Four Secret Service Agents hurt in crash


The Living Force
I have been noticing a lot of "discrepancies" in major news reporting lately and wanted to point this one out, for it's on "four Secret Service Agents" connected to Hillary's Campaign.

First report came up on Yahoo News - stating, "4 Secret Service Agents guarding Hillary Clinton "die" in a car crash," The link goes to a short ABC's news report. The report states that the 4 Agents were seriously hurt in the crash, had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to hospitals. The driver of the other car - died at the scene. Nothing about "dead" Secret Service Agents. Six hours later, ABC comes out with an update, showing the same video but gives no retraction on the earlier error - that all four Secret Service Agents died? Yet, (as of this writing) the first Report is still listed "in the top ten reports" for Yahoo?

Video: Four Secret Service Agents Guarding Hillary Clinton Die in a Car Crash
ABC News‎ - 17 hours ago

Four Secret Service Agents Guarding Hillary Clinton Die in a Car Crash (ABC News video)

Then Beforeitsnews website picked up on it .....
Four Secret Service Agents Guarding Hillary Clinton Die in a Car Crash Thursday, December 31, 2015 2:31

Then in the New York Post - they correctly state that the Agents were hurt and driver of other car - died in the crash.
Secret Service agents hurt in deadly crash were on Hillary’s security detail (18 hrs ago)

CONCORD, N.H. — An unlicensed driver trying to pass a car on a snowy road in New Hampshire died after colliding head-on with a car carrying four Secret Service agents on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s protective detail, police said Wednesday.

The accident happened shortly after 7 p.m. Tuesday in Wakefield, near the Maine state line.

The agents were in a Ford Taurus heading south on Route 16, Wakefield police said. A northbound Mercury Sable with three people inside crossed over a double yellow solid line and hit the agents’ Taurus.

NBC correctly stated that the Agent's were seriously hurt and the driver of the other car - died at the scene.
Secret Service Agents Hurt in Fatal New Hampshire Crash Were Part of Clinton Detail (22 hrs. ago)

(6 hours later, ABC News does an update - shows the same video but no retraction on earlier statement -" that the four Secret Service Agents - died in the crash?")

Motorist Dies in Collision With 4 Secret Service Agents
ABC News‎ - 23 hours ago

A motorist was killed when his car collided Tuesday evening with another vehicle carrying four Secret Service agents in Wakefield, New Hampshire, according to the Wakefield Police Department.

According to police, Bruce Danforth, 45, was driving a Mercury Sable north on Route 16 when his vehicle crossed over a double-yellow line into oncoming traffic. The Sable collided head-on into a Ford Taurus that was carrying the on-duty agents, police said. Police are still looking into what may have contributed or caused the accident.

Danforth died at the scene, police said, and his girlfriend, 35 and friend, 21, were hospitalized.

All four of the Secret Service officers were transferred to Frisbie Memorial Hospital for treatment, Wakefield Police Chief Kenneth Field said in a statement. Their names have not been released.

"At this time, our personnel have sustained what is described as serious, but non-life-threatening injuries," Secret Service officials said in a statement today. "Please join us as we keep all the victims of this accident and their families in our thoughts and prayers."

Police said the agents were on protective duty Tuesday night at an event for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Berlin, north of where the crash happened at about 7 p.m.
Three volunteers and a staffer, for the Carson campaign were involved in a car accident in Iowa.

Carson suspends campaigning for 2 days after car accident involving staffers

Tue January 19, 2016 - Three of the passengers, including the campaign staffer driving, were checked out at Cass County Memorial Hospital in Atlantic, Iowa, but one volunteer was being transported to a Nebraska trauma center.

Carson, who was campaigning in Charleston, South Carolina, is traveling to Omaha, Nebraska, Tuesday afternoon to be with the volunteer's family.

Ben Carson canceled campaign events for Tuesday and Wednesday after three volunteers and one staffer for the retired neurosurgeon's campaign were involved in a car accident.

