Getting seated in the Work

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lauranimal
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This afternoon, I couldn't keep my eyes open and went down for a nap that turned into a 6 hour deep sleep. I only remember parts of the dream, and for the most part I think I have some small understanding of the meaning, and would definitely like some interpretive help.

The first part I remember was that Laura KJ came to stay with me in my home. She brought a good deal of luggage so was intending to stay for some time. I made her comfortable in my own bedroom. Once I made sure she was comfortable and resting, I left the house to go take care of some things (???)

Lots happened in between... no idea what, but I then found myself standing outside of some kind of vault. Myself and 3 other members of the forum(their faces were unclear) One of us is badly injured, barely ambulatory and it seems that part of the reason we are undertaking this journey is to get this person to a safe and protected place to recover.

Heimdallr was standing outside as if at a post. (Since I know what he looks like now from FaceBook, it was his true face) Maybe guarding or looking after the safety of those entering... making sure they had all the gear they needed to enter safely. I don't remember any doors opening but suddenly the 4 of us are inside a giant square hall made of rock or stone, standing on some kind of platform, looking out at Heimdallr as he is giving us the nod to go.

We all put on our special glasses. They are like sunglasses, but they have wings on the sides. (kindof like the wings on the helmet of the Norse God that used to be Heimdallr's avatar here on the forum) As soon as our glasses are on, we begin to travel inexplicably deep into the earth[?]. It's like the platform is an elevator, but we are not really moving through physical space as much as through perceptions of space (if that makes any sense). We reached a base level and took our injured party to something of a hospital room and got them safely situated in a hospital bed with IV's hooked up and a nurse looking after them. (him? her?) We went to explore around a bit. To check out the other levels.

Back on the platform, we put on our glasses and everything shifted to another level, but suddenly I was by myself as I looked about me. It seems there had been some kind of an explosion at this level, or maybe an implosion that had damaged this part of the vault. The walls were made of long, tall 3 or 4 foot wide strips of metal (they seemed like some mixture of copper and brass). Like a giant version of wainscoating, only made of metal. The bottoms of the walls were all blown inward. The metal strips curled inward like the ends of ribbons in various directions with soot coating it's sharp edges. It felt really familiar and unsafe and I quickly put my glasses on and shifted to another level.

When I took the glasses off again, It seemed like I was back in the "real world". Everything seemed a little too normal though and I kept trying to get a grasp of why nothing seemed quite right when I finally realized that Heimdallr had not been at the edge of the platform and it was unlikely that I would have just bypassed him and walked back into normal "time." I couldn't find the platform until I put my glasses back on. I felt desperate to get away from all the people I was surrounded by. I felt threatened and almost panicky trying to get back to the platform.

and then I woke up.

Some of it seems obvious, but any perspective is appreciated.

Kind of interesting. You say ''Some of it seems obvious'', you mean the glasses, the 3 memebers, the platform, and the bedroom; but maybe you can help me out ... what do you think it means?
I'm good at remembering dreams but not very good at interpreting them ... :rolleyes:
But I'll try.

This afternoon, I couldn't keep my eyes open and went down for a nap that turned into a 6 hour deep sleep. I only remember parts of the dream, and for the most part I think I have some small understanding of the meaning, and would definitely like some interpretive help.

Were you just tired? Or did you suddenly felt like you couldn't stay up any more?

The first part I remember was that Laura KJ came to stay with me in my home. She brought a good deal of luggage so was intending to stay for some time. I made her comfortable in my own bedroom. Once I made sure she was comfortable and resting, I left the house to go take care of some things (???)

Its obvious that it is not just in your home but in your bedroom...I mean, you gave your own bed; something with is very private and only shared with the loved one.
My interpretation would be: You are sharing something private with someone you trust. But you trust that person not because it is close to you but because you believe to be trustworthy. You are maybe trying to offer security to that someone.

Heimdallr was standing outside as if at a post. (Since I know what he looks like now from FaceBook, it was his true face) Maybe guarding or looking after the safety of those entering... making sure they had all the gear they needed to enter safely. I don't remember any doors opening but suddenly the 4 of us are inside a giant square hall made of rock or stone, standing on some kind of platform, looking out at Heimdallr as he is giving us the nod to go.

I would say that this explains pretty much what he is doing, as he does it here in the forum. Maybe what he is doing is setting up an example of how one should act - with vigilance. Maybe the other 3 forumers could be people in your life that you share your personal information.

