This documentary is a real piece of work!
Yes, this story provided an accurate picture of police-state brutality. But it also provided an unspoken excuse for it.
When a seasoned news journal like the Fifth Estate presents such a piece of cognitively dissonant tomfoolery as this, I find I can easily deduce that there is either a significant case of insanity or outright ponorology infecting the Canadian news media.
To not examine the question of Agent Provocateurism is to side with the evil empire. (There were many strong indicators that agents were being used to deliberately create an excuse for police-state tactics.) As such, this nasty little documentary is a clear example of social sculpting, the message being: "We can do whatever we want, you can't stop us, so shut up and feel glad you have what freedom we grant you." You should have stayed at home, indeed!
Canada is a country with pretend freedom and a nasty little government which, when push comes to shove, will trample rights quietly, thoroughly and without remorse.
It's not the first time. There are many instances in many different kinds of situations. From the ridiculous, (government spooks raiding and seizing without warrant or excuse that strange character, John Hutchison's warehouse full of electricity experiments when they thought he might just be on to something), to simple heartless thuggery, (single working mothers having their bank accounts and pay checks seized for supposed tax violations, leaving them unable to pay rent or buy food.)
Canada is a "Rabbit" on the Chinese astrology chart: Diplomatic, cute, seemingly innocent, but ultimately selfish and remorseless. The ultimate fair-weather friend who will stab you in the back the moment the situation turns. Canada excels at Game Theory, wears its mask of sanity with great facility.
When it comes time to issue truncheons to the police state orcs, Canada will be at the head of the line.
For shame.