German book "Die große Täuschung" (The Great Deception) - with unpublished documents from the Vatican archives


Padawan Learner
Today I received a new book by Thorsten Schulte and Dr Michael Hesemann.
"Die große Täuschung" (The Great Deception - John F. Kennedy's Warning & The Threat to our Freedom)


"For the first time, co-author Dr Michael Hesemann presents 14 pages of documents from the Vatican Apostolic Archives (until 2019: Vatican Secret Archives) that provide deep insights into a world that brought us endless suffering"
DeepL translation of the summary from Amazon:
Never before has a book tackled the hottest topics of history and the present so unsparingly. The three motives for the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been concealed from the world public by the media to this day, but in this work they are made accessible and verifiable for everyone. Having three motives for murder does not, of course, make someone a murderer. However, it is convincingly described that the circles that had them also did everything they could to cover up and obfuscate. Kennedy warned us in his speech of 27 April 1961: "For we face a monolithic and nefarious conspiracy around the world." The mainstream media is silent about this speech and when they can't avoid it, they claim that Kennedy was talking about communism. This book shows what it was really about. It reveals how secret powers and secret services operate. How they blackmail and murder people. The first US Secretary of Defence James Forrestal was their victim, and they even blackmailed the dictator of the Soviet Union Josef Stalin. The great President of France was betrayed, and the US President Richard Nixon received the receipt for withholding an elementary intelligence message. But we need to go back much further, and this book provides information about the last German Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Russian Tsar that makes it possible to understand developments over the last 120 years. For the first time, co-author Dr Michael Hesemann presents 14 pages of documents from the Vatican Apostolic Archives (until 2019: Vatican Secret Archives) that provide deep insights into a world that brought us endless suffering. This book serves the apocalypse (= unveiling) of history in order to be able to stop the development of the present. It is a warning to all people and a mission to the human family.

One of the two authors, Thorsten Schulte, is currently doing a lot of advertising for it and says in his videos that he wants to make almost all of these documents freely accessible. And they are partly already here.
Now, before I continue here, I have a few questions. What about the rest of the documents? Am I allowed to publish pictures of these documents from this book here (and translate them for you)?
It's more of a legal question. But I think the best thing would be to just write to him directly and ask, right?
Because I bet these are documents you would be very interested in.
A few weeks have now passed and today I was able to return to the subject.
I wrote to Mr. Schulte shortly after my last post, but have not yet received a reply. But he is doing a lot of advertising at the moment, so I think he just didn't have time to reply.
But I also think he will see this more like advertising for his book. (I could write to the second author, Mr. Hesemann, but is that necessary?)

Back to topic

I have just started reading the book and realized right at the beginning that it is full of different topics and makes many jumps. So you don't have to follow the book and can tackle the topics individually.

So I would like to start with the letter that prompted Mr. Hesemann to rethink history. But first a few compact details about him: he was first a UFO researcher, then became a devout Christian, wrote many books about Christianity and contemporary history, after his book (a biography of Pope Pius XII) 'Der Papst, der Hitler trotzte: Die Wahrheit über Pius XII (The Pope who defied Hitler: The truth about Pius XII)' he was one of almost 500 historians to gain access to the Vatican archives and then came across the following letter, of which he writes:
"Ganz ehrlich: ohne dieses Dokument hätte ich es nie gewagt, in Dimensionen zu denken, die landläufig mit dem Schlagwort (und Totschlagargument) 'Verschwörungstheorie' diffarmiert werden."
"Honestly: without this document, I would never have dared to think in dimensions that are commonly defamed with the buzzword (and killer argument) 'conspiracy theory'."

Now to the letter. It was written on November 8, 1918, one day before the "November Revolution" in Germany, i.e. a few days before the end of the Second World War (November 11, 1918).
In it, Cardinal von Hartmanns, chairman of the Fulda Bishops' Conference (today: German Bishops' Conference) and close friend of Kaiser Wilhelm II, writes to Nuncio Pacelli, the highest-ranking representative of the Catholic Church and the Pope in the German Reich, that the Kaiser has a message for the Church.

