Gathering of heavy smokers dream


Jedi Council Member
Hi, everybody! I’m a not frequent dreamer, the last one I saw in June, This night I saw a dream, most of the night I couldn’t sleep, was just quietly lying in bed not to awake a son, heard my spouse coming and doing something in the living room (had to finish a job and didn’t go to sleep), and then almost in the dawn I fell asleep.
The first thing I remember in dream that I was trying to find a forum’s thread on tropical ice (source of Laura’s last editorial), but couldn’t locate it anywhere. I tried to do different searches, but it disappeared. Then the next episode I find myself as a guest in a house in a room full of people. All attention is in the center of the room where a round table covered with brownish cover is placed. The weirdest thing is that I never encountered in ‘real’ life as many heavy smokers as in that room. All-pervading smoke from cigars and sigarettes was everywhere to make me almost faint. It was some gathering of smokers. People discussed something and then like voted on something and then I was invited to come near the round table. Someone assisted me to sit at the table and started to make 3 braids from my hair. Someone complained that hair is too short to make needed braids, but then it was done. Then the most elderly person explained to me that “the people think from above to belowᾠ and I will need to learn to think “from below to aboveᾠ. Somebody brought a picture and put it in front of me which illustrated what I had to become. It was a picture of a child with a long protruding tongue handing down from his mouth.
Tongue was unnaturally long like of a man after hanging, but child was alive, had semi closed eyes and was smiling! Elderly person started to move out of room, indicating the meeting was over, but I had enough time to ask a couple of specific questions, one of them was something like: is that connected to neurotransmitters and the answer was yes, then I asked a couple of specific questions, which I don’t remember, answers were also yes. Then the elderly person stopped in front of me and said: “you have to figure it out yourself. The only hint I can give you is The person doing what you have to do has to be ever hungry. Ever. Never satiated.ᾠ
That’s all.
Got a dream today. My dream is nothing special: I was arguing with officials from Ospedale of Umberto I in Rome to make conditions of patients there more survivable. First I was arguing with the Head of Ospedale, he sent me to docs, they sent to tirocinio docs and then I end speaking chatting laughing and drinking wine with nurses… Actually this dream comes directly from a ‘waking’ life. Couple of days ago I watched my favorite natural anti-stress-bad mood remedy – Striscia la notizia on mediaset. There was one episode on how non-acceptable are conditions in public health hospital Umberto I in Rome, patients almost lay in corridors, rooms overcrowded, scarce medication, sterilized stuff is kept in the same underground corridors as trash! No money are coming to remediate such precarious conditions, while at the same time offices of docs are richly decorated, and doors in their offices are sumptuous and luxurious originals from ‘the epoch’. So, I just drugged something I saw on tv in my dream. Here nothing special.

I was surprised when suddenly in the morning my mother told me:
- you know, that night I almost didn’t sleep and then I saw a dream almost on the dawn tonight.
- ?
- it was about you. Some warning. Something you shouldn’t do. I saw like you are entering home, door opens, and there is that stuff you listen to often, is hanging on your chest [I listen to CD-mp3]. And then I heard a voice, it was coming like directly into my brain, and that voice said: tell her to stop listening to that device, it’s very dangerous to her, there is very strong irradiation that will kill her. My mother asked that voice in her head or something how it can be dangerous? That voice answered: she [me] has a wound here, very serious, and showed on my [in dream] solar plexus or middle-chest zone. That irradiation kills her. My mother answered: there is no any wound here. She has a wound here in throat [I had / have some serious condition in one of tracheal rings, but that medically isn’t a wound], but that voice told my mother that ‘wound’ isn’t in the neck, but in a chest – plexus and I should absolutely stop listening to that device as its irradiation is extremely dangerous.
What do you think about this mom’s dream? This voice in her head could be sts gods with tails too. I’m asking because usually I listen sott podcasts only on my cd-mp3, but yesterday I made ‘a break’, and listened to some music. It was disc with Khaled, Les Colocs and Paris Combo. Could it be that dream tells that listening to that particular music is bad (and has nothing to do with listening to sott)? I have no experience whatsoever in interpreting dreams. What do you think should I listen to that advice?
Actually I got a new Transcend 1Gb mp3 for new year, may be this one isn’t irradiating that much…
Just a thought, why if the warning is not to Warn but to distract you from listening to the Sott podcasts for example ?
What better way to make it go through your mother and talking about radiations that kill ?

