George Bush and Al Gore


Hi folks

I've seen George Bush's assumption of the presidency in Jan 2001 referred to in several places on Cass' sites as a Coup d'État. Does anyone know, or have a theory, about what Al Gore's role in this was? I mean, was his run for office genuine, was his fight for Florida real, when he finally gave up and conceded to Bush was he forced to, or had he been got at earlier on in the process?

I'm interested in this now because the mid-terms are coming up, although I know that to a very large extent it matters not a whit who wins what. But if there's a choice between two people, and the PTB prefer one over the other, how do they subvert the process in a situation like Bush v Gore when the final result appeared to come down to a few hundred votes in a couple of electoral districts?

ec1968 said:
But if there's a choice between two people, and the PTB prefer one over the other, how do they subvert the process in a situation like Bush v Gore when the final result appeared to come down to a few hundred votes in a couple of electoral districts?
The operative words in that sentence would be choice and appeared. There really is no choice and I think the situation was made to appear as if it was a close race. If the race didn't appear to be close, even more people would have demanded a recount. Those who did were met with chaos/distraction or just ignored. I believe the short answer in that instance would be that they cheat. If I remember correctly, at least one of the districts that was having problems was in the state of Florida which GB's brother was "coincidentally" mayor of at the time.

Currently, I'm not sure exactly how much Gore knew at the time. He seemed genuinely upset but then many of them just don't like to lose. From the perspective of the average citizen, Gore was asking for a recount but it was spread through media that he was just being bitter because he had lost hence the sour grapes comments at the time. As you can see from the meaning, it was twisted to focus on the bitter aspects of the term which ignored the "pretending to not care for something one does not or cannot have" part.

Knowing what we know now about Gore's involvement with the global warming illusion, I would not be surprised to find out he knew more than he appeared to at the time yet because they are so good at being puppets, he was probably played to a large extent.

When trying to decipher what's going on in these situations, the clues usually lie in the chaos going on (the attempt to confuse and distract) and from there trying to figure out what's being hidden - the stuff that's not usually reported in the mainstream media. The same tactics are usually used repeatedly.

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