
I just watched this movie, and thought it would be worth mentioning in this forum.
The movie is about a man that establishes contact with his father 30 years into the past with a shortwave radio, something that stirs up the past and present.
As one can imagine, this inevitably leads to a lot of changes throughout the timeline, and a lot of the movie consists of attempts to straighten out the negative consequences that's come up as a result of this contact, as well as improving the 'current' status.
(The fact that the past is being altered, in order to create a better situation for the main character's family, would probably be considered STS, but then again, the people involved had no clue what they we're getting into when the contact was established, so it's mostly damage control).
The movie's antagonist is also a full-blown psychopath, that seems to be depicted quite realistically.
All in all, I think it was a very good movie, and the fact that its plot is closely related to a lot of the topics being discussed here; it's well worth checking out.