Flashback: Putin's recollection of his family during WWII


The Living Force
Flashback: Putin's recollection of his family during WWII: "Life is such a simple, yet cruel thing"

I think SOTT's Staff's consideration in reposting this article was "timely" and an opportune example of focusing on the "Real Putin", verses the recent Media hype of Putin's "gunslinger walk".

There's much dialog in Putin's childhood recollection that reflects his actions, today. Much in line, with Laura's "Amazing Grace", Putin's recollection details insurmountable obstacles in early childhood, many from outside sources, which later formed the basis towards reform in his personal life, gradually influencing the direction and personal actions taken in Public life. The same attributes can be observed and are reflected in Laura, in her progressive pursuit of "Truth" in all it's forms and manifestations.

Putin relates, his Father was a Sailor and served in a submarine squadron in Sevastopol. On August 12, 2000, Russia's new President Vladimir Putin faced one of the worst disasters in Russian Naval history — the sinking of the Kursk submarine in the Barents Sea in which all 118 crew members died. This disaster was the stepping-stone that led to major structural and military reforms in reorganizing Russia's defenses. What we are witnessing now, in Syria, in Russian Military Coordination and advance weaponry is an out growth of those provisions.


His Father was dispatched to a NKVD sabotage squad in the War. Years later, Putin would join the KGB. As President, he was handed a dossier on this group (NKVD) from the archives of the Defense Ministry, which verified information his Father had related to him. Out of 28 that were sent out on the Mission, only 4 survived, his Father, as one of them. As a result of his injuries, he was hospitalized. Putin then goes into some details of the hardships that followed, mainly the lack of humanitarian aid and proper housing, which almost took his Mother's life and resulted in the State forcefully taking a young child (his Brother) to an orphanage - where he died.

Next to reorganizing the Military, Putin set out to reform living conditions in Russia, by introducing the Affordable Housing project. Within this project, there's a revitalization of the Health Care system, with special attention given for young Mother's and Child Care.

An extension of these programs, is Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief.

Putin states, "Our situation was not unique. There was, after all, no family from which someone didn't die or which didn't suffer grief, misfortune, and tragedy. However, my parents still harbored no hatred for the enemy, which is simply amazing. To be honest, I still cannot fully understand it." ........ "Mama was generally a very kind and gentle person. I can remember her saying: "Well, what kind of hatred can one have toward these soldiers? They are simple people and they also die in the war." It's amazing. We were brought up on Soviet books and movies... and we hated. But she somehow did not have it in her. I can still clearly remember her words: "Well, what can you have against them? They are also hard workers, just like us. They were simply forced to go to the front."

Would the above suggest - someone who held strong "moral" convictions - with a traditional Christian like attitude? Could these same ideals - be reflected in Putin's Speech at the Valdai-Forum on 19 September 2013 (copy below)?

Annual Address to the Federal Assembly May 10, 2006

The goal of the Affordable Housing project, for example, is to lower interest rates on mortgage loans over a period of two years and almost triple the total mortgage loans made.

I propose a programme to encourage childbirth. In particular, I propose measures to support young families and support women who decide to give birth and raise children. Our aim should be at the least to encourage families to have a second child.

What stops young families, women, from making such a decision today, especially when we’re talking of having a second or third child? The answers are well known. They include low incomes, inadequate housing conditions, doubts as to their own ability to ensure the child a decent level of healthcare and education, and – let’s be honest – sometimes doubts as to whether they will even be able to feed the child.

Women planning to have a child face the choice of either giving birth and losing their jobs, or not giving birth. This is a very difficult choice. The programme to encourage childbirth should include a whole series of administrative, financial and social support measures for young families. All of these measures are equally important but nothing will bring results unless the necessary material support is provided.

Regarding migration policy, our priority remains to attract our compatriots from abroad. In this regard we need to encourage skilled migration to our country, encourage educated and law-abiding people to come to Russia. People coming to our country must treat our culture and national traditions with respect.

But no amount of migration will resolve our demographic problems if we do not also put in place the conditions and incentives for encouraging the birth rate to rise here in our own country. We cannot resolve this problem unless we adopt effective support programmes for mothers, children and families.

Russia sends 47th humanitarian aid convoy to Donbass, as well as New Year's presents for children and the elderly

The convoy is carrying over 1,100 tonnes (metric tons) of aid, as well as New Year presents for children and the elderly. The convoy vehicles will split into two groups at the border with Ukraine - one will go to Donetsk, while the other one will go to Lugansk.

Putin defends Christianity and condemns anti-Christian West and political correctness


Address by the President of Russia
Vladimir Putin
At the Valdai-Forum
19 September 2013

(an extract)

A further challenge (=Danger) for the national Russian identity is connected to the processes we observe outside of Russia. They include foreign policy, moral and other aspects.

We see that many Euro-Atlantic (= the West) States have taken a course where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization.

In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativised.

There, politics treats a family with many children as equal to a homosexual partnership (juridically); faith in God is equal to faith in Satan.

The excesses and exaggerations of Political Correctness in these countries indeed leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of paedophilia.

The people in many European States are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak about them.

Christian Holidays and celebrations are abolished or “neutrally” renamed, as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays. With this method one hides away the deeper moral value of these celebrations.

And these countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally. I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization (of culture). This leads to deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West.

What can be a better evidence for the moral crisis of a human society (in the West) than the loss of its reproductive function?!

And today nearly all “developed” Western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants.

Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity (=become brutes).

And we think it is right and natural to defend and preserve these moral (Christian) values.

One has to respect the right of every minority to self-determination, but at the same time there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority.

At the same time as this process at a national level (in the West) we observe on an international level the attempts to create a unipolar, unified model of the world, to relativise and remove institutions of international right and national sovereignty. (Putin speaks about the US-Imperium).

In such a unipolar, unified world there is no place for sovereign states. Such a world needs merely vassals.

From a historical perspective, such a unipolar world (of the USA) would mean the surrender of one’s own identity and of God-created diversity.

Russia will side with those who defend the point of view that important global decisions have to be made on a collective basis, and not in the interest of only one state (USA) or one group of states (NATO).

*** "Life is such a simple thing, yet cruel." ***
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