French homeless to wear identifying triangles


The Living Force
A town in France, Marsailles is apparently giving the homeless triangles to wear that also identify their medical histories.
I thought this was satire at first.
Verified here:

This is absolutely disgusting, blatantly psychopathic and anti-human. I hope the people of Marseille do not stand for this.
This is quite shocking! With the police state in the US ramping up, becoming more and more overt, and then stories like this, I'm reminded of how the C's said that Nazi Germany was a practice run for the control system to be implemented in our current time. I can't say it isn't something I haven't been expecting, having been reading about it here for years, but to see it happening right in front of your face in such a blatant way is definitely hitting me hard.

Thanks for posting, davey72.
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