Galapagos sea lions move 900 miles


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

Sea lions abandon Galapogas Islands for warm Peruvian waters

A colony of sea lions, previously unique to the Galapagos Islands, has unexpectedly moved 900 miles south-east to an island just off the coast of Peru.


Typically global warming is implacated in this strange event, but perhaps it may have something to do with cooling of the Pacific waters around the islands and the El Nino -Southern Oscillation climate pattern possibly entering a cold phase (La Nina)

Whatever the cause it seems very unusual.
I would say that the rise in sea-water temp is due to undersea volcanic activity. That increases evaporation of the seas while the atmosphere continues to cool resulting in the moisture precipitating as snow - as we see happening. I'm not sure that I think the sea water will begin to cool any time soon as I think there is a lot of activity going on under the ocean and even under the arctic. Only time will tell.

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