

Jedi Master
Last night I actually had a dream that I remembered and I'll recount just the last bit of it that seemed significant. But first let me premise this by saying that I have been doing the breathing program for a week with mild results I think because I had a huge emotional purge a couple of years ago and it seems a large chunk of blockages were cleared then. So I requested from higher self to let me know in which direction i should look to continue the cleaning/ clearing of my personal house and here is the dream that came:

My sister and I are on our way to a 7:30 ballet class that I was worried i would be late for but I arrived on time since the class had not started. We drove through pouring rain in a convertable with no top. I was driving since i was the most prepared for the weather and was wearing a long raincoat and carefully chosen well-fitting rain boots. My sister road in the passanger seat holding an umbrella. We arrive at the class and it is parent's night which we didn't know about and my cousin and her mother were there for the class but not our mother. I remember thinking that it was too bad that we didn't know but my mom had seen us dance quite a bit so it wasn't a big deal. I make a point of going to the first row to be seen and found that the first exercise is one i have never done. I catch on quickly and really enjoy myself since I deeply understand what the movement is about. I resolve to REALLY practice and dedicate myself to this class and another I'm enrolled in in order to perfect my expression of dance(This part is a new twist on an old theme that i have had many dreams about. Usually I'm thrown into a dance that i do not know and I struggle to keep up).
Now it is nighttime and my sister and I are sleeping in the studio. I awake to see a teenage boy run past the studio window, then through the studio window and then towards me stopping crouched on the floor in front of me. I know this kid is a ghost and I try to tell him to go away but my voice won't work. I get angry and try to will him away and then I feel how he feels. It is this horribly intense grief of not being loved or wanted which begins to make me feel sad for him. At this point my sister who is half awake realizes what is going on and pushes him out through the window and I see him running outside again. I'm very thankful he's left since I'm terrified of ghosts and I cheerily give a thumbs up to wish him all the best on his way. The next thing I know, I'm outside of the studio standing on the sidewalk in the rain and the dark and I see him running towards me. I tell him that he's not supposed to come back but it's not him anymore. It's a younger dark-haired girl of about 11 years. I find her obnoxious and annoying and she is standing much to close to me invading my personal space with this grin on her face. I have this moment of intense fear as i realize that she is a ghost attached to me and then I wake up.

OK, ghosts, dead people what ever you want to call them really frighten me. I had an experience with one a couple of years ago that was attached to me (I was told that I attract them-that's just great) that caused so much noise in our house that I called in a psychic to get rid of him which opened a whole other can of worms but at least the ghost was gone. Now, I rarely feel such intense fear in my dreams and always when it comes up I examine it to see where it comes from so i can absolve it somehow. My first thought after calming myself was that i needed to begin clearing out negative attachments, entities or whatever in order to continue on in my path but I have no idea how to do that or where to even begin. The whole idea really freaks me out (a big indicator that work needs to be done somewhere somehow). If any one has any book recommendations to help me get a bit more informed about this I think that would go along way in alleviating my fear before I even considering anything else. If anyone has another interpretation i would love to hear it since I hate everything to do with dead dudes.

The other parts of the dream seem clear enough except one part that happened before the part explained above. While driving around in the same car that was given to us before, it started to rain. I came upon a cliff with the word HELIOPSE carved in it. Apparently others new of it and it was reported in the media as an important clue in the 4Th edition of some new video game that everyone was into. This part played over three times which makes me think it's significanct but i can't think if how. Any insights are more than welcome...
Interesting dreams. I myself have also had very vivid dreams in my own room of "things" that look like people (in my case: my little brother and an old friend) and both were looking at me with a grin on their face. Though very emotionless.
Also experienced a vivid dream where a dark haired girl was holding my arm all the time while I was laying in bed, though I couldn't see her face (I started hitting her and told her to let go of me - after some seconds of ''struggle'' I woke up). I'm not sure if these are really things ''out there'' or more ''in you''. Perhaps a part of your consciousness? I don't know.