"His Majesty the Kaiser has just informed me that, according to news he received yesterday, the Greater Orient has decided first of all to depose all sovereigns, first and foremost him, the Kaiser, then to destroy the Catholic Church (?), to intern the Pope, etc., and finally to establish a world republic under the leadership of American big finance on the ruins of the existing bourgeois society. The German Freemasons were loyal to the Kaiser (which is very doubtful!) and had let him know this.

England also wanted to maintain the previous bourgeois order. France and America, however, were completely under the rule of the Grand Orient, and Bolshevism was to be the external tool to bring about the desired conditions. In view of the great danger threatening not only the monarchy but also the Catholic Church, it was necessary that the German episcopate should be informed of this and that the Pope should also be warned."

„Se(ine) Majestät der Kaiser läßt mir soeben mittheilen, daß nach ihm gestern zugegangenen Nachrichten der Groß-Orient beschlossen habe, zunächst alle Souveränse, in erster Linie ihn, den Kaiser, abzusetzen, dann die Kathol. Kirche zu vernichten (?), den Papst zu internieren etc. und schließlich eine Weltrepublik unter Führung des amerikanischen Großkapitals auf den Trümmern der bisherigen bürgerlichen Gesellschaft aufzurichten. Die deutschen Freimaurer seien dem Kaiser treu (was sehr zu bezweifeln ist!) und hätten ihn das wissen lassen.

Auch England wolle die bisherige bürgerliche Ordnung aufrecht erhalten. Frankreich und America aber ständen ganz unter der Herrschaft des Großorients, Der Bolschewismus solle das äußere Werkzeug sein, die gewünschten Zustände herzustellen. Bei der großen Gefahr, die außer der Monarchie auch der katholischen Kirche drohe, sei es nothwendig, daß der deutsche Episkopat hierüber informiert sei und daß auch der Papst gewarnt werde.“

And the pictures:
Cardinal von Hartmann's handwritten letter to Nuncio Pacelli dated November 8, 1918, which Michael Hesemann discovered in the Vatican Archives, could prove to be a key document of the 20th century. (A.A.V., Arch. Nunz. Monaco d.B. 342, Fasc. 13, p. 95 rv-96)
© 2023 by Archivio Apostolico Vaticano - All rights reserved

(A.A.V, Arch. Nunz. Monaco d.B. 342, Fasc. 13, p. 95 rv-96)
© 2023 by Archivio Apostolico Vaticano — All rights reserved

So we have another piece of evidence that there are other powers behind the world wars than we are told.
Let's see what else the book has to offer. I will inform you.
Never heard of a group called the "Grand Orient". Does the book offer any more information on them?
I was also wondering what or who this group is.
The book goes on with a quote from Kaiser Wilhelms II Memoirs (Ereignisse und Gestalten 1878-1918, publisched 1922), where the above letter was confirmed, and where we get the info:
It's a grouping of Freemason lodges.

DeepL translation of the quote:
"I have been informed that the long-standing, purposeful policy of the international 'Grand Oriental Lodges' played an essential role in the preparation of the world war directed against the monarchical Central Powers. The German Grand Lodges, however, with two exceptions, in which non-German finance prevails and which are secretly connected with the 'Grand Orient' in Paris, had no connection with the 'Grand Orient'. As the respected German Freemason who reported this hitherto unknown connection to me assured me, they have been thoroughly loyal and faithful.
loyal and faithful. In the course of 1917, an international conference of the lodges of the 'Grand Orient' took place in Paris, which was later followed by a meeting in Switzerland. The following program was determined at this meeting: Dismemberment of Austria and Hungary, democratization of Germany, elimination of the House of Habsburg, abdication of the German Emperor, return of Alsace-Lorraine to France, unification of Galicia with Poland, elimination of the Pope and the Catholic Church as well as every state church in Europe."

