Flying rods in France


The Living Force (message #47)

(translated from French)
While derushing a wedding film I shot on the 20/09/08, I was surprised to see very fast artifacts in a 30 second sequence.
For those interested, I work for a company which produces event films. This film was shot with a HD Sony HDR Fx 7e but in SD mode, too bad. The camera was and is always well adjusted . I did a short sequence in slow motion and with a still on the followinfg link: [the quality is poor so you see nothing on this video, better to download that one, full quality]:

I compared with a few flying insects on rushes from the same day and the effect is different coz one clearly distinguishes the type of insect.

There is another interesting phenomenon going on with those things they call "Roswell Rods," too, and I think that is also a 4th Density "bleedthrough." We asked about them a few weeks ago when I was first pointed to the pages about them. It was a short exchange, but worth reproducing here:

Q: Next question. Somebody sent me some information recently about something called "Roswell Rods." Can you tell me what these "Rods" are?
A: Do you mean the life forms?

[I thought this was funny since the above question is absolutely verbatim from the session and I had not mentioned it to the other participants, so no one had any idea that other people were suggesting that they were "life forms."]

Q: Well, that IS what some of the folks are trying to call them!
A: 4th Density Life Forms.
Q: That's pretty interesting. (A) Is it a being with a soul?
A: Sort of.
Q: (A) Intelligent?
A: Relative to others.
Q: In terms of what we know about relative intelligence, could you give us an example of something in our density that relates here?
A: Birds.
Q: They are like 4th density birds?
A: Maybe. That's close enough.

This seems to suggest that we may expect to see a lot of other strange phenomena, either sooner or later, more or less rapidly, as these changes of density manifest here and there on the planet.
Here is a intresting video from "channel 13" (who, funny enough, promises to go to the bottom of this)

From description:
Skyfish is a flying organism, flying at speeds up to 1000miles/hour.[in the clip they say 100mph] This speed made skyfish undetectable to the naked human eyes.

They only found out there's this thing in 1994, when some cliff jumpers with parachutes jumped down and filmed their jump. While the jumpers are descending, they still didn't see anything, but when they viewed their film later, they found that there are many white flying things, which they didn't see during their jump.

In the reportage they travel back to the base jump cave in Mexico were it was seen before and is a known hot spot. They also show that rods/skyfish swim/fly underwater.
I have not put very much energy into the study of this but I believe the original video (at least popular) they appeared in was this one:

Here is one from Russia 2007:

ps, on google:

"flying rods" 18k hits
"skyfish" 148k hits

Hmm I found something, what I consider strange, a trailer to a dvd how to catch "skyfish/rods" Im not sure if this video is a prank or not.
Set in japan it contains a few interviews of "skyfishers", one who got a scar from one, another one claims that they are poisonous.
I was always amazed by this picture of a "battle in the sky" over Nuremberg on the 4th April 1561:


It's categorised as UFO activity which makes one think of "craft" etc. and may well have been, but the idea of 4th density creatures or beings may give it another spin.

Maybe some of the objects are 4th density "craft", but because of electromagnetic disturbances other creatures maybe have bled through or fallen through with them?
FWIW, this may relate to the rods.

i sometimes have short lived but distinct sensation of something rapidly flying over my head. it happens mainly when there's silence around and when i'm engaged in some kind of mental activity (like reading a book, for instance) but i think i also recall experiencing it while being among people. it is certainly not a hallucination as my cats often seem to notice it too. sometimes there are sound effects: i hear a subtle sound like "click" or "pop" at the one side of the room, then i have this sensation of something passing through the air very fast, and then there's again a "click" on the opposite side of the room. the whole thing lasts less than half a second.

has anyone experienced anything similar?
[quote author=lostinself]has anyone experienced anything similar?[/quote]

A scary story from my past. As a Tai Chi student, I had been practicing building up chi between my hands at night, several years ago. By laying down and holding my arms up, palms facing each other 6 inches apart, I found that it is possible to build up chi enough to make discharges jump from my hands. I was particularly successful at building up chi one night, when suddenly something seemed to dive down through the ceiling and bit the chi "ball." My mind overlaid an image of a beak, at least a meter in size. It hurt, and I felt weak and timid for days after, like I did when I used to donate blood. (My friend said I looked like he'd been hit by a truck.) I had forgotten all about this aside until now, and it is one of my weirder moments. I balk at publishing it, as I was too chicken to try again, and it happened once, many years ago. FWIW ;)

[quote author=GRiM]]I wonder if they eat 4th density birdseeds.[/quote]

Do they eat life energy?
Seems we humans are walking food dispensers for 4th-dens creatures :)

Well, all joking aside, I really have no clue what they eat. A guess would be that its energy related seen from our 3dens-viewpoint.


Q: (L) When we go into 4th density are we going to be free of mosquitoes, roaches, slimy worms, slugs and so on?
A: No.

Maybe they eat those?
I have question :

Ok we are 3 Density STS, we seek for true knowledge, in order to be aware what's going on to expand our consciousness to be ready for 4. Density. Am I right ?
And animals are 2. Density.

So, how is it possible that in 4.Density Rods exist? I mean how do they get there?

The C's said that they are like a sort of birds in 4. Density. How can a Rod exist in this Density, that implies that they are much more aware than we are!

Do you know what I mean?
Pashalis said:
I have question :

Ok we are 3 Density STS, we seek for true knowledge, in order to be aware what's going on to expand our consciousness to be ready for 4. Density. Am I right ?
And animals are 2. Density.

So, how is it possible that in 4.Density Rods exist? I mean how do they get there?