Rx said:
Now it is nighttime and my sister and I are sleeping in the studio. I awake to see a teenage boy run past the studio window, then through the studio window and then towards me stopping crouched on the floor in front of me. I know this kid is a ghost and I try to tell him to go away but my voice won't work. I get angry and try to will him away and then I feel how he feels. It is this horribly intense grief of not being loved or wanted which begins to make me feel sad for him. At this point my sister who is half awake realizes what is going on and pushes him out through the window and I see him running outside again. I'm very thankful he's left since I'm terrified of ghosts and I cheerily give a thumbs up to wish him all the best on his way. The next thing I know, I'm outside of the studio standing on the sidewalk in the rain and the dark and I see him running towards me. I tell him that he's not supposed to come back but it's not him anymore. It's a younger dark-haired girl of about 11 years. I find her obnoxious and annoying and she is standing much to close to me invading my personal space with this grin on her face. I have this moment of intense fear as i realize that she is a ghost attached to me and then I wake up.
Perhaps it is more like a ''dark man dream''? :

(from the Wave)

Laura said:
At that point, I could have plunged back into denial, into the old belief system, for the sake of peace and keeping everything stable, but I had a dream that clearly told me that I was in mortal danger if I did not take immediate action. It was the standard "Dark Man Dream" as described by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a Jungian psychologist, who uses ancient tales as maps to chart our unconscious knowing in her book Women Who Run With The Wolves.

"The natural predator of the psyche is not only found in fairy tales but also in dreams. There is a universal initiatory dream, one so common that it is remarkable if a person has reached age 25 without having had such a dream. The dream usually causes the person to jolt awake, striving and anxious. The dream usually involves being in a house with danger outside or darkness outside. The dreamer is frightened and frantically tries to obtain assistance. Suddenly, they realize the danger is virtually on top of them, or right with them, or cannot be overcome or avoided, or that they have lost. The dreamer awakens instantly, breathing hard, heart pounding.

"There is a strong physical aspect to having a dream of the predator. The dream is often accompanied by sweats, struggles, hoarse breathing, heart pounding, and sometimes crying and moans of fear. We could say the dream-maker has dispensed with subtle messages to the dreamer and now sends images which shake the neurological and autonomic nervous system of the dreamer, thereby communicating the urgency of the matter.

"The antagonists of the 'dark dream' are, in people's own words, 'terrorists, rapists, thugs, concentration camp Nazis, marauders, murderers, criminals, creeps, bad men, thieves.' There are several levels to the interpretation of the dream..."

"Often such a dream is a reliable indicator that a person's consciousness is just beginning to gain awareness of the innate psychic predator...."

"The dream is a harbinger; the dreamer has just discovered or is about to discover and begin liberating a forgotten and captive function of the psyche.

"The dark man dream tells a person what predicament they are facing. The dream tells about a cruel attitude toward the dreamer. Like Bluebeard's wife, the dreamer can consciously gain hold of the 'key' question about this matter and answer it honestly, and can then be set free. ...

"The dark man appears in dreams when an initiation - a psychic change from one level of knowing and behavior to another more energetic level of knowledge and action is imminent. The initiation creates an archway which one prepares to pass through to a new manner of knowing and being....

"Dreams are 'portales,' entrances, preparations, and practices for the next step in consciousness.

"Dark man dreams are wake-up calls. They say: Pay attention! Something has gone radically amiss in the outer world. ....The threat of the 'dark man dreams' serves as a warning to all of us -- if you don't pay attention, something will be stolen from you! The dreamer needs to be initiated so that whatever has been robbing her can be recoginzed, apprehended, and dealt with.

"In the Bluebeard story we see how a woman who falls under the spell of the predator rouses herself and escapes him, wiser for the experience. The story is about transformation through knowledge, insight, voice, decisive action. We must unlock the secrets and use our abilities to be able to stand what we see. And then, we must use our voice and our wits to do what needs to be done about what we see. When instincts are strong, we intuitively recognize the innate predator by scent, sight, and hearing... we anticipate its presence, hear it approaching, and take steps to turn it away. In the instinct-injured (i.e. nuts and bolts person) the predator is upon them before they register its presence. We have been taught to be nice, to behave, to be blind, and to be misused. [We have been hypnotized to give up our flesh and skins.]

"The young and the injured are uninitiated. Neither knows much about the dark predator and are, therefore, credulous. But, fortunately, when the predator is on the move, it leaves behind unmistakable tracks in dreams. These tracks eventually lead to its discovery, capture and containment.

"Wild Ways teaches people when not to act 'nice' about protecting their souls. The instinctive nature knows that being 'sweet' in these instances only makes the predator smile. When the soul is being threatened, it is not only acceptable to draw the line and mean it, it is required."

I also remember Laura saying:

Most weirdnesses that happen in any psychic activity is due to the state of mind of the individual, that individual's psychology and state of psychological health. So, getting psychologically healthy to as great an extent as possible is your number one goal!