„Es ist mir mitgeteilt worden, dass eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Vorbereitung des gegen die monarchischen Mittelmächte gerichteten Weltkrieges die langjährige, zielbewusste Politik der internationalen ‚Großorientloge‘ gespielt hätte. Die deutschen Großlogen aber hätten mit zwei Ausnahmen, in denen die nichtdeutsche Finanz herrscht und die im geheimen mit dem ‚Großorient‘ in Paris in Verbindung stehen, mit dem ‚Großorient‘ keinen Zusammenhang. Sie wie mir der angesehene deutsche Freimaurer, der mir diesen, mir bis dahin unbekannten Zusammenhang meldete, versichert hat, durchaus loyal und
treu gewesen. Im Laufe des Jahres 1917 habe in Paris eine internationale Tagung der Logen des ‚Großorient‘ stattgefunden, der später noch eine Besprechung in der Schweiz gefolgt sei. Auf dieser Tagung sei nachstehendes Programm festgesetzt worden: Zerstückelung von Österreich Ungarn, Demokratisierung Deutschlands, Beseitigung des Hauses Habsburg, Abdankung des deutschen Kaisers, Rückgabe Elsaß-Lothringen an Frankreich, Vereinigung Galiziens mit Polen, Beseitigung des Papstes und der katholischen Kirche wie überhaupt jeder Staatskirche in Europa.“

Afterwards Heselmann starts to write about the first "Grand Lodge" and their very first publication:


He wants to highlight that they plan to establish a new world religion.

At this point now I'm thinking about how and why Heselmann was able to get access to the Vatican Archives. Simply because he was seen as "a real christ" and a historian, or was this on purpose?

Anyhow, if you want to have more details about Heselmanns view on the Freemasons history from this book, let me know. Otherwise I'll concentrate on the unpublished documents.

To be continued...
Hesemann goes on with many details about the masons. In their first publication mentioned above you can see two years:

One of them is: "In the Year of Masonery" - 5723 and the second one, 1723, is the year of publication.
Due to that Hesemann thinks the masons must be at least 4000 B.C. old. But is this really the case? What did the Cs said?

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin of the Freemasons?

A: Osirians.

Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?

A: 5633 B.C.

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

The book goes on with descriptions about the masons symbols, a detailed description about the single grades, including some dialogs from the rituals, and their goals. But the most interesting things are the historical connections he makes.
The next document from the vatican we can find in the description of the 30th grade.
Hesemann shows different dialogs, from different lodges used in this ritus. One of them is:
(Q) "Are you Kadosch?" (...)
(A) "Yes, it's me." .
(Q) "What is your password?
(A) "Peter of Boulogne"
(Q) "Which is your holy word?"
(A) "Jacob Molay"
(Q) "Do you know the traitors?"
(A) "Philip the Fair and Clement the Seventh"
(sic! Actually Clement V.)
(Q) "Do you want to take revenge on the traitors?"
(A) "Yes, I will."
(Q) "How can you do it?"
(A) "By the murder of all princes and all priests".
And here comes the connection to the Order of the Knights Templar.
Officially they existed from 1118 to 1312. In the 13th century they had about 15k members in Europe and owned about 9000 possessions.
The French King to that time was Philip the Fair. The legendary wealth of the Templars aroused the greed of the then bankrupt king, which is why he accused the Templars of, among other things, lechery and sodomy, seized his estates and had his knights arrested.
The pope to that time was Clement V., who supported the Templars first. But was under control of the king. He investigated the order but could find no evidence of these allegations.
Nevertheless, Philip the Fair had the order suspended at the Council of Vienne in 1312. Grand Master Jacques (Jacob) de Molay and other temple superiors were then burned to death on Seine Island in Paris in 1314 because they insisted on their innocence.
During the investigations and questioning by the Pope and the Church, all the Templars questioned confessed their practices, repented and were subsequently absolved in the name of the Pope.

