I came across a strange story tonight while browsing. How much truth there is in it, one wouldn't know. I'm posting another person's post from another discussion board:
Something strange happened in France the day before Christmas: "The first Frenchwoman in space, Claudie Haignere, was rushed to the hospital this week after an apparent suicide attempt" (_http://www.aero-news.net/index.cfm?ContentBlockID=6e76c985-4494-4ebc-a9c2-69ea071e0d7a). The website whatdoesitmean.com affirms that ms Haignere was screaming "Earth must be warned!" just before falling into coma (_http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1181.htm) but this doesn`t seem confirmed until today. However, what is known for certain in this strange case is enough to make it frightening:
Every media agree on that ms Haignere was still conscious when she was found in her home, so she really could have told something which was rapidly censored by the Mossad agent (it isn`t even a secret any more) Sarkozy french president`s government. Also, ms Haignere`s relatives say they don`t know about any reason why she would have tried to kill herself and it is hard to believe that, as a top level physician and medical researcher, she could have mistakenly taken a coma-inducing dosis of anything, as the official story pretends. It`s worth to note that only a few days before (Dec. 11th), ms Haignere seemed very happy to be awarded one of the highest European state decoration for her scientific work. What is even more disturbing is the fact (also mentioned by whatdoesitmean.com) that a laboratory of the "Institut Pasteur" dept of bacteriology where ms Haignere was conducting researches was mysteriously destroyed by fire on the same day she "inadvertently put herself" into coma (_http://www.wflxfox29.com/Global/story.asp?S=9575266&nav=2JWi).
I wouldn`t really be surprised to learn one day that ms Haignere was trying to warn mankind about an impending world pandemic, be it "natural" or man-made, about which the governments in the secret are not willing to give us warning...
By the way, in the light of this strange affair, I wonder if the two French "bio-engineering" research students slaughtered in July 2008 in London were not somehow connected to the same kind of forbidden knowledge ms Haignere wanted to warn us about. (_http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/europe/news/article_1414792.php/Two_French_students_killed_in_horrific_attack_in_London__Roundup_). Did they know too much?