Freak! Malaysian Fisherman Reels in Shark with 'Webbed Feet'


The Living Force
FOTCM Member News Service
March 14, 2007 14:28 EST

Penang, Malaysia -- Has anyone ever seen a baby shark with webbed feet? A worker of the Malaysian Fisheries Development Board (LKIM) in Batu Maung, Penang, made this unusual find when she was given the 1.7kg fish by a fisherman at the jetty recently.

Mary Looi, 48, said she only realised the shark was different when she wanted to cook tomyam fish for lunch for her family.

“It was only when I was about to cut the shark the day after I received it that I found two webbed feet sticking out from the lower part of the body.

“The shark is one-metre long,” she said.

Looi said she dared not cook the fish after consulting her husband Gooi Man Kaw, 57, who told her that according to Chinese belief, eating fish with unusual features could bring disaster or ill luck.

“Immediately, I returned the fish to the fisherman that night at about 10pm.

“He threw it back into the sea,” said Looi.

Looi, who has been working at LKIM for 10 years, said this was the first time she had stumbled upon such an unusual find.

When contacted, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Muka Head marine research station head Prof Dr Zulfigar Yasin said this is the first time he had heard of fish with legs found in the Malaysian waters.

“There is a possibility that the fish could have swum from other waters into Malaysian waters.

“As far as I am concerned, fish species with legs or bony fins can only be discovered in the waters of North Sulawesi in Indonesia or South Africa,” he said.
dunno. could very well be a photoshop, or some kind of deformity on the actual shark. or perhaps sharks will soon herald the apocalypse as they walk the ground and consume us all, as indicated by some of the priceless comments on that site: :lol:

Looking through the book of Revelations, Chapter 9 we are clearly headed for a time of great sorrow. These animals are now able to walk by the power of satan. This is my greatest fear as I have seen the raw power of a shark. [...]

[...] "Scientists" will probably try to write this off as "evolution", but most reasonable people know that you and I didn't come from no monkey! All things in this world come from God or Satan and a creature as foul and evil as this one clearly came from the depths of hell! Consider this a sign of things to come, so you better set your business right with the Lord TODAY!

As the war prolongs in the ME the easier it is for Satan to create half man half beasts. Keep the debate on this going and before you know it we will be engulfed in the Rapture.

[...] God is REAL and he occasionally put things in front of us to test our faith. They may not make any sense logically, but that is why this is a test of "faith" not logic. Stop believing with your eyes and start believing with your heart.

:umm: :nuts:
:scared: :scared: :scared:
Land Sharks are rare, but vicious animals that usually live in groups called "Pods" much like whales. However, land sharks can also travel alone. Land sharks are most common along the shores Of Maine, Georgia and West Virginia. During the winter, Land sharks migrate to Mexico in order to maintain their body heat. Land Sharks are able to travel on land and swim long distances, but are rarely spotted on land. These creatures are shy, intelligent, and will only attack during the winter when food is scarce. Land sharks, unlike a regular shark, are different than there relives and have 2 back legs. A full grown Land Shark can weigh up to 300 pounds and can stand from 5 to 6 feet tall. A small land shark pup is about the size of a small dog and weighs about 3 pounds at birth. Land shark pups travel with their mothers until the age of 5.

edit: By the way, I should say the quote is joking, one would think... maybe? maybe not? After all, ALL is possible ain't it?
I've a doubt too because there's a source link to and I can't find the article on it.

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