We all put on our special glasses. They are like sunglasses, but they have wings on the sides. (kindof like the wings on the helmet of the Norse God that used to be Heimdallr's avatar here on the forum) As soon as our glasses are on, we begin to travel inexplicably deep into the earth[?]. It's like the platform is an elevator, but we are not really moving through physical space as much as through perceptions of space (if that makes any sense). We reached a base level and took our injured party to something of a hospital room and got them safely situated in a hospital bed with IV's hooked up and a nurse looking after them. (him? her?) We went to explore around a bit. To check out the other levels.

?? If Earth is a body- if we were to take it as being literary a body, like in a human body, then traveling inside the earth looking for a hospital to heal the injured ... is like trying to find what's wrong with you health (and I'm not saying there is something wrong) ...
Glasses = Perception?? To focus?? To protect?? ; more like for protection since they are sunglasses ... Illusion, hiding something.. ??

Back on the platform, we put on our glasses and everything shifted to another level, but suddenly I was by myself as I looked about me. It seems there had been some kind of an explosion at this level, or maybe an implosion that had damaged this part of the vault. The walls were made of long, tall 3 or 4 foot wide strips of metal (they seemed like some mixture of copper and brass). Like a giant version of wainscoating, only made of metal. The bottoms of the walls were all blown inward. The metal strips curled inward like the ends of ribbons in various directions with soot coating it's sharp edges. It felt really familiar and unsafe and I quickly put my glasses on and shifted to another level.

I think, the walls the and the rest ... it kind of like ... I thing it's about your body in some way. And maybe some of the information you agree with the other forumers is acting like having glasses on , like is hiding something from view... something like - what is right for them it is not right for you ??

My 2 cent .
[quote author=neema]
In the dream the individual was visiting me or passing through, and I was simply providing a place for them to stay and rest. I remember I took extra care in making sure everything was in order and that the person had everything they needed to be comfortable so they can rest. [/quote]

[quote author=Lauranimal]
The first part I remember was that Laura KJ came to stay with me in my home. She brought a good deal of luggage so was intending to stay for some time. I made her comfortable in my own bedroom. Once I made sure she was comfortable and resting[/quote]

This is very very similar to what neema said in the above quote.
Kind of interesting. You say ''Some of it seems obvious'', you mean the glasses, the 3 memebers, the platform, and the bedroom; but maybe you can help me out ... what do you think it means?

You are of course right.... I should give the parts that I understand and what I think they mean. For starters, I feel that each of the people in my dream represent aspects of myself. The things that I see in those specific people or being symbolic of what they represent to me unconsciously are embedded in the dream.

Were you just tired? Or did you suddenly felt like you couldn't stay up any more?
Both. I am almost always tired. I was trying to read on the forum and I was really trying to force myself to stay awake in the middle of the afternoon.

The first part I remember was that Laura KJ came to stay with me in my home. She brought a good deal of luggage so was intending to stay for some time. I made her comfortable in my own bedroom. Once I made sure she was comfortable and resting, I left the house to go take care of some things (???)
Its obvious that it is not just in your home but in your bedroom...I mean, you gave your own bed; something with is very private and only shared with the loved one.
My interpretation would be: You are sharing something private with someone you trust. But you trust that person not because it is close to you but because you believe to be trustworthy. You are maybe trying to offer security to that someone.

I see the house as the psychological/emotional body. The bedroom is the sanctuary, where we rest and recover and recharge for what is to come. Indeed, I see Laura as being very trustworthy and the luggage she brought is oodles and oodles of knowledge. Having her resting in my bed was like being grounded. It made me feel safe. I was able to venture outside of my usual psychological "house" because knowledge is protection and knowledge was resting in my bed. Not sure if it means anything that we share a name. And for what it is worth, when I left the house, I had to go down a couple of flights of stairs to get to the street.(???)

Heimdallr was standing outside as if at a post. (Since I know what he looks like now from FaceBook, it was his true face) Maybe guarding or looking after the safety of those entering... making sure they had all the gear they needed to enter safely. I don't remember any doors opening but suddenly the 4 of us are inside a giant square hall made of rock or stone, standing on some kind of platform, looking out at Heimdallr as he is giving us the nod to go.

I would say that this explains pretty much what he is doing, as he does it here in the forum. Maybe what he is doing is setting up an example of how one should act - with vigilance. Maybe the other 3 forumers could be people in your life that you share your personal information.

