German shooting rampage


The Living Force
from At Least 16 Die as Youth Opens Fire at German School

I listened to the news this morning and there was a round-up of various press statement that I heard of that were quite disturbing, because I was trying to decipher what was behind it.
It is quite timely with the Alabama shooting.

It is recontructed from memory of what I heard discussed from the various newspapers.

This article outlines in part what I heard this morning : _

It seems that :

- The press is asking the question about why do such things happen ? why would someone that does not look like a killer did what he did ? how does a young person turn into a killer ?

Yeah of course you don't know, it's not like you know about greenbaum programming of psychopaths anyway

- The German chief of police did not believe that more police, cameras, less guns... would stop this kind of killing

Ah interesting, what to do then ?

- What could be used is more psychological help within the school to prevent such things

What a nice way to introduce psychological evaluations in schools, with the result of medicating troubled teenagers maybe ?
or to gather informations about every child and parents ?

- The police used the internet to try to find a suicide note on youtube.

- You could find the praise of such acts on the internet, to be recognized and be remembered afterwards.

Always link the internet with such acts as to reinforce the idea that the internet is evil and that youth is in danger

Another thing that makes me wonder is the bent on "sexual frustration" :

Kretschmer, 17, murdered nine of his former schoolmates, eight of them girls, as well as three female teachers at the Albertville school in Winnenden, near Stuttgart. Seven other pupils who survived being shot were all girls.
Detectives are working on the theory that Kretschmer, described as a shy loner who had never had a girlfriend, may have been motivated by a grudge against girls, possibly after being snubbed by female classmates at the school, which he left last year.

What is that about ? So shy, weird, maladjusted boys could turn into a killer now ?
From the article (if they report the truth of course), this one boy was indeed a freaky little guy already into guns.

One sure thing (taken that everything said is true), it was a cold efficient killing

“He wasn’t shooting wildly or randomly when he entered the classrooms. He primarily shot to the head.”
“He gunned her down with ice-cold efficiency,” a police spokesman said.

Note :

There was a few other acts of violence these last two months happening in schools, with so called "retribution attack", where Masked men enter the schools and hurt as many people as possible (without killing), two in Belgium and one in France if I am correct.
Maybe more to come ?

Be scared people, be really scared they said.
There have recently been two fatal school shootings in Finland and the police says that they have registered couple hundred written threaths of school violence after Jokela shootings.

Planned measures against this includes:
- limiting gun availability
- limiting students privacy. Especially health records.
- more psychological help in schools
- new police activity: internet police and school police
- criminalization of planning a crime

Tigersoap said:
Be scared people, be really scared they said.

I had yesterday the same thoughts of spreading more fear, as I heard about it and read some news article on the internet.

But why is it that the youth is being attacked? (I'm assuming here that it was planned, maybe Greenbauming…) Or that the media is using such unfortunate coincidence, to fulfil a agenda (of spreading fear and suggesting more security and control)?

A reason could it be, imo, that the parents want more security for their kids (what is very understandable), because such bad things are happening more often. That means, that a want is arising (from society) for more control and security.
They mentioned that he went to a larger town nearby (Heidelberg) for psychiatric treatment for his depression. So maybe something happened there re programming? On the other hand, his father had 15 guns at home - which may suggest there was something fishy in that family.
Yesterday I stumbled on this address: _

And after watching this video I wasn't able to see how this guy committed suicide. It was cellphone video, low quality, but what was clearly visible was this guy standing and walking around on some parking lot and suddenly, like something has hit him, he fell to the ground. I didn't saw his hands reach towards his head in order to fire gun at himself. More likely he has been shoot. But again, the video was low quality so maybe I was not able to see all the details.

I was able to find another link: _
And in this video the moment in wich you can see Kretshmer doing suicide according mainstream story is CUT out!
abcdefghiJoerg said:
But why is it that the youth is being attacked? (I'm assuming here that it was planned, maybe Greenbauming…) Or that the media is using such unfortunate coincidence, to fulfil a agenda (of spreading fear and suggesting more security and control)?[A reason could it be, imo, that the parents want more security for their kids (what is very understandable), because such bad things are happening more often. That means, that a want is arising (from society) for more control and security.

