fluted pillars


The Living Force
I was reviewing some of the 1996 sessions today, and I had forgotten about the following exchange from 5/25/96 and 5/27/96:

Q: (L) Why are we talking about Ionic fluted columns?
A: Because they are a link to previous direct contact between humans and density 4 STO!...Empower 4th through 6th density STO channel transceiver.

I am wondering if anyone ever actually tried the suggestions below:

A: Good. Suggest that you install a triple Ionic column with top beam and base, as the Romans and Greeks did, near the deep end.
[the next part of the discussion involves drawing the plan of said structure, and the design of the spiral]
A: Two sided triangle when seen from above, flat top of beam, no gables. 1.3 meters between bases of the three columns. Columns 1.6 meters tall. Base set at 30 degree angle. Center column placed to the East of the pool. Use pure spiral, counterclockwise, corresponding to Northern hemisphere of the planet.
A: ...The spiral must be below ground level by at least 1 meter, must be constructed of blue, gold ceramic tile perfectly cut and even. Columns cannot be purchased as prefabricated. Must be constructed onsite. Cap should be 18 centimeters in height, 2 meters in length, same dimensions for cap and base...Diameter of columns should be 10 to 14 centimeters, width of fluting should be 2 centimeters. Use illustrations of authentic ionic columns as a guide...Width should be 1.6 meters...Mixed blue and gold...Translucent.
A: Place fountain or hydrable pond in front of columns.
Q: (L) Pool shape: square on one end then rounded at one end. Rectangular with a curved end. [planchette is drawing shape of pool] (Curved end to follow guide of columns at end).
A: The fountain should be in between and the spiral in the middle of the pool.

I am in certainly not in a position to try something like this, and I guess most other people aren't either, but there is a lot of explicit material here describing how to build an 'STO channel transceiver', which seems like it could be a good thing...
i also re-read these parts of the transcripts a few days ago.

something that has been rumbling around in my mind ever since i read it, was the C's description of the ancients using stones to provide for them. ("The molecular structure of the rock, when properly sculpted sing to you.")
recently i started thinking that some kind of fluting (flute=music) was used, but that is just a complete shot in the dark. (sorry for this idle speculation)

naturally i have no means of building the ionic column design you quoted... ;)
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