So perhaps reading Psychology related books could help you out, starting with Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout (assuming you haven't read it yet)? If they are ghosts, then perhaps you can say that you do not want to be visited etc. That's what I always say.

See also this post/thread :
Hi Rx

I think Oxajil has covered most of the dream with the above.

Oxajil said:
I also remember Laura saying:

Most weirdnesses that happen in any psychic activity is due to the state of mind of the individual, that individual's psychology and state of psychological health. So, getting psychologically healthy to as great an extent as possible is your number one goal!

So perhaps reading Psychology related books could help you out, starting with Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout (assuming you haven't read it yet)? If they are ghosts, then perhaps you can say that you do not want to be visited etc. That's what I always say.

See also this post/thread :

This is also my understanding of things. I discovered SOTT whilst still experiencing (having had most of my life) strangeness and similar dreams to the above. Infact some of my first posts where regarding such weirdness. It was suggested back then that I work on what was I've been working on my psychology and past wounds, and 99% of the weirdness has cleared up. Or perhaps it just doesn't bother me anymore?!

Some thoughts about the 'ghosts' in your dream. There is definitely something predatory and invasive about it. As to what it is, you may not be able to know for sure.
It could be any number of things from part of your own psyche (predators mind) to our 4D STS friends messing with you.
As such the best protection is knowledge and healing of self.

Rx said:
If any one has any book recommendations to help me get a bit more informed about this I think that would go along way in alleviating my fear before I even considering anything else.
fwiw it does seem to have distracted you (or perhaps is attempting to distract you) from continuing with the breathing exercises. This may be the most important thing to consider perhaps? Work through the big 4 psychology books and continue the breathing exercises are the best things you can do right now.
Put your energy on working on yourself, rather than focusing your time and energy on something that may just be a distraction.
Those 4D STS sure do like to play 'tricks' on us.

As to the dream elements....appart from the darkman theme, I'll have a go at the meaning of them. Keep in mind that dreams can be a good source of disinformation/distraction....

Rx said:
While driving around in the same car that was given to us before, it started to rain. I came upon a cliff with the word HELIOPSE carved in it. Apparently others new of it and it was reported in the media as an important clue in the 4Th edition of some new video game that everyone was into. This part played over three times which makes me think it's significanct but i can't think if how.

I did try putting it into an anagram generator, but nothing really significant came out.... so rather than focus on the 'word' (which is possibly a distraction) lets look at the other clues...
Dark/raining (general forboding/fear...perhaps induced or perhaps a clue?), reported in media (controlled by PTB) as an 'important clue' (since when do the PTB give out important clues? smells like cointelpro). Video game everyone was into (mass distraction and a waste of energy!).

Rx said:
My sister and I are on our way to a 7:30 ballet class that I was worried i would be late for but I arrived on time since the class had not started. We drove through pouring rain in a convertable with no top.
Worry added to the fear.....general anxiety. Having no top to the to the elements, no protection from the 'rain'/darkness. A chunk of missing awareness perhaps?

Rx said:
I was driving since i was the most prepared for the weather and was wearing a long raincoat and carefully chosen well-fitting rain boots. My sister road in the passanger seat holding an umbrella.
So partial awareness and protection has been added to your 'car' (I always think of cars as being about 'yourself' as well as building in dreams)

Rx said:
I make a point of going to the first row to be seen and found that the first exercise is one i have never done. I catch on quickly and really enjoy myself since I deeply understand what the movement is about. I resolve to REALLY practice and dedicate myself to this class and another I'm enrolled in in order to perfect my expression of dance(This part is a new twist on an old theme that i have had many dreams about. Usually I'm thrown into a dance that i do not know and I struggle to keep up).
Perhaps this is about the breathing exercises? And your resolve to REALLY practice it. The other class being the Work or perhaps life in general?

Rx said:
Now it is nighttime and my sister and I are sleeping in the studio.
Darkness (fear/forboding again.....I find its linked to my emotions in dreams usually)...sleeping may be about lack of awareness again....a 'gap' in it.

Rx said:
I awake to see a teenage boy run past the studio window, then through the studio window and then towards me stopping crouched on the floor in front of me. I know this kid is a ghost and I try to tell him to go away but my voice won't work.
Fear and powerlessness.

