Padawan Learner
I originally went on YouTube to find out if anyone else in Tampa, FL has seen the unmarked black helicopters in the area lately. I was just in my backyard and saw one fly over my neighborhood which reminded me to search online. I only found a few videos and then I started searching for military helicopters since MacDill is right over the bridge to see if they had purchased some recently and maybe they are running drills and I somehow came across this video titled: Fishermen capture military jets chasing UFO into Sea in Spain
Can anyone translate what the fisherman are saying? They seem freaked out. I am always skeptical of videos like this but the way the fisherman are reacting seems genuine although for all I know they could be witnessing the jets shooting down another jet or helicopter.
If anyone can translate this I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Can anyone translate what the fisherman are saying? They seem freaked out. I am always skeptical of videos like this but the way the fisherman are reacting seems genuine although for all I know they could be witnessing the jets shooting down another jet or helicopter.
If anyone can translate this I would appreciate it. Thanks!