I don't know if portable mp3 devices give such killing radiations, maybe the magnetic field due to the battery might cause some imbalance in your body ?
Yeah, Tigersoap, i have to figure out whom that voice my mom heard belongs to: a geniune STO help (warning about some wound in solar plexus-heart) or some tricky sts scaily voice with a tail to deterr. So far i can't tell about them.
but i can tell about myself: all the best sopranoes of the world combined have a zilch say when it comes to sott!
Let's see when i had the last dream - on the 15th of January. It has been quite long ago.
Today I had quite a frightening dream, and I found myself all in tears after I woke. It was like I was in labor, giving a birth to my baby, but not in a hospital but it was in some unfamiliar home deep in the woods. And it was very late autumn, November or early December, when you look outside of the window you see only cold earthy brown color and shadows of cold everywhere. I was all naked striving and grasping in labor, and there were few people helping me to get the baby out, and one of them was standing by me, calming me and reassuring. I don’t know why but instead of physical pain I felt so much shame and I felt so humiliated that all my emotions were streaming from that humiliation. And these people who were helping me with labor, they were asking each other like ‘did you find it?’ – not yet – oh, I just see one. – I have another one. And I realized they were talking about some keys. And then I saw myself exiting that house in a hurry despite people were waiting for me for the breakfast or some nourishment, but I run from there because I felt so ashamed so humiliated that I didn’t want to look into the eyes of anybody of them. And I remember seeing myself running nowhere into the woods, grasping for air, a long run in the midst of unfamiliar terrain, and then finally I felt exhausted and sat under some tree almost loosing consciousness from tiredness and then I saw right in front of me this person who was standing near my head and reassuring me in labor, handing me a glass of water. But I felt so humiliated and ashamed that instead of drinking that water I said: I don’t want to see you ever ever again’ and run away into the woods. And I saw myself running again and when all the strength was out, I sat to regain the strength to continue my run and I saw the same person again very near me handing me a glass of water. And here I woke up and my face, cheeks, neck, everything was in tears. I felt cold because my both ears were somehow full of tears too. The rest of the night I was thinking of what I did so terribly wrong to feel so much shame in a dream.

Some thoughts. I only ask that you evaluate them yourself and do not by any means accept them as truth, or meaningful in any way as correct. You know where your internal perception resides, bounce these thoughts of mine inside for your evaluation of possibilities.

CarpeDiem said:
Someone assisted me to sit at the table and started to make 3 braids from my hair. Someone complained that hair is too short to make needed braids, but then it was done.
This seems to indicate a lack of experience (hair too short), but that the group knowing this, acknowledges your strong intentions to discover and the group "covered" the shortfall of knowledge admitting you to the group of "knowledge bearers" via you being a true knowledge seeker. (Vibrational frequency?)

This might indicate you feel inadequate to the task, but that you are earnest in it's achievement. (Which can mean that you are judging yourself to be ineffective at the moment, but going in the right direction?)

CarpeDiem said:
Then the most elderly person explained to me that “the people think from above to below� and I will need to learn to think “from below to above� . Somebody brought a picture and put it in front of me which illustrated what I had to become. It was a picture of a child with a long protruding tongue handing down from his mouth.
Tongue was unnaturally long like of a man after hanging, but child was alive, had semi closed eyes and was smiling!
Taste the World for what it is with all of what that tongue can sense and taste. Start at the bottom of the well, where you/we are, to see what it is like, instead of trying to remember what it is NOT like, or what it is like "above".

Only when you fully take in all as it is here, and what is missing (the above?) will you know, or appreciate the meaning of the contrast.

Interesting dream. I may be out to lunch on what I see/sense here, yours to think upon.

Stay well.
CarpeDiem said:
Got a dream today. My dream is nothing special: I was arguing with officials from Ospedale of Umberto I in Rome to make conditions of patients there more survivable. First I was arguing with the Head of Ospedale, he sent me to docs, they sent to tirocinio docs and then I end speaking chatting laughing and drinking wine with nurses… Actually this dream comes directly from a ‘waking’ life. Couple of days ago I watched my favorite natural anti-stress-bad mood remedy – Striscia la notizia on mediaset. There was one episode on how non-acceptable are conditions in public health hospital Umberto I in Rome, patients almost lay in corridors, rooms overcrowded, scarce medication, sterilized stuff is kept in the same underground corridors as trash! No money are coming to remediate such precarious conditions, while at the same time offices of docs are richly decorated, and doors in their offices are sumptuous and luxurious originals from ‘the epoch’. So, I just drugged something I saw on tv in my dream. Here nothing special.