That's the way I see it as well, children are always a sensitive and emotional issue, so it makes sense to appeal to those feelings because people will stop "thinking" and react to protect their children.

I don't know if this was planned or if the kid "started" his program early, the results are the same.

Session 980617

Q: (T) OK, the question is, is the fellow that just shot three
professors in San Diego, I think it was, the University, before
they read his thesis, because he was afraid they would throw
his thesis away, and make it look bad, and flunk him. Was he
a Greenbaum?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Why did they turn him 'on' at that point?
A: Not correct concept. What if: those programmed in the so
called "Greenbaum" projects are preprogrammed to "go off"
all at once, and some "malfunction," and go off early?

Q: (L) Oh!!! Can you tell us at approximately what time
they're programmed to go off? Because it is a program...
A: Nope.

If I understand correctly these kind of things should happen more frequently as the wave comes closer.
Regulattor said:
And after watching this video I wasn't able to see how this guy committed suicide. It was cellphone video, low quality, but what was clearly visible was this guy standing and walking around on some parking lot and suddenly, like something has hit him, he fell to the ground. I didn't saw his hands reach towards his head and in order to fire gun at himself. More likely he has been shoot. But again, the video was low quality so maybe I was not able to see all the details.

uh strange.
It looks like he is kneeling slowly instead of being shot but maybe that's the way you fall when you're shot, I don't know.

Then why was it removed from the second video then ? to spare the viewers ? we don't see anything except the weird way he falls on the ground osit.
Tigersoap said:
Regulattor said:
And after watching this video I wasn't able to see how this guy committed suicide. It was cellphone video, low quality, but what was clearly visible was this guy standing and walking around on some parking lot and suddenly, like something has hit him, he fell to the ground. I didn't saw his hands reach towards his head and in order to fire gun at himself. More likely he has been shoot. But again, the video was low quality so maybe I was not able to see all the details.

uh strange.
It looks like he is kneeling slowly instead of being shot but maybe that's the way you fall when you're shot, I don't know.

Then why was it removed from the second video then ? to spare the viewers ? we don't see anything except the weird way he falls on the ground osit.

And I suppose you wont reach with your right hand towards ground after you shot yourself in the head. Like to make fall more easy?
Interestingly, a controversial gun trade show started today in Nuremberg, Germany.
From what I heard via the radio it seems quite likely that the killer`s family was a very narcistic one.
He`s being described by those students who knew him as shy, self-important, bragging, would throw a fit when losing at a game etc.
There seemed to be much pressure on him from his parents (well off businesspeople). One student is alleged to have said to him once:
"You`re the type of guy who`d go on a killing spree".
I think his parents are also responsible for this massacre. The father had a huge number of weapons at his home and he clearly didn`t
safeguard them enough.

What I find very intriguing is that apparently Germany is on Place II (after the US) reg. school killings. We have to keep in mind that
the weapon law in Germany is very restrictive, esp. compared with the US. Now if our laws were similiarly liberal in terms of weapon ownership
would we have a school massacre every other month???

I think the german school system is definitely connected with this sort of crimes. That comes up in conversation all the time.
Otherwise I`m still guessing what makes Germany so special in terms of killing sprees :huh:.
One thing I heard as well on the radio, and this time I think the person talking was actually helping, is that a certain Belgian newspaper used the event to put the emphasis that ALL our teenagers are troubled and could turn into killers, that they are all in danger because of the internet and video games (of course is not entirely inaccurate) which is of course, a gross misrepresentation that serves the PTB.

I think it just helps dividing the different generations by creating fear in adults toward teenagers.
Tigersoap wrote: << What a nice way to introduce psychological evaluations in schools, with the result of medicating troubled teenagers maybe ? >>

Surely, and of course the slightest "finding" will result in a psychiatric classification or label that restricts your rights for life ever after. I heard and read that the shooter himself was on Prozac. Web search on "germany shooting school prozac" turns it up. Don't know about the Alabama shooter but loads of these killers seem to be on or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.
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