Rx said:
I get angry and try to will him away and then I feel how he feels. It is this horribly intense grief of not being loved or wanted which begins to make me feel sad for him.
Anger is good because you are fighting it. Remember however if it is a predator or some sort, it doesn't 'feel' anything.
This grief at not being loved was used to distract your anger from it, and thus over power you/controll you.
As to where it comes could well be some deep buried grief at feeling unloved (this is where the big 4 psychology books come in). If so, the gap in your awareness may be this.....the predator is using your wounds against you, as you thought it was 'its' feelings, not yours.

Rx said:
At this point my sister who is half awake realizes what is going on and pushes him out through the window and I see him running outside again. I'm very thankful he's left since I'm terrified of ghosts and I cheerily give a thumbs up to wish him all the best on his way.
Perhaps your sister represents part of yourself that is just waking up? Part of you recognising the situation for what it is? The observer perhaps?

Rx said:
The next thing I know, I'm outside of the studio standing on the sidewalk in the rain and the dark and I see him running towards me. I tell him that he's not supposed to come back but it's not him anymore. It's a younger dark-haired girl of about 11 years. I find her obnoxious and annoying and she is standing much to close to me invading my personal space with this grin on her face. I have this moment of intense fear as i realize that she is a ghost attached to me and then I wake up.
Rain/dark (fear/forboding again), outside is lack of protection/feeling exposed.
Now this part is similar to the above....but a bit trickier to untangle.
The predator is represented by a dark haired obnoxious 11 year old girl. Could it be the mask the predator is wearing here is part of you you've buried, that its using and twisting against you?

So with all the above in looks like you really do need to read the recommended psychology books, because I can see a lot of elements that match past buried emotional traumas in this dream.
It seems that part of you is missing (your cars roof), which is leaving you exposed/open to attack......if the dream is anything to go by it may be grief at feeling unloved, and yourself at age 11 being called obnoxious by someone?
At least maybe this is just the clues to where to start to look.

Hope that helps.
From Oxajil,

"The dark man appears in dreams when an initiation - a psychic change from one level of knowing and behavior to another more energetic level of knowledge and action is imminent. The initiation creates an archway which one prepares to pass through to a new manner of knowing and being....

"Dreams are 'portales,' entrances, preparations, and practices for the next step in consciousness.

"Dark man dreams are wake-up calls. They say: Pay attention! Something has gone radically amiss in the outer world. ....The threat of the 'dark man dreams' serves as a warning to all of us -- if you don't pay attention, something will be stolen from you! The dreamer needs to be initiated so that whatever has been robbing her can be recoginzed, apprehended, and dealt with.

I think you're right about this being a "dark man" dream. Funny that i have read the above quote many times and missed the point entirely until it was experienced which seems to be the way with learning. I'm glad i decided to take the time to post and even more glad that you and Redfox responded. Thank you so much!

If any one has any book recommendations to help me get a bit more informed about this I think that would go along way in alleviating my fear before I even considering anything else.
fwiw it does seem to have distracted you (or perhaps is attempting to distract you) from continuing with the breathing exercises. This may be the most important thing to consider perhaps? Work through the big 4 psychology books and continue the breathing exercises are the best things you can do right now.
Put your energy on working on yourself, rather than focusing your time and energy on something that may just be a distraction.
Those 4D STS sure do like to play 'tricks' on us.

No worries about being distracted from my work or stopping the breathing program. I have been searching (hacking through jungle with a machete) for more than 30 years to find truth. I have finally found an excersize that is practical in its application with tangible results and I will not be stopped after coming this far period.

Quote from: Rx
While driving around in the same car that was given to us before, it started to rain. I came upon a cliff with the word HELIOPSE carved in it. Apparently others new of it and it was reported in the media as an important clue in the 4Th edition of some new video game that everyone was into. This part played over three times which makes me think it's significanct but i can't think if how.

I did try putting it into an anagram generator, but nothing really significant came out.... so rather than focus on the 'word' (which is possibly a distraction) lets look at the other clues...
Dark/raining (general forboding/fear...perhaps induced or perhaps a clue?), reported in media (controlled by PTB) as an 'important clue' (since when do the PTB give out important clues? smells like cointelpro). Video game everyone was into (mass distraction and a waste of energy!).

After reading both of your posts and rereading the above with the "dark man" theme, I think that first part of the dream was a disclaimer from my subconsious. Something like, "Warning, the material you are about to see contains scenes of violence in order to create fear and confusion. Discretion is advised.." Maybe the "clue" was pointing out the nature of the rest of the dream.
Most weirdnesses that happen in any psychic activity is due to the state of mind of the individual, that individual's psychology and state of psychological health. So, getting psychologically healthy to as great an extent as possible is your number one goal!