The Freemasons now say that after the execution of the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar (Moley), Pierre (Peter) de Boulogne, one of their highest initiates fled to Scotland. There he founded the first Masonic lodge in Aberdeen in order to preserve the secret knowledge and also because the murdered Grand Master could thus be avenged.

In 2001 Barbara Frale, a Vatican historian, found the following document in the popes secret archives:
The date of the document: 17th - 20th of August 1308
Content: Papal document on the interrogation of the Order's superiors who were imprisoned in Chinon Castle.
These include the minutes of an interview with the Grand Master Jacques de Moley. This is how it ends:

"Asked whether he had confessed the things he had just said at his request, for money, out of gratitude, sympathy, fear or hatred or incitement from anyone or out of fear of torture, he replied in the negative. Asked whether he was asked any questions after his detention or whether he was tortured, he denied it. According to the manner and form described above, we Cardinals believed after all this that the same brother, Grand Master Jacques, in our hands renounced the heresy now confessed and every other heresy, and took the oath on the holy Gospels of God and devotedly requested the benefit of absolution from these things, to be able to grant the benefit of absolution in the manner of the Church and to receive him back into the communion of the Church himself and to restore him to the communion of the faithful and the ecclesiastical sacraments."

("Befragt, ob er die soeben gesagten Sachen auf Wunsch, für Geld, aus Dankbarkeit, Sympathie, Angst oder Hass oder Anstiftung von irgendjemandem oder aus Furcht vor der Folter gebeichtet habe, verneinte dieser. Befragt, ob ihm nach seiner Inhaftierung Fragen gestellt wurden, oder ob er gefoltert wurde, verneinte er. Nach oben beschriebener Art und Form glaubten wir Kardinäle nach all dem, dass derselbe Bruder, Ordensgroßmeister Jacques, in unseren Händen der nun eingestandenen und jeder anderen Irrlehre abschwor und auf die heiligen Evangelien Gottes den Eid leistete und ergeben die Vergünstigung der Absolution von diesen Sachen erbat, die Vergünstigung der Absolution in der Art der Kirche erteilen zu können und ihn selbst wieder in die Gemeinschaft der Kirche aufnehmen und ihn der Gemeinschaft der Gläubigen und der kirchlichen Sakramente zurückgeben zu können.")

Hesemann summarizes: "So there was no reason for revenge, no historical legitimization for the Masonic hatred of the Pope."

To be continued...
Cool. How do the pictures of the documents look like on the kindle version?
I got stuck with some of the documents in this book, because I had problems reading them. Photoshop-tools and OCR were not working properly.
The only document that was easy to read was the last one (see below). And I wanted to put the historical context and the context of the book together with the documents. Now, as the book is available in English language, it will be easier to put all that together.

This is what I had already prepared and translated (without context):


Transcript DE:
Übersetzung aus Nr. 226 der "Istwestja" vom 15./28. November 1917


England, Frankreich, Rußland mit Italien

Geheimvertrag Englands, Frankreichs, Rußlands mit Italien, wonach es Italien überlassen wird, mit ihrer Unterstützung die serbisch-kroatischen Gebiete Triest, Süd-Tirol, Albanien, griechische Inseln, teile Klein-Asiens und Afrikas einzunehmen als Gegenleistung für ein Eingreifen Italiens mit den Waffen gegen Österreich-Ungarn und Deutschland und über die Nichtzulassung einer Einmischung des Papstes zwecks Beendigung des Krieges.

Der italienische Botschafter in London Marquis Imperiali hat die Ehre, im Auftrage seiner Regierung dem Herrn Minister des Auswertigen Sir E.Grey, dem französischen Botschafter in London Herrn Cambon und dem russiscchen Botschaftler in Londin Grafen Benkendorff folgende Denkschrift zu übermitteln.

