Flying objects in a night sky


Dagobah Resident
Driving a car down a lonely road, on a rainy night. My husband was driving. I saw something in the sky, no lights, but a perculiar shaped, (sort of like the nazi symbol shape) object moving around and I said, "what IS that?". We came to a stretch of road where many people were lined up on the edge of the road to get a view of whatever was in the sky. They were moving about and I warned my husband to be careful not to hit someone. I wanted to stop the car somewhere so we could also get out and look. We came to a populated area near an interstate, and turned into a convenience store parking lot. When I mentioned to someone what we had seen, he laughed and looked up. We saw some helicopters that had the same shape, and I felt disappointed that it was only helicopters. The man commented that people were fooled all the time. I commented that I had read on some blog somewhere that "they" do this on purpose so that we will get used to them, and he just said, that is probably right.
Maybe the dream is calling you to pay attention to covert 4D manipulation around you?

Or perhaps it's a memory.

I'm sorry, that's all I got for now, perhaps I'll think of something else later.
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