"We unfortunately had some tragedy in our campaign today," Carson told CNN affiliate WCIV in Charleston, South Carolina, where he had been campaigning. "One of the vans in Iowa, with one of our staffers and three student volunteers, hit a patch of ice, flipped on its side, (and) was hit by another vehicle."

Iowa State Police Sgt. Nathan Ludwig told CNN that the accident happened on I-80 near Atlantic around 9:45 a.m. CT when the driver lost control of the van after attempting to change lanes. The van traveled through the median and was broadsided by a Chevrolet Avalanche pickup truck.

Ludwig said he did not know the conditions of the victims.

The campaign said three of the passengers, including the campaign staffer driving, were examined and released from Cass County Memorial Hospital in Atlantic, Iowa. One volunteer was transported to the trauma center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska.

"Everybody's being looked at in the hospital right now. One person is very gravely wounded," Carson added.

Carson said he had spoken with a neurosurgeon who was attending to the seriously injured volunteer, who was identified by campaign spokesman Jason Osborne as Braden Joplin. Carson also said he had spoken with Joplin's family and that he would travel to Omaha to be with him.

"I think that's where we need to be right now," Carson said.

Osborne, who told CNN that the campaign suspended events through Wednesday, was unable to provide Joplin's age but said he was either in college or a recent college graduate. Osborne would not release the name of the driver.

Carson's Iowa state director, Ryan Rhodes, asked for prayers in a Facebook post.

"Today is one of those days where it's about more than politics please pray for Braden a dedicated volunteer who put his heart and soul into this effort. Somehow the words Trust in God mean more now than can be expressed," he wrote.
Ben Carson Campaign Volunteer Worker Killed in Car Crash

01/20/2016 - A campaign volunteer for GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson was killed in a crash on an icy road in Iowa on Tuesday after the van he was riding in with other campaign workers collided with another vehicle.

Braden Joplin, 25, of Midland, Texas, died after the 9:25 a.m. accident on I-80 near Atlantic, Iowa, a small city between Des Moines, Iowa and Omaha, Nebraska, Iowa State Patrol Sgt. Nathan Ludwig tells PEOPLE.

Carson, who was in South Carolina at the time, cancelled his remaining campaign events and travelled to the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, where Joplin was taken after the crash. Joplin was pronounced dead at 4:30 p.m., hospital spokesman Taylor Wilson tells PEOPLE.

Calling Joplin an "amazing young man," Carson said at the hospital that, "the thing that impressed me the most was how compassionate and caring he was about the feelings of other people."

Saying that he hoped Joplin's death would not be in vain, Carson said, "I just hope that maybe his death will help some people to think about the hard-heartedness that has infested our land. People are just mean. They don't care about anybody but themselves. He was just the opposite of that."

Joplin was studying agriculture economics at Texas Tech University in Lubbock but had taken the spring semester off and went to Iowa on Jan. 4 to volunteer with the presidential campaign, according to The Des Moines Register.

"He's an inspiring man,” Joplin told the newspaper of Carson. "I feel like he can bring hope to a nation that's in turmoil."

At the time of the crash, Joplin and two other campaign volunteers were traveling west on I-80 in a 2015 Ford van when the driver, a Carson campaign employee, tried to switch lanes, hit a patch of ice, crossed the median, came up on the opposite side of the road and flipped on its side, according to the Carson campaign and state police.

The van was struck by a 2012 Chevy Avalanche carrying five people, including three children, Ludwig tells PEOPLE.

Joplin, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was taken to the hospital, said Ludwig, who added that he did not know where in the van Joplin was sitting. The other campaign workers were treated at an area hospital and released, according to the Carson campaign. The conditions of the people in the other vehicle is unknown at this time.

Ludwig tells PEOPLE that the roads were icy at the time of the crash. In fact, another fatal accident occurred about 5 miles south about 90 minutes later, he said.

Carson said campaign workers, who work "long hours in the cold, under-appreciated," are "the unsung heroes of the political process," he said in a statement.

Several fellow presidential candidates, including Republicans Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio as well as Democrats Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders conveyed messages of condolences and prayers.

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