I was surprised when suddenly in the morning my mother told me:
- you know, that night I almost didn’t sleep and then I saw a dream almost on the dawn tonight.
- ?
- it was about you. Some warning. Something you shouldn’t do. I saw like you are entering home, door opens, and there is that stuff you listen to often, is hanging on your chest [I listen to CD-mp3]. And then I heard a voice, it was coming like directly into my brain, and that voice said: tell her to stop listening to that device, it’s very dangerous to her, there is very strong irradiation that will kill her. My mother asked that voice in her head or something how it can be dangerous? That voice answered: she [me] has a wound here, very serious, and showed on my [in dream] solar plexus or middle-chest zone. That irradiation kills her. My mother answered: there is no any wound here. She has a wound here in throat [I had / have some serious condition in one of tracheal rings, but that medically isn’t a wound], but that voice told my mother that ‘wound’ isn’t in the neck, but in a chest – plexus and I should absolutely stop listening to that device as its irradiation is extremely dangerous.
What do you think about this mom’s dream? This voice in her head could be sts gods with tails too. I’m asking because usually I listen sott podcasts only on my cd-mp3, but yesterday I made ‘a break’, and listened to some music. It was disc with Khaled, Les Colocs and Paris Combo. Could it be that dream tells that listening to that particular music is bad (and has nothing to do with listening to sott)? I have no experience whatsoever in interpreting dreams. What do you think should I listen to that advice?
Actually I got a new Transcend 1Gb mp3 for new year, may be this one isn’t irradiating that much…
It may not be WHAT you are listening to, but HOW. Using a device, an MP3 player, etc might be the real problem. Having an EMF producing device always held close to your chest could be the object of the warning.
THank you for the analysis, i never even attempt to 'decipher' dreams as i don't know which side from i should approach analyzing them. i think dreams come from the unknowable realm of 'the other side', and i don't know what rational means i should apply to translate them into something pertaining to mundane reality. I just write them here as they come, but i'm very unfrequent dreamer.
These dreams you gave some meaning here i've seen a while ago, but of today's i think what should be that unbearable shame, that i have to examine myself. And how a glass of water could appear, it had to be bottled water, that one you take when travelling? I mean from rational practical side of it it's extremely inconvenient to travel with a glass. Dreams are just dreams (that's what minuscule methinks) probably they are significanct, and i simply don't know what to do about them. they are like sparks of unknowable.

Shame is the epidermis of soul. And Allegria illuminates soul from within
I wrote before that I’m not a frequent dreamer, and that holds, but it seems that all my major decisions immediately get confirmed or disproved in my dreams. Immediately, the same night I firmly decide to do something, to act in a certain way I get a response whether this firm decision is to be applied and acted upon or acting that way would be highly detrimental. When one digs certain info and cross-checks it against several sources and everything seems to be pointing towards the same thing, one is able to act on it then. It happened that I was listening to a radio station at (97,2) F M, and wanted to make a free-tall call there that I’m stopping listening to it because it takes too much bandwidth and I was convinced that my listening cuts off many other listeners which may benefit more from it. Immediately I got a response about that decision in a dream.
It was in a war-time Hungary, we were living in a small cabin in woods among greenery. Living there was dangerous and we were trying to get out of there, but myself and others were just kids with no adults around so we were exploring neighborhoods and trying to get attention of any adult passing by, what was happening extremely rarely, to get out of there. We see a women passing nearby our small cabin in a cabriolet, my friends are calling her aloud, she doesn’t stop, but start circling our cabin in a frenetic way not paying attention at us at all, they start running after her car, shouting and continuing calling her. I stay near cabin observing situation and suddenly notice a giant metallic, may be steel, ‘bug’ with hundred very high metallic ‘legs. If you take several long log wood pieces, attach them to each other with flexible ‘joints’, attach all of ‘legs’ to a central ‘piece’ of giant ‘bug’ and then cast it all in a metal, you will get an idea what I was seeing. This like 5-store ‘bug’ was passing in its own direction, in my visibility field, but then it suddenly stopped from where it was going, turned towards me and started blowing a huge and cold air steam which almost blew me off. That wind blew off the small cabin we were living in. I called everybody to run and hide in the wood among trees, and this creature started quickly to approach me, moving on its metal legs and threatening me with blows of wind and blinding with red lights from its huge ‘machine insect ‘eyes’. First its leg was able only to touch my leg and I felt an ice-cold running through the veins, in the next couple of moves it hurt me, then it squashed me, but I was able to crawl and hide under the bridge. Then giant metallic bug (centopiedi in Italian) started to push heavy stones and trees, and details of a bridge to bury me, and here I woke up. This dream told me in as much explicit way as it only can get, that my decision would be extremely detrimental, if I acted on it. The universe has something in a store!
ASIDE: Guys, this is on-line journal of all my dreams, i didn't miss one so far.

