Future Dreams


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I’m going to spare ya’ll the write up on the dreams in an effort to not have a lengthy post, but if interested let me know and I write some. Since the mid nineties one of the themes of my dreams is of being instructed that I will be left behind, a great many people and material will pass away, and I’ll be left and things I need to do after the terrain changes.

OK, left behind? In 3D after the hullabaloo? I thought that was going to be cold wind and red skies…great…that’s not however what I saw in the dreams, it was much fresher newer, not bad. So…4D STO? I’m good with that.…but dunno. If I understand correctly if this hullabaloo comes people would be moving to 3D left overs, 4D STO, 4D STS, and 5D.

Although strong and collaborative, I still only give these left behind dreams a …say…50-60% chance of fulfillment. Actually I wouldn’t know how to go about judging future or prophetic dreams for validity. For now they are a curiosity.

“If” one was to skinny through this probable change that is coming, what could be taken with, how could you prepare? I’m thinking only your mind, heart, and body. So what have I done?

Certainly not because of the dreams, but because of the “everything” that makes up mosaic of my life…I stopped working, read constantly, meditate, and exercise and learn about different detox things one can do for the body, and studying languages. I’m visiting friends and relatives and staying above Los Angeles and watching the world.

Mostly I feel I’m moving in the right direction, often I feel tiered, depressed and just wish we could close the book.

Why tell the group? Anyone with similar dreams or thoughts on if the big wave/change comes what will the different directions be for the souls and un-souled?

Hi Adobe

Adobe said:
Although strong and collaborative, I still only give these left behind dreams a …say…50-60% chance of fulfillment. Actually I wouldn’t know how to go about judging future or prophetic dreams for validity. For now they are a curiosity.

I think this is a healthy attitude to take....but something about them is bother you, yes? Is it perhaps the thoughts and emotions that go with being left behind??
My interpretation would be that these dreams may well have more to do with the emotion of the event (such a large event, so overwhelming), rather than the event itsself. That is the emotions are important aspect to explore, and it may be completely unrelated to the wave at all.

Adobe said:
Mostly I feel I’m moving in the right direction, often I feel tiered, depressed and just wish we could close the book.

I know how that feels. Have you started the E-E breathing program yet? Just doing the pipe breathing and listening to the Prayer of the Soul every night (i.e. seeded meditation) has helped heal me more than anything else I have come across. You will probably want to leave out the bio-energetic/round breathing part for now.
Check out the Important threads in the Diet and Health section too as this plays a very important role in your mental health (check the UltraMind quiz). I've been having the detox shake every day for breakfast for the last few months and between the E-E program and the detox shake its helped no end with my tiredness.
Also a thread that helped me a lot when it comes to depression was Depression as a Stepping Stone to Soul Growth.

Hopefully all this will be of the most help. My impression is that your dreams of being left behind (abandoned) and your depression and tiredness may well be related, in that it is mostly to do with the emotional content, the sense of abandonment....this may well be exaggerated by chemical imbalances in your body (showing as tiredness).

The Big 5 psychology books will probably give you the best insight in to where these emotions come from, and how to look at them differently while the E-E Prayer of the Soul will help you heal them. :)

I know this may not be what you where expecting in way of reply, but it may be worth your while to look in the direction of your emotions for a moment and let go of 'being left behind' for the time being. You haven't been abandoned yet!!! :)
Adobe said:
I stopped working, read constantly, meditate, and exercise and learn about different detox things one can do for the body, and studying languages.

Hi Adobe. I can't find anything to add to RedFox's post except to say I agree with all of it, so I'll go another direction:

What is it you "read constantly"? Is it something you can use to help someone 'else' understand something about themselves or the world?

What are your experiences and benefits from your meditation? Is there something you can use to help someone 'else' understand something about themselves or the world?

How about "exercise"? What have you gained that might help someone?

What about "different detox things one can do for the body"? Do you have enough knowledge about, at leat, one detox method that you could share with a stranger wanting to survive a post-hullabaloo environment?

What about "studying languages"? Have you achieved a minimum ability to speak to someone in another language about exercise, detox, meditation and what to read to get a better understanding of their world?

As a thought experiment, you could pretend that no matter what happens, YOU could go or be anywhere you want, but since you're here, why not put your caring, compassion and education to use in helping someone to follow you out of the mess? That could be an exercise that might yield some useful ideas.

My 2 cents, fwiw. :)
Thanks guys;

No, I dont feel abandone just the opposite, I feel lucky to be a survivor with a worth work. It was years later, after knowing more about densities etc that I thought...hey left in 3D? But the gods truth I dont care where I end up as long as its were Im supposed to be (my path), and I have something interesting to do. Yep been doing the EE program for a month now. And, when I said "tierd" I probably should have said "irritatied" by the process of dealing with the matrix. Pressently my health is tip top. As to the detox stuff, I read some material years ago about how they detoxed the children at Chernoble(sp) and it amounts to baths and supplimennt. Im sorry if I gave the impression I was suffering here...Im not. I was looking for similar dreams and some thoughts about migration after this time period. By the way I do practice the bio-energetic breathing and wow...it was tough at first, but its starting to smooth out.


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