The C's said that they are like a sort of birds in 4. Density. How can a Rod exist in this Density, that implies that they are much more aware than we are!

Do you know what I mean?
Maybe it's a 2nd density creature living in and adapted to 4th density environment? The C's often said that 4th density is its own environment, and that in cases of abductions, for example, people are abducted into that environment temporarily, or in cases of 4D underground bases that have 4th density bubbles around them, they can make normal humans enter into the 4th density environment. Plus, what about inanimate matter and plants etc? It's 1st density, and although 4th density incorporates variability of physicality, it is not devoid of matter/physicality, so that implies 1st density also "occupies" 4th density reality in its own way, and the same goes for plants. So it seems you don't need to be a 4th density being to be in that environment, so I don't see why 2nd density can't also exist there in their own way. As for how they get there, I'm not even sure how our earth plants got here, so perhaps the same way, whatever it is?
It's also possible that it's not a 2D creature, but a 4D creature that is 'like a bird'. I can't come up with a reason why 4D would not have 'bird-like' creatures. I don't think there is necessarily a contradiction here, though I certainly might be missing something.

High speed cameras seem to show that some are moths and some are seagulls. so are 'rods' just video frame rate effects similar to 'orbs' being an artefact of digital camera design?
Pashalis said:
I have question :

Ok we are 3 Density STS, we seek for true knowledge, in order to be aware what's going on to expand our consciousness to be ready for 4. Density. Am I right ?
And animals are 2. Density.

So, how is it possible that in 4.Density Rods exist? I mean how do they get there?

The C's said that they are like a sort of birds in 4. Density. How can a Rod exist in this Density, that implies that they are much more aware than we are!

Do you know what I mean?

If we are 3D beings and can see 2D beings, is it not possible that as 4D beings we would see 2D beings in a different way? The C's have said that the planets and moons look differently in different densities. And we may even be able to see beings that are not visible to us at this time in 3D, simply because we do not have the awareness yet. Not knowing what things are like in 4D makes it rather difficult to know for certain what is what. But I think that when one finally gets to 4D, they will be able to see a lot more things/beings that are not visible to us, here, in 3D.
Pashalis said:
I have question :

Ok we are 3 Density STS, we seek for true knowledge, in order to be aware what's going on to expand our consciousness to be ready for 4. Density. Am I right ?
And animals are 2. Density.

So, how is it possible that in 4.Density Rods exist? I mean how do they get there?

The C's said that they are like a sort of birds in 4. Density. How can a Rod exist in this Density, that implies that they are much more aware than we are!

Do you know what I mean?

I had the same exact thought when I read about these and glad I found this thread instead of starting a new one. When the Cassiopaeans were asked "Q: That's pretty interesting. (A) Is it a being with a soul? A: Sort of." and also "Q: They are like 4th density birds? A: Maybe. That's close enough." My interpretation of this is they are similar to our 2nd density critters in the fact they have a group soul, but are inherently 4D.

How or why they exist I still have no idea but a theory that may fit is that these are created or perhaps brought into 4D from 2D or 3D by the Lizzie's too perhaps cruise around the earth and snatch energy from the unsuspecting like a 4D game of "snake", such as what was descibed by Potamus in the below post. So long as they do not run into their own tail, :P they then return the collected energy for consumption? What was also said in the wave is that it is possible for a 3D human to be physically taken into the 4D but they rarely return, instead a soul imprint is used in the majority of abductions.

But I wonder what other types of these "creatures" exist? Are they as diverse as our 2nd density fauna?

GRiM said:
Seems we humans are walking food dispensers for 4th-dens creatures :)

Well, all joking aside, I really have no clue what they eat. A guess would be that its energy related seen from our 3dens-viewpoint.


Q: (L) When we go into 4th density are we going to be free of mosquitoes, roaches, slimy worms, slugs and so on?
A: No.

Maybe they eat those?

Maybe both are correct? In the wave there is a discussion about the 4D STS, who in addition to feeding off our energy, they also take human blood/flesh or cow blood as a substitute (hence the cattle mutilations) for sustenance or to extend there temporary 3D physicality.
My wife has always claimed to see ''flying rods" in the air occasionally. My youngest daughter also claims to. I've see wavy and zig zaggy lines flying around in the air as well, on occasion, but I've just put it down to some visual anomaly as I never spent much time looking into it.

Sometimes it seems that I can see stuff I ordinarily wouldn't, depending on energy levels. When I'm in that transitory hyperactive mode, I can see monitor flicker on those old 50-60 hz monitors as well as from some of those older florescent-type light bulbs, so I'm fairly well convinced there's some connection between higher energy levels and 4th density - or at least 'extra' sensory-type perception or something. I just don't know.
Sometimes it seems that I can see stuff I ordinarily wouldn't, depending on energy levels. When I'm in that transitory hyperactive mode, I can see monitor flicker on those old 50-60 hz monitors as well as from some of those older florescent-type light bulbs, so I'm fairly well convinced there's some connection between higher energy levels and 4th density - or at least 'extra' sensory-type perception or something. I just don't know.

I know what you mean, I also can see things, black spots that are moving fast, something like shadow moving fast, but I can see it especially at night - like the energy is higher then and right now when I look in the air or in empty space it looks like it's moving, like it's accelerating.

Maybe both are correct? In the wave there is a discussion about the 4D STS, who in addition to feeding off our energy, they also take human blood/flesh or cow blood as a substitute (hence the cattle mutilations) for sustenance or to extend there temporary 3D physicality.

Yes, i think it can be very well true, but we'll have to wait and see!

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