Fox News poll: 6 out of every 10 Americans consider Obama a 'Liar'


FOTCM Member
I was a bit surprised that the poll was released by Fox News, but here it is:

A Fox News poll released Wednesday shows that six out of every ten Americans believes that President Barack Obama lies to the American people, at least some of the time. A plurality – 37% - say that he lies “most of the time,” while another 24% say he lies “some of the time.” Another 20% say he lies once in awhile, while only 15% say that he never lies.

When asked for examples, most of those who called Obama a liar cited his claim that those who already had an existing health care insurance policy would not be required to sign up for the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare). “If you like your plan, you can keep it,” Obama stated on several occasions, and many of those polled said that, in their experience, this has not turned out to be the case.

Among those who said that the President lies “most of the time” are significant parts of key Obama constituencies. The poll showed that 31% of unmarried women and 34% of unmarried men under age 30 held that belief, as did 12% of blacks and 16% of liberals.

The poll, said Fox News, was based on a random sample of 1,012 voters from around the U.S., reached by landline and cellphone, with the poll taken under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from April 13-15, 2014. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.
The problem with Fox News is that they are advocates of the neo-cons faction of the TPTB. And those are true extremist whackos.

Still, as we have seen with their questioning of the global warming scam, Fox News cannot help but report the truth sometimes.
Yeah, Fox is definitely anti-Obama so you have to take any poll by them with a grain of salt.
Laura said:
Yeah, Fox is definitely anti-Obama so you have to take any poll by them with a grain of salt.

Thanks, Laura, I didn't know about it. This certainly explains why Fox is the only American source who initiated and published this poll. The news is everywhere now, except for the American sources.

I also found it curious that the first media to announce the poll was this Israeli source. They obviously must have some current tension with the Obama team. I remember some days ago the US criticized Israel for their neutral position about Ukraine.

Another interesting detail that I have just noticed: if you google "Obama liar", this topic seems to be in the air even among the Democrates - just a couple of examples:

April 11, 2014: Claude E. Welch: Obama Derangement Syndrome on display

Never in the history of our country has any public official been more criticized and maligned than President Barack Obama. Just today I saw a large and most obvious sign facing a busy US Highway 59 that reads as follows: “Satan and Obama — Equal Liars.”
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Yet another Democrat:

March 29, 2014: Bob Kerrey Calls Obama a Delusional Liar; Media Mum

Imagine if a former Republican presidential candidate and U.S. senator had called a current Republican president a delusional liar whose programs are wasteful. Would the mainstream media not be all over the story? Such a person would be interviewed at length by Wolf Blitzer on CNN as well as made the rounds of the morning talk shows and the Sunday news programs as well. The media buzz would be red hot on this topic for days extending into weeks.

Well, there is such a person but because he is a Democrat saying these things about President Obama, we can expect him to become an MSM nonperson. Such seems to already be the fate of former presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey. It is no surprise that his extended criticisms of Obama appeared in in a Daily Mail article in Britain, not in America where the shunning seems to have already begun.

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