Gator grabs electric eel - gets electrocuted


FOTCM Member
Jeez. Seems like the alligator would've known better.

Symbolic of the evil world "getting it" from the electric universe? :evil:
Odyssey said:
Jeez. Seems like the alligator would've known better.

Symbolic of the evil world "getting it" from the electric universe? :evil:

Now there's a thought.
There seem to be several alligator/crocodile kills going on in the last years, at least what got recorded:

Python eats Crocodile from some weeks back in Australia:

Otter attacks alligator (should be happened in 2012):

And the Jaguar one:
Laura said:

Apparently the guys filming the video were fishing for eels (you can see something in the eel's mouth that was probably the fisherman's bait), caught this one, and while pulling it in the croc attacked it. You'd think it would know better, but maybe the distress of the eel brought the instincts of the croc out despite what should be a natural avoidance of eels.
Heimdallr said:
Apparently the guys filming the video were fishing for eels...

Or for alligators?

HuffPost had it in 2010 and there is this comment (toward the bottom of the page):


The language being spoken is Portuguese from Brazil. Most likel;y this was shot in the Pantanal area, which also confirms this is a Cayman, which is native to the region, as well as the electric eel. The guy does not provide any interesting information, he just keeps saying that the cayman is getting electrocuted, calls someone else and asks for a forked branch and a loop of rope. For general info, hunting caymans is illegal in Brazil, and punishable with incarceration.
I remembered having seen that video before, but didn't know much, or forgot what I had known, about electric eels. National Geographic shows how far they can go with alligator:

Experience an eerie nighttime encounter between an electric eel and an alligator

In this context, that poor gator's heedless behavior strikes even more as something very abnormal.
Wow. So the croc was after a bit of "free lunch"? That's so ironic... and disturbing. Great footage, though!

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