I wonder, when it goes under, where does it hide? How long is it capable of just feeding off background radiations of the Soul? Mere closeness is enough to keep it alive indefinitely? I wonder, after it's long absence, hoping that maybe we got rid of the Predator for good, from where does it come back? Where is the place of Never Left? To feed again, give us a hard time and one more painful defeat?
I noticed the Predator watching, firing off signals of agitation, in a form intended to elicit emotional response. From time to time, from his place, where not our time flows. Plays us like a musical instrument. Hacks away a little piece of our life force, converts to edible bits. It must constantly shoot fire arrows into our peace of mind, sidetrack our honest attempts, shred our creative concepts into struggling ribbons of thought.
Dragged down from the state of Greater Harmony, in this matrix through the misery the Predator caused, our free flow becomes constricted, the beauty of our Soul is raped, our love into wickedness converted, our voice sounds hollow, pursuing truthfulness endangers us, speaking about dangerous Truth kills us.
Our life is of a distressed swimmer. Desperately kicking to keep our head afloat to remain aware of the crimes of the Predator. Fatigued we stop kicking, sink along with our awareness and forget. Begin to respond in old ways again, to the life-force robbing crimes of the Predator, as it would like us to be - respond: forgetful slaves, entrapped in fuzzy haze, without the Breath, suffocating slowly in this World of warm Sea of Death, forgetting to come up again to the surface of cold realizations. Our soul energy and light and love get's sucked out again.
Sometimes jolted we might begin to kick again, come up from under the deadly waves, our awareness and memories reinserting:
...we remember having been there...
and wondering when will all this suffering end?
When will we learn again to fly?
When will we wake up? For Good! Regaining all lost memories: all the lessons learned. Shoot up from the dangerous waters of 3rd Density, our awareness and knowledge lifting us up, high into the sky, to never ever look back,
and embrace again
the impossibly bright clouds of Living Light?
I noticed the Predator watching, firing off signals of agitation, in a form intended to elicit emotional response. From time to time, from his place, where not our time flows. Plays us like a musical instrument. Hacks away a little piece of our life force, converts to edible bits. It must constantly shoot fire arrows into our peace of mind, sidetrack our honest attempts, shred our creative concepts into struggling ribbons of thought.
Dragged down from the state of Greater Harmony, in this matrix through the misery the Predator caused, our free flow becomes constricted, the beauty of our Soul is raped, our love into wickedness converted, our voice sounds hollow, pursuing truthfulness endangers us, speaking about dangerous Truth kills us.
Our life is of a distressed swimmer. Desperately kicking to keep our head afloat to remain aware of the crimes of the Predator. Fatigued we stop kicking, sink along with our awareness and forget. Begin to respond in old ways again, to the life-force robbing crimes of the Predator, as it would like us to be - respond: forgetful slaves, entrapped in fuzzy haze, without the Breath, suffocating slowly in this World of warm Sea of Death, forgetting to come up again to the surface of cold realizations. Our soul energy and light and love get's sucked out again.
Sometimes jolted we might begin to kick again, come up from under the deadly waves, our awareness and memories reinserting:
...we remember having been there...
and wondering when will all this suffering end?
When will we learn again to fly?
When will we wake up? For Good! Regaining all lost memories: all the lessons learned. Shoot up from the dangerous waters of 3rd Density, our awareness and knowledge lifting us up, high into the sky, to never ever look back,
and embrace again
the impossibly bright clouds of Living Light?