strange as that sounds.

The dream felt geared to terrify...and while it scared me, I wasn't so scared I couldn't function. The torture sure wasn't fun, and mostly consisted of using 'implants' throughout my brain to cause pain, or immobilize me so that other instruments could be put to my joints to cause pain. Instead of totally cowing me, it actually jolted me enough to get around whatever they demanded I do.

I really hope this isn't a fore shadowing of what's to come, but it had a definite 4D 'what fresh hell is this' feel to it, and wanted to share it with the group here.

It sure served as encouragement for EE!
As an update: Before posting about the dream I had, we experienced an earthquake here. (Sott carried a good article on it.)

I thought it was weird to have that kind of nightmare and an earthquake right after each other, but these are weird times....and it isn't the first or last time weirdness is going to happen.

I'd forgotten to do EE and POTS that night, so last night I made sure to do POTS before sleep.

This morning, at 2:45am, AGAIN, I was stumbling out of bed. This time to throw up, or try to. It felt like there were glass shards in my guts, from the upper right side down. I threw up what looked like white foam.

After taking some gas ex and staying upright in a chair, it calmed down. But every time I rolled over on my right side, I had to get up and vomit foam again.

This has never happened before.

Hubby was concerned my bowels had shut down, but they were still working. I'm not throwing up anymore, and I'm keeping food down, no fever, but I'm still in pain on my right side.

Is this just processing the usual stuff? It was odd enough to mention, as too many of us are getting kicked right now.
Sounds like they're on the offensive, trying to scare us into hopelessness. Free will reigns, but it will probably get a lot worse before we get to see inklings of anything positive developing. Thanks for sharing. :)
hithere said:
Sounds like they're on the offensive, trying to scare us into hopelessness. Free will reigns, but it will probably get a lot worse before we get to see inklings of anything positive developing. Thanks for sharing. :)

I agree maybe you are under attack and they just strike you really hard, but also, before an earthquake there is energy released that can cause hallucinations and weird dreams I think, so that could also be it. You know, its weird that you mention the part of vomiting and feeling nausea, the same thing happend to me on Christmas eve, it was so bad that I had to return home from the family gathering!!
Don't forget to get your guard up!

Hello Gimpy,
The dream sure is not usual, and maybe the occurrence of the earthquake triggered some emotions to fuel the dream intensity. Maybe the dream is a metaphor of the internal struggles you have in this moment? Is it reflecting something of that sort?
mkrnhr said:
Hello Gimpy,
The dream sure is not usual, and maybe the occurrence of the earthquake triggered some emotions to fuel the dream intensity. Maybe the dream is a metaphor of the internal struggles you have in this moment? Is it reflecting something of that sort?

Probably. The quake happened after the dream though. :shock:
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