Art.1 Zwischen den Generalstäben Frankreichs, Großbritaniens, Rußlands und Italiens muß sofort eine Militärkonvention geschlossen werden. Diese Konvention wird das Midestmaß der militärischen Kräfte bestimmen, welche Rußland gegen Österreich-Ungarn aufbieten muß, für den Fall das letzteres die Absicht haben sollte, seine gesamten Kräft gegen Italien zu verwenden, Rußland jedoch beschlossen haben sollte, sich hauptsächlich auf Deutschland zu stürzen. Durch die erwähnte Militärkonvention werden gleichfalls die den Waffenstillstand betreffenden Fragen reguliert, soweit die ihrer Art zum Geschäftskreis des Oberkommandos der Armeen betreffen.

Translataion (DeepL):
Translation from No. 226 of the "Istwestja" of 15/28 November 1917

Secret Contract

England, France, Russia with Italy

Secret contract between England, France and Russia and Italy, according to which it is left to Italy, with their support, to take the Serbian-Croatian territories of Trieste, southern Tyrol, Albania, the Greek islands, parts of Asia Minor and Africa in return for Italy's intervention with arms against Austria-Hungary and Germany and the Pope's non-intervention to end the war.

The Italian Ambassador in London, Marquis Imperiali, has the honour to transmit the following memorandum on behalf of his Government to Sir E. Grey, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Cambon, French Ambassador in London, and Count Benkendorff, Russian Ambassador in London.

Art.1 A military convention must be concluded immediately between the General Staffs of France, Great Britain, Russia and Italy. This convention will determine the minimum military forces that Russia must deploy against Austria-Hungary, in the event that the latter should intend to use all its forces against Italy, but Russia should have decided to throw herself mainly against Germany. The above-mentioned military convention also regulates the questions relating to the armistice, in so far as they fall within the sphere of responsibility of the Supreme Command of the Armies.

And for the record, this is the document I got stuck (have a look at the nearly unreadable documents in contrast to the book):

And for the record, this is the document I got stuck (have a look at the nearly unreadable documents in contrast to the book):
I searched for the sentence fragments I could read in that document and found at least the most important parts of it:

The document which Dr. Hesemann found in the Vatican Archives files of the Apostolic Nunciature of Munich is a handwritten letter written on 8 November 1918 by the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Felix von Hartmann, and addressed to the Apostolic Nuncio in Germany, Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli — who would later become Pope Pius XII. In that letter, Cardinal von Hartmann informed Archbishop Pacelli about some information that Emperor Wilhelm II just had received and which he wanted to pass on to the pope, with the help of his personal friend Cardinal von Hartmann. What follows are the most important excerpts of that historic letter:

Your Excellency,

His Majesty the Emperor just has let it be known to me “that, according to news that came to him yesterday, the Grand Orient has just decided first to depose all Sovereigns – first of all him, the Emperor – then to destroy (?) the Cathol.[olic] Church, to imprison the pope, etc and, finally, to establish on the ruins of the former bourgeois society a world republic under the leadership of American Big Capital. The German Freemasons are purportedly loyal to the [German] Emperor (which is to be doubted!) and they informed him about it. Also England wants to preserve the current bourgeois order. France and America, however, are said to be under the full influence of the Grand Orient [Freemasonic Lodge]. Bolshevism is said to be the external tool to establish the desired conditions. In the face of such a great danger which threatens in addition to the Monarchy, also the Catholic Church; it is thus important that the German episcopacy be informed and that also the pope be warned.” So far the message of His Majesty. I have believed myself to be duty-bound to pass it on to Your Excellency, and I have to leave it up to Your judgment whether You wish to pass this message on to Rome. The stormy demand of the [German] Social Democrats that the Emperor should abdicate gives a certain confirmation to this message. May God protect us and His Holy Church in this terrible turmoil! [….] With utmost devotion and being at His Excellency’s disposal, Cardinal Felix de [von] Hartmann.

