giving flesh back to the sea


Padawan Learner
hello everyone,

I'm keeping a dream journal these days to keep track of the dreams I have and to get a hold of remembering my dreams better. So far I'm doing fairly well, but there is one specific dream which keeps surfacing in my thoughts, therefore I've decided to share it. I had this dream two weeks after the tsunami hit Japan.

'give it back to the sea'

I was standing on a beach a few metres removed from the shore. The weather at first was sunny and pleasant and there were several other people. As I observed them from a distance, I realized that they were all doing the same action, but I could not make out what it was exactly. As I approached a woman to take a look, I saw her holding a square, fat slice of raw meat, pink and bloody. She had taken it out of a black plastic bag which was at her feet. She looked at me for a moment and said 'we're giving it back to the sea' and then tossed the meat into the water. I noticed that everyone was doing as she was and the waves rolled in every time as if though the sea was actually eating.

As this was going on, the weather turned darker and a strong wind pushed the waves in further. I felt that something was wrong and thus I called for everybody to move away, yet only several people actually moved to a higher part of the land with me. The others continued throwing square slices into the water and I observed it from a hilltop on which a buddhist temple stood. Some people were inside the temple looking out and there was this overall feeling that everyone was waiting for something to happen.

A storm swept over the beach and soon enough a tsunami followed- it happened too fast for the people who had remained on the beach to escape. I turned around and went towards the temple; that is where my dream ended.

Though I refer to it as 'meat', I recall that in my dream I observed it as being 'flesh'. I more than once wondered in my dream if it was human flesh being tossed into the water. I never once thought of the actual action as weird- it 'made sense' to me that these people were doing this.
This strikes me as being a very symbolic dream - & purely from my perspective, it would seem that the flesh would be like the life force, returning to its source ( here as an act of attrition?). . