Ghost Stories


Jedi Master
It's getting to be the season so thought that I would share one from my workplace that my nurse co-worker just experienced. I work in a psychiatric hospital that was built in 1895. It consists of many Victorian buildings some of which were modeled after wealthy patients' homes or so I was told. Actually, not sure if that is true.
Here's some history: McLean Hospital - Wikipedia

Anyway, I work in a very quaint Victorian building that feels more like a home than a hospital. It has patient rooms, offices and a homey atmosphere. It is a private-pay program that costs 5K a day. Needless to say, it is the hospital's little money maker though I do feel what we offer does help people, sometimes a little and sometimes a lot.

Another co-worker told me that the hydrotherapy program used to be housed in our building back in the day (50s and before) when it was a thing. He also told me that a nurse was drowned by 2 patients in a hydrotherapy tub probably back in the 50s.

Meg, my fellow nurse, was on her break and walking around our driveway when she saw all the lights on in room 127 (the room that housed the tubs) with a lady lying on the bed watching TV. After the break she was talking with one of the counselors and asked about the new patient in room 127, the counselor said that there was no new patient in room 127...

Wish me luck--I'm on the night shift.

We have an adjacent building that is also haunted. Orbs, shadows and jangling keys on occasion.
It's getting to be the season so thought that I would share one from my workplace that my nurse co-worker just experienced. I work in a psychiatric hospital that was built in 1895. It consists of many Victorian buildings some of which were modeled after wealthy patients' homes or so I was told. Actually, not sure if that is true.
Here's some history: McLean Hospital - Wikipedia

Anyway, I work in a very quaint Victorian building that feels more like a home than a hospital. It has patient rooms, offices and a homey atmosphere. It is a private-pay program that costs 5K a day. Needless to say, it is the hospital's little money maker though I do feel what we offer does help people, sometimes a little and sometimes a lot.

Another co-worker told me that the hydrotherapy program used to be housed in our building back in the day (50s and before) when it was a thing. He also told me that a nurse was drowned by 2 patients in a hydrotherapy tub probably back in the 50s.

Meg, my fellow nurse, was on her break and walking around our driveway when she saw all the lights on in room 127 (the room that housed the tubs) with a lady lying on the bed watching TV. After the break she was talking with one of the counselors and asked about the new patient in room 127, the counselor said that there was no new patient in room 127...

Wish me luck--I'm on the night shift.

We have an adjacent building that is also haunted. Orbs, shadows and jangling keys on occasion.
Hi candasiri! Very interesting topic, and also really well written. At one time my friend circle included a lot of nurses, and they said they had definitely 'seen things' but never went into detail around me.
I moved to a smaller town and slowly learned the history of certain places here. Through a friend, I met another friend's mother who had also been a nurse. Before I lived here, there was a psyche hospital/insane asylum on the outskirts of town. She said that there were actually cages in the basement that housed some of the more unruly patients.
She also said that the buildings were torn down and the land used for sports fields...but she said that the building itself was most definitely haunted, and had no doubt that the area was still haunted to this day. My son played soccer there a few summers in a row, and I never witnessed anything myself.
I do also have a personal 'haunting' story that happened earlier this year. I'm not quite ready to talk about it here because it was very personal and although I wasn't scared, it still freaks me out a fair bit.

Awesome idea for a topic and I will be checking back for more!
A tourist visited Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City and took photographs of the carriages on display there and in one of these photographs appears what is considered to be the ghost of Empress Carlota


The castle dates from the Viceroyalty (Late 18th century) era and was used by the viceroys as a resting place. It was abandoned and in 1840 the Military College established its headquarters and battles against the U.S. Army were fought there. During the imperial transition (1864), Maximilian of Habsburg and his wife Carlota lived in the building. After this, it became the residence of the President of Mexico until 1944 when it became a museum and since then it houses more than one hundred thousand artistic and historical objects.

The tourist said: "On my visit to Chapultepec Castle in CDMX, I took several photographs, but only in one did I catch that woman in the glass. It fills me with intrigue to know if you are a little ghost, who are you, what era are you from?".

The image, presumably that of a ghost, shows the face of a young woman with her eyes looking down. The face appeared reflected in a glass in a carriage exhibited in the Chapultepec Castle and became present after seeing the photos.

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María Carlota Amelia Augusta Victoria Clementina Leopoldina of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha or simply Carlota of Mexico was princess of Belgium and Empress of Mexico. She died in Brussels in 1927 and according to Miguel de Grecia, she sighed holding a rosary and murmuring: "Mexique".​
There's a very scary ghost story in the cinema, for those who love this genre, and it takes place in a hospital! I think it's normal that hospitals still have floating spirits, because in hospitals, people die. And they die suffering. It's also normal for old hospitals to have stories of ghosts because of cases of torture, experiments were (and still are) carried out there. But back to the subject of cinema, there's this story that really scared me. The director, Jaume Balagueró, is an expert in terror films, but he's not a director for everyone. I'm putting the title here anyway, because ghost stories are always very interesting and unsettling.

I've only seen a ghost once, and even then I wonder if it was one. Some years ago I woke up and there was someone sitting at the foot of the bed who literally disappeared and disintegrated. Was it a ghost? Perhaps it was.


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A tourist visited Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City and took photographs of the carriages on display there and in one of these photographs appears what is considered to be the ghost of Empress Carlota

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The castle dates from the Viceroyalty (Late 18th century) era and was used by the viceroys as a resting place. It was abandoned and in 1840 the Military College established its headquarters and battles against the U.S. Army were fought there. During the imperial transition (1864), Maximilian of Habsburg and his wife Carlota lived in the building. After this, it became the residence of the President of Mexico until 1944 when it became a museum and since then it houses more than one hundred thousand artistic and historical objects.

The tourist said: "On my visit to Chapultepec Castle in CDMX, I took several photographs, but only in one did I catch that woman in the glass. It fills me with intrigue to know if you are a little ghost, who are you, what era are you from?".

The image, presumably that of a ghost, shows the face of a young woman with her eyes looking down. The face appeared reflected in a glass in a carriage exhibited in the Chapultepec Castle and became present after seeing the photos.

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María Carlota Amelia Augusta Victoria Clementina Leopoldina of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha or simply Carlota of Mexico was princess of Belgium and Empress of Mexico. She died in Brussels in 1927 and according to Miguel de Grecia, she sighed holding a rosary and murmuring: "Mexique".​
probably that is "imprint". C's quotes with search word of "imprint".( edited search result)
probably that is "imprint".


● More like an imprint that gets activated for "reruns" when the energies are right.
● The connection with physical imprint locator.
● Aroused by negative imprint of attack. Check the history of the location.

Possibly the tourist (identified as Jesse) had a connection to Carlota's ghost if the entity is truly the ghost of the empress.

Maximilian and Carlota ruled Mexico for three years. During those three years Carlota suffered greatly from her husband's infidelities. Maximilian met in Mexico a very beautiful 17 year old Indian girl with whom the emperor fell in love. For her part, Carlota could not give him an heir, but likely the problem was not her but Maximilian. Carlota fell in love with Colonel Van Der Smissen and later became pregnant, which forced her to flee Mexico pretending to be mentally ill in order to be in seclusion during her pregnancy.

But the official story is that desperate to save the throne of her husband threatened by the liberals of Benito Juarez, she went to Europe to get support and it is here where she began to show symptoms of mental imbalance, schizophrenia with paranoid and catatonic profiles as described by historians.

During her stay in Europe, her husband, Emperor Maximilian, was captured by the liberals and later shot. Possibly there is also a feeling of guilt in Carlota's soul, who knows.​
I moved to a smaller town and slowly learned the history of certain places here. Through a friend, I met another friend's mother who had also been a nurse. Before I lived here, there was a psyche hospital/insane asylum on the outskirts of town. She said that there were actually cages in the basement that housed some of the more unruly patients.
She also said that the buildings were torn down and the land used for sports fields...but she said that the building itself was most definitely haunted, and had no doubt that the area was still haunted to this day. My son played soccer there a few summers in a row, and I never witnessed anything myself.
I do also have a personal 'haunting' story that happened earlier this year. I'm not quite ready to talk about it here because it was very personal and although I wasn't scared, it still freaks me out a fair bit.
I think that older psych hospitals where a lot of negative human activities went down in regards to people with mental illness (who probably had a fair amount of attachments themselves) are the creepiest places. So sorry to hear that you were haunted.

I do wonder if we have a legit ghost or perhaps she is just an imprint as she is rarely seen. My colleague saw her and many years ago security reported that there was a patient outside our building, however it was the ghost/imprint.
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