(Source: A.S.V., Arch. Nunz. Monaco d.B. 342, fasc. 13, p. 95-96)
Secret 1918 Vatican Archive Document Reveals Freemasonic Plot to Destroy Throne and Altar

A sentence from the last page of the document I found on Hesemann's website, where he quotes that part of the document:
Noch brisanter ist ein Bericht, den Erzberger am 28. März 1918 Pacelli übersandte. Darin heißt es, Ernesto Nathan (1845-1921), der Großmeisters des Grande Oriente d’Italia (von 1896 bis 1904 und von 1917 bis 1919) und Bürgermeister der Stadt Rom (1907-13), ein fanatischer Republikaner und erklärter Feind der Kirche, habe „primär den Plan gehabt… in Deutschland eine ‚antiklerikale Bewegung‘, wenn nicht hervorzurufen, so doch vorzubereiten.“
Und weiter: „Innerhalb der Logen der Entente besteht Übereinstimmung darüber, dass es absolut unmöglich ist, den Krieg militärisch zu einem für uns siegreichen Ende zu führen, selbst wenn die amerikanischen Bedingungen erfüllt werden sollten. Es ist daher der einzig richtige Weg, den Sieg auf dem Weg einer inneren Erschütterung der habsburgischen Monarchie vorzubereiten. Gleichzeitig muss dasselbe in Deutschland verursacht werden. Da es nicht sehr wahrscheinlich ist, dass die eiserne deutsche Disziplin es den ‚deutschen Bolschewikis‘ ermöglichen wird, eine Revolution herbeizuführen, so müssen andere, weniger gewalttätige Elemente des öffentlichen Lebens Deutschlands mobil gemacht werden.“
Insbesondere die Friedensbemühungen Benedikts XV. waren Nathan und dem ihm unterstehenden Großorient ein Dorn im Auge. So betont der Erzberger-Bericht, dass „man es … unter allen Umständen wünschenswert findet, sich der deutschen Logen zu versichern, um zu verhindern, dass der Papst, unter Ausnutzung der Stellung des (katholischen Reichskanzlers, des) Grafen Hertling und der Österreicher Unterwürfigkeit gegenüber dem hl. Stuhl es erreiche, die Friedensvermittlung in die Hand zu nehmen. In einem solchen Fall besteht nach der gleichen Quelle kein Zweifel daran, dass England Italien zum Verzicht auf jene Forderungen zwingen würde, ohne die die Verbündeten das Recht haben, den Artikel 15 des Londoner Vertrages als nicht mehr bestehend zu betrachten.“

Translation of the above with Deepl:
Even more explosive is a report that Erzberger sent to Pacelli on March 28, 1918. It states that Ernesto Nathan (1845-1921), the Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d'Italia (from 1896 to 1904 and from 1917 to 1919) and Mayor of Rome (1907-13), a fanatical republican and avowed enemy of the Church, had "primarily planned... if not to provoke, then at least to prepare an 'anti-clerical movement' in Germany."

And further: "There is agreement within the lodges of the Entente that it is absolutely impossible to bring the war to a victorious end for us militarily, even if the American conditions were to be met. The only correct course is therefore to prepare for victory by means of an internal shattering of the Habsburg monarchy. At the same time the same thing must be brought about in Germany. Since it is not very likely that the iron German discipline will enable the 'German Bolsheviks' to bring about a revolution, other, less violent elements of German public life must be mobilized."

The peace efforts of Benedict XV in particular were a thorn in the side of Nathan and the Grand Orient under his command. The Erzberger report emphasizes that "it is ... desirable under all circumstances to secure the German lodges in order to prevent the Pope, taking advantage of the position of the (Catholic Imperial Chancellor, Count Hertling) and the Austrians' subservience to the Holy See, from taking peace mediation into his own hands. In such a case, according to the same source, there is no doubt that England would force Italy to renounce those demands without which the allies have the right to consider Article 15 of the Treaty of London as no longer existing."

Translated with (free version)

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