Today I received a new book by Thorsten Schulte and Dr Michael Hesemann.
"Die große Täuschung" (The Great Deception - John F. Kennedy's Warning & The Threat to our Freedom)

"For the first time, co-author Dr Michael Hesemann presents 14 pages of documents from the Vatican Apostolic Archives (until 2019: Vatican Secret Archives) that provide deep insights into a world that brought us endless suffering"
DeepL translation of the summary from Amazon:
One of the two authors, Thorsten Schulte, is currently doing a lot of advertising for it and says in his videos that he wants to make almost all of these documents freely accessible. And they are partly already here.
Now, before I continue here, I have a few questions. What about the rest of the documents? Am I allowed to publish pictures of these documents from this book here (and translate them for you)?
It's more of a legal question. But I think the best thing would be to just write to him directly and ask, right?
Because I bet these are documents you would be very interested in.
"Die große Täuschung" (The Great Deception - John F. Kennedy's Warning & The Threat to our Freedom)

"For the first time, co-author Dr Michael Hesemann presents 14 pages of documents from the Vatican Apostolic Archives (until 2019: Vatican Secret Archives) that provide deep insights into a world that brought us endless suffering"
DeepL translation of the summary from Amazon:
Never before has a book tackled the hottest topics of history and the present so unsparingly. The three motives for the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been concealed from the world public by the media to this day, but in this work they are made accessible and verifiable for everyone. Having three motives for murder does not, of course, make someone a murderer. However, it is convincingly described that the circles that had them also did everything they could to cover up and obfuscate. Kennedy warned us in his speech of 27 April 1961: "For we face a monolithic and nefarious conspiracy around the world." The mainstream media is silent about this speech and when they can't avoid it, they claim that Kennedy was talking about communism. This book shows what it was really about. It reveals how secret powers and secret services operate. How they blackmail and murder people. The first US Secretary of Defence James Forrestal was their victim, and they even blackmailed the dictator of the Soviet Union Josef Stalin. The great President of France was betrayed, and the US President Richard Nixon received the receipt for withholding an elementary intelligence message. But we need to go back much further, and this book provides information about the last German Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Russian Tsar that makes it possible to understand developments over the last 120 years. For the first time, co-author Dr Michael Hesemann presents 14 pages of documents from the Vatican Apostolic Archives (until 2019: Vatican Secret Archives) that provide deep insights into a world that brought us endless suffering. This book serves the apocalypse (= unveiling) of history in order to be able to stop the development of the present. It is a warning to all people and a mission to the human family.
One of the two authors, Thorsten Schulte, is currently doing a lot of advertising for it and says in his videos that he wants to make almost all of these documents freely accessible. And they are partly already here.
Now, before I continue here, I have a few questions. What about the rest of the documents? Am I allowed to publish pictures of these documents from this book here (and translate them for you)?
It's more of a legal question. But I think the best thing would be to just write to him directly and ask, right?
Because I bet these are documents you would be very interested in.