Fourth way dances

I noticed this group was performing in Vancouver, and I was curious if anyone saw any of their performances. And if so, what they thought about it.
Wow. I wish I could have gone to see this.

Here is the overview:

Alleluia: Dances of the Fourth Way Dervishes
Witness a demonstration of rarely seen movements and music.
From contemplative moving meditations to fiercely energetic dervish dances,
these movements spring from living sources of ancient traditions,
both East and West.

The program includes extraordinary forms of dancing meditations as well as a selection
of treasured movements from the Gurdjieff legacy, carried forward to these times both
as moving prayers and as a unique practice invigorating the inner striving to know oneself
and cultivating the integration of body, heart, and mind.

With the accompanying piano compositions of Gurdjieff / De Hartmann, these sacred dances
embody a living teaching - timeless, eternally precious and still unexpectedly fresh
- morning dew on ancient earth.

I also found this on the site which I really liked, and I think others here will appreciate:

similar but not

a flock, herd, tribe, school,

not birds not buffaloes not monkeys not fishes

but similar

each recognizing each

choosing to group with others of the same intent

independent, individually choosing

vigorous and determined inner effort

to swim together

with congruent aims and aspirations

striving forward towards awakening

as individuals, as a group

principles and standards in common

upstream away from comfort, away from personal desires, against the habits of sleep

in the same direction

sensitized to the same gravitational pull

choreographed in synchronous harmony

by recognition of simple Truths and invisible Love of the Work

gifted with teachings and guidance

inspired by guileless innocence and potent wisdom

newborns, children, teens, renunciant singles, dedicated householders, experienced elders

striving upstream towards the same destination

common threads of daily inner efforts, self study, self knowledge, transformation of negative emotions,

three centered integration, virtuous intent, right action

not a church, though prayer and reverence happen daily

not activists, but actively studying the true nature of the game and the current state of the planet

not “Hippies” but hip to right livelihood and an ethically sound and sustainable existence

not devotees, but very devoted

music, movement, meditation, artfulness in many media, satire, soccer, and sailing

homesteading, homeschooling and hard physical work

over time, new faces, new places, activities change and adapt

the core remains the same.
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