Tonight after writing a post Pepin-HBI thread about a possibility of materially tracking Pepin's lustful 'spiritual' retreats; going there, speaking with barmen, hostesses, locals, etc. i went to sleep and saw then a dream.

I was inside a huge building built in the 19th-early 20th century, it was like only 4 store high, but due to fact that each floor had extremely high ceilings it was massive. The main feature of that building was a huge wide staircase rising on the both sides of the center. Well, it looked exactly like a courthouse should look.
I was on the top (4th) floor in an empty room expecting someone. Courthouse was deserted, vacuum-cleaned, there was no one inside. I waited till darkness, then in a total silence i felt quiet approaching of a group of people
into a room i was standing. I felt a threat saying: Freeze exactly where you stay until i switch on light.
They did not respond continuing moving quietly towards me. Almost all of them were in long raincoats. It was obvious that there was no one to cry for help, and they were up to a lenthy torture to their pleasure. They all entered a room nearby, leaving only bodyguards near entrance to force me to follow them.
Then i saw a boy, who told me: look, these are dangerous people, they don't spare anyone.
I responded: Boy, remember, these are psychopaths, stay away from them with all your might!

And then, just in a plight of a second, i grabbed that boy holding him in my arms, and started running downstairs out of that wicked courthouse. The most part of a dream i was just running with a boy downstairs. Boy wasn't a small one, he was like 10-12 yo, and he was a 'material witness' and had to be saved at any cost. Something like that. Once out of a courthouse, there were taxi approaching, but we didn't take neither first, nor second, nor third one, sat in one i felt would be safe. Immediately after a door of a taxi closed and car moved, i heard a
heart-shattering half-human-half beast moans coming from inside the courthouse. But we were safe.
that's all.
Washington County Courthouse Oregon?? (it does appear to have 4 floors?!)

Interesting to any kind of possible interpretation....this ones going to require thought by yourself.
I wouldn't dismiss it due to the intensity, but am uncertain what it represents... (please note these are just my interpretations, its up to you to decide if any of it fits or not)

Three things come to mind (Although I'm sure there are other possibilities)....almost literal interpretation...meaning the 'material' is there somewhere and needs to be rescued before its expunged. Second is just that its related to the stress of the situation (I know personally I'm finding the whole thing worrying and trying to work out what I can do to help beyond donations). Third is that it was a STS (emotional/energy draining) attack....but if that was the case it seems you slipped away from them at the end (interesting).
Perhaps then...its a mix of all 3...I'd be curious to know what you think CarpeDiem....

Ok...the previouse dream (with the child birth, shame and keys being found)
I'm in two minds about that...again it seems significant due to the intensity (this shouldn't always be a guide mind...)
First thought was STS attack....find keys, use them to generate shame, drain the energy created in you. (poke emotional button to feed).
But perhaps that is too simplistic?
Second thought was similar but perhaps more positive? Shame was being brought to the surface of awareness, you where the one finding the keys (or perhaps you have help?) an effort to 'clean the machine'.....
Perhaps then its a bit of both? STS encounters can be used as ways to bring up things you need to deal with.
..the running I would suggest may not be all that positive (as it was exhausting you!)...and the guy kept showing up despite the running...a change of tactics/thinking required to resolve this
The guy offering the glass of water (I picked up on the fear and distrust here you had for him in the dream)....suggests to me that perhaps its more positive than negative...a glass of water will generally be a positive thing....especially as it was offered and then upto you to take it (or so it seems)

So my thoughts on that dream (although best be aware of all possibilities) is that it was generally positive despite what it brought up....and its upto you to take the positive (glass of water) out of the negative circumstances

I'll give the bug dream a go later if you want :)
RedFox, thanks for your thoughts! You know, that courthouse looked like this one on the picture, i fool you not!
I even noted for myself that it was Mussolini - era style (buildings you might see in Rome noted for their pomposity).