It is interesting though, that I chose HIM. I see all of our moderators as being protective as well as a good deal more. Perhaps it has to do with his former avatar, since I incorporated the wings .... but now that I think of it... his avatar had horns... not wings! Hmmmmmm.... OK.... still not sure on this one.

And the 3 forumites are various aspects of myself. One, so injured that he/she needs acute care. (I stumble through each day wracked in physical pain. It is part of what leaves me so exhausted all of the time. I don't understand how i keep going. I think it is sheer force of stubborn will) The other 2 "aspects" seem to have just disappeared when I went to a dangerous and scary place. Being that it seemed familiar, I'm guessing it represented some trauma from the past and there are parts of me that just cant go there. But I cannot fathom what the strips of metal walls are about? Armor? And the exploded part of the walls was the base. Still cornfused on this.

We all put on our special glasses. They are like sunglasses, but they have wings on the sides. (kindof like the wings on the helmet of the Norse God that used to be Heimdallr's avatar here on the forum) [NOT...they were horns!] As soon as our glasses are on, we begin to travel inexplicably deep into the earth[?]. It's like the platform is an elevator, but we are not really moving through physical space as much as through perceptions of space (if that makes any sense). We reached a base level and took our injured party to something of a hospital room and got them safely situated in a hospital bed with IV's hooked up and a nurse looking after them. (him? her?) We went to explore around a bit. To check out the other levels.

?? If Earth is a body- if we were to take it as being literary a body, like in a human body, then traveling inside the earth looking for a hospital to heal the injured ... is like trying to find what's wrong with you health (and I'm not saying there is something wrong) ...
Glasses = Perception?? To focus?? To protect?? ; more like for protection since they are sunglasses ... Illusion, hiding something.. ??

I think maybe (just maybe) the vault is the Forum in some way. Standing on a platforum as a means of traveling or exploring the vault? Or maybe it is where I keep parts of myself locked up and the forum is the place where it is becoming safer for me to begin opening up the various things that I have been afraid to look at too closely??? As for there being something wrong with my health. That is for certain. My spine/cranium/sacrum are so twisted I sometimes fear they will simply collapse.

It didn't seem so much like going deep into the earth as much a moving down through the layers of .... what? ... the psyche.

The glasses definitely have something to do with perception. It was not like putting on rose-colored glasses or even protecting myself from what I might see. It was as though putting on the glasses was allowing me to perceive what is hidden from the light of day. And maybe the wings on the sides of the glasses have to do with the ability to travel. To move in and out of the various caverns. Hmmm... they also made it possible to escape. Safety glasses? OK... still cornfused on this one.

Back on the platform, we put on our glasses and everything shifted to another level, but suddenly I was by myself as I looked about me. It seems there had been some kind of an explosion at this level, or maybe an implosion that had damaged this part of the vault. The walls were made of long, tall 3 or 4 foot wide strips of metal (they seemed like some mixture of copper and brass). Like a giant version of wainscoating, only made of metal. The bottoms of the walls were all blown inward. The metal strips curled inward like the ends of ribbons in various directions with soot coating it's sharp edges. It felt really familiar and unsafe and I quickly put my glasses on and shifted to another level.

I think, the walls the and the rest ... it kind of like ... I thing it's about your body in some way. And maybe some of the information you agree with the other forumers is acting like having glasses on , like is hiding something from view... something like - what is right for them it is not right for you ??

Thanks for taking a shot at this :) While this part doesn't really ring true, ("...What is right for them is not right for you?...) I have definitely spent some time with a skeptical mind. For a while, I wasn't sure this was the right place for me. Laura kJ's instructions to us were not to just believe everything she says or that we read. As I have read the material and begun to develop a little bit better level of discernment, I am more able to trust in what this forum is all about. Hence the title of this post, "Getting seated in the Work". I am just now getting to the place where I feel confident enough to really dig into it. That I have not just been vectored into some new feeding ground. Trust does not come easily, but over time it has become self evident that Laura KJ and the moderators have huge integrity. The other members are on a genuine path toward knowledge and being. I am in good company. I feel safe here.

But just the fact that I have been afraid to start EE, tells you something.
Thanks for taking a shot at this
:) :) :) My bad :) I didn't want to make it sound as bad... I was thinking more in terms of body knowledge.

I hope you get to the answers ;)

Hence the title of this post, "Getting seated in the Work". I am just now getting to the place where I feel confident enough to really dig into it.
Now I see ...

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