So perhaps reading Psychology related books could help you out, starting with Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout (assuming you haven't read it yet)? If they are ghosts, then perhaps you can say that you do not want to be visited etc. That's what I always say.
I have not yet read this but maybe it is now time (I usually wait for an opportunity to present itself and pique my interest otherwise i just don't absorb the material) This might seem ridiculous but I also worry about attributing psychological problems to myself that i do not have by reading these books kind of like when I took a microbiology class and convinced myself i had Lyme's Disease. So I have been a bit leery which is probably completely unfounded since nothing recommended by the QFG has steered me wrong yet-

Learning is much more fun with input from others thank you!
Hi Rx,

The other parts of the dream seem clear enough except one part that happened before the part explained above. While driving around in the same car that was given to us before, it started to rain. I came upon a cliff with the word HELIOPSE carved in it. Apparently others new of it and it was reported in the media as an important clue in the 4Th edition of some new video game that everyone was into. This part played over three times which makes me think it's significant but i can't think if how. Any insights are more than welcome...

I thought the word was interesting and decided to do a search on it. Several things came up:

The word heliopse seemed to come up on Portuguese sites. I still haven't been able to get a definition from their point of view.

Google kept trying to correct it into heliopsis which had more hits so I went in that direction. It's a type of flower. On this site it breaks down the etymology "From the Greek helios ("sun") and opsis ("resembling") an allusion to the yellow flower heads." The site is here:

On a separate etymology site, I found this:
"Opsimathy - 1656, from Gk. opsimathia "learning late in life," from opse "late" (related to opiso "backward" + opisthen "behind") + manthanein "to learn." "

That site is here:

Going off track a bit, while searching Wiki for etymological info relating to helios, they referenced characters named Helios in three video games. Two of the three are currently on their third version. I found that interesting. If you want to take a look, it's here:

Hope that helps a bit.
Just noticed a post on the E-E breathing thread that may well be related to your dream Rx....

mada85 said:
In my last post I wrote about:

mada85 said:
For the past couple of days I have been feeling very weary, lacking in energy – I feel that I could fall asleep at any moment. I feel that the emotional component of this is grief and pain, or perhaps suppressed rage, but it feels most like grief. I haven’t been able to express it in tears yet. Perhaps it doesn’t need to come out as tears . . . I don’t know yet. But I am going to continue with the meditation program, which I absolutely love.

Last night before sleeping I did the complete program as usual. I awoke at 4am this morning feeling overwhelmed by grief and immediately started crying – grieving for my lost life. And then I found myself thinking in the voice of a little boy and feeling his/my pain of not having a mummy, his/my mummy having been a ‘moving target’ (to use the Pressman’s terminology). I even felt physically like a little boy. This was an immensely cleansing experience and was, I think, directly related to my practice of E-E. And today my energy has returned, but in a more relaxed way.
The other parts of the dream seem clear enough except one part that happened before the part explained above. While driving around in the same car that was given to us before, it started to rain. I came upon a cliff with the word HELIOPSE carved in it. Apparently others new of it and it was reported in the media as an important clue in the 4Th edition of some new video game that everyone was into. This part played over three times which makes me think it's significant but i can't think if how. Any insights are more than welcome...

I thought the word was interesting and decided to do a search on it. Several things came up:

The word heliopse seemed to come up on Portuguese sites. I still haven't been able to get a definition from their point of view.

Google kept trying to correct it into heliopsis which had more hits so I went in that direction. It's a type of flower. On this site it breaks down the etymology "From the Greek helios ("sun") and opsis ("resembling") an allusion to the yellow flower heads." The site is here:

I also googled it and went with the flower search and found that this flower is also called "oxeye" and my Chinese sign is the ox and of course this is the year of the ox-kindof a stretch with the spelling though...

On a separate etymology site, I found this:
"Opsimathy - 1656, from Gk. opsimathia "learning late in life," from opse "late" (related to opiso "backward" + opisthen "behind") + manthanein "to learn." "

This is interesting because I remember looking at the carved rock once and having to take a transfer of the word with paper in order to be able to read it since it was mirror image (I guess i should have mentioned that part)...I will follow up on this link -Thank you Truth Seeker!
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