Former President Jimmy Carter



Former US President Jimmy Carter will be making an appearance at my workplace tomorrow to promote the US Senate race of his son Jack Carter. While I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting in any questions to him, if I did get a chance to speak, does anyone have any questions they'd like asked?

1. Why, for the love of God, did you appoint Zbigniew Brzyznki (sp?) as National Security Advisor?

2. Like a copy of Ponerology?
"You promised that when you became President, you would reveal all UFO secrets.
So why didn't you force Bush Sr. to turn over all findings by presidental directive?"

Shorter and quick version:
"Why didn't you force Bush Sr to turn over UFO evidence by directive?"
I like the Zbigniew Brzyznski question, but it's now a moot point. The meet & greet was more a promotion for his son's senate race, and though I did make an attempt, I didn't really get a chance to say anything of any significance. Ah well...

I was hoping to talk to Jack Carter regarding his opinions on Israel and the contrast with his father's opinions on the subject, but the crowd was a little too much for me to squeeze in.

Now that I think of it, presenting the former president with a copy of Ponerology would have been rich...
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