Food choices in Bali


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
We come to Bali often and I always struggle with the best food choices. We have a 3 year old son and it can be difficult to find food for him. We have only recently been eating ketogenic at home although I still give him buckwheat and coconut flour pancakes and buckwheat biscuits.
In hindsight I should have brought stuff with us to eat because all he wants to eat here is nasi goring (fried rice).
We stay on a small island off of Bali so there are no supermarkets. We eat local food consisting of chicken, fish, some veges and tropical fruit. Breakfast choice is eggs or pancakes (I choose eggs although my body doesn't appreciate them every day for 2 weeks!). Sometimes we can get bacon for breakfast. It's difficult to get our fat intake so I find myself craving sweeties. I'm sure vegetable oil is used in cooking too...
Any ideas apart from the obvious.. We should have brought our own.
If there is chicken and fish, you can make broths with vegetables on it to curb down the sweet craving. Check out this article for some recipe ideas:
Can you get real butter there? If you can get that and some sliced meat (not processed meat), then you can cut slices of butter and wrap them in the meat to make a 'sandwich' which will include some good fat from the butter (if its chilled, it feels like cheese when you eat it that way). If you can get butter and also coconut milk (not coconut juice), you can boil them together, add some other ingredients (maybe seafood?), and get a nice chowder. I'd steer clear of the fruit, but if you are going to eat vegetables, see what you can find in the way of fermented or pickled vegetables -- it will reduce the impact of fiber and antinutrients, and help you get some probiotics into your system (see the Fermented foods thread for more details).
Apa kabar (How are you), Fisheye? Just curious, did you stop by Denpasar, and isn't there quite a few supermarkets that cater to expats, such as Hardy's at Sanur beach, and Bintang at Seminyak. And I'm quite sure there are delicatessens that sell almost anything you could think of for your ketogenic-gastro concerns :). Bali is one of the few places in where pork is abundant, and well known for its suckling pigs. Have you tried it? In retrospect, Bali is in Indonesia, and Indonesia is the most populous muslim country in the world, thus pork is a no-no. In your hotel, you have to request coconut oil instead of the common palm oil, and butter is plentiful in nearby, smaller Kmart-type of smaller grocery stores. I haven't been there for 3 years, but the 'nouvo and organic veggies and meat' restaurants are popping up a plenty. You may try and ask the hotel to use butter, pork or bacon, and use eggs from local/village chicken-eggs for your son's nasi goreng. Good luck and you should maybe try Lombok Island next time? it's a lot less commercial and 'touristy'.
Thanks everyone.
We are on Nusa cenigan, an island between Bali and Lombok so there are no fancy supermarkets to buy stuff. I have managed somewhat to steer clear of carbs but the fat is still difficult. Back home in 3 days so I'll survive. Next time I will be much better prepared and visit one of those big supermarkets first.
Craving bone broth that's for sure which is a positive turn around from when I first started on it and didnt enjoy it. Now it's what I miss most :-[
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