As to interpretations, i have on my bookshelf Grotstein's Who is the Dreamer who dreams the dreams; Bromberg's Awakening the dreamer; Gendlin's Let your body interpret your dreams and Mindell's The dreammaker's apprentice. But when the hell i will ponder them? for someone who procrastinates it's a long walk towards efficiency of energy disposal.
Tonight i saw the most strange dream / or vision or whatever it was in my life and not for its content, but for almost touchable physical experience of it. Maybe this is what happens when you embrace your pillow at 5am??

I was in our old apartment with two my female friends, we were laughing, but mostly we were reading one book aloud and then one of them proposed to re-enact content of the book here and now. We all agreed at that, and what happened next, one of my friends asked me: would you be my bride, and I will play your bridegroom? And she immediately proceeded with actions – took me into her arms, raised and started circling the room as if she were my bridegroom. All three of us were laughing like crazies and joking while she was carrying me in her arms circling the room beneath the lamp; looking at light emanating from it. And I wasn’t preoccupied that it was impossible for one woman to carry another one for such a long time, as it felt like we all were almost weightless and my weight didn’t present any problem to her. At a certain point she was going to put me or on the bed or on certain elevation in the room, but then suddenly she changed her intention and the next thing I felt was we were both weightless, embracing, suspended in the air, and we were rising, softly flying toward the lamp in the center of room, but as we were raising ceiling was going up, walls of the room stretching out, making more room for us to move, and when we looked down, our third friend was becoming almost invisible.
The strange things about this dream is first – it wasn’t a dream, because I was drifting to sleep, but still conscious and able to define where I am; and the next absolutely weird thing – was the almost physical sensation that like I was really flying with my friend.
I'm an expert at procrastinating aswell (one reason why I chose the signature I did)...its a work in progress.
I got some books on astral projection and lucid dreaming a while ago (about 5 different books I think)....I started them but never read past the first chapter or so. Given what I've learnt from discussions here (and what I'm continuing to learn from The Secret History)...I'm glad I didn't read and follow there instruction!..anyway it could be that the reason you aern't reading the books is they aern't important enough?
Personally I'd recommend The Secret History of the World (and how to get out alive)...I actualy make time to read it which is more than can be said for the other books (I have a pile of Gurdjieff to work through next! hehe)

Your last dream was interesting....first thought, going to bed at 5am is probably not the best idea...but I can't say more than that having done it many times myself. Perhaps give some thought to why you didn't goto bed until 5am? For me it was avoiding responsibility/gave me something to complain about (as if being tired was out of my hands...heh)

So you could still tell you where in bed because you where drifting in and out of sleep? Having had a few lucid dreams int eh past I know they can seem very real...if there was a sence of other worldlyness I wonder if it was astral projection/conscious bilocation? but thats a subject I know little
I did also wonder about the setting/symbols/intents and it being an abduction? But if you where drifting in and out of sleep I'm unsure...
Too much guessing, so I'll see what simple things I can draw out of it

It seems mostly about yourself (female friends), starting in the past (old apartment) continuing to now. It seems to be about playing roles in society (probably doing something normally a man would do) and perhaps your supprise at finding yourself playing along. Fear of where this role will take you (preoccupied that it was impossible for one woman to carry another one for such a long time)....perhaps the dream is telling you it is possible?
The last part (softly flying toward the lamp in the center of room, but as we were raising ceiling was going up, walls of the room stretching out) suggests a focus of intent, and a change of perspective going along with expansion of horizons. Also, a shedding of the old views (and when we looked down, our third friend was becoming almost invisible).

Just my interpretation...does it fit things strongly? If it does perhaps it would help to realise that both you and your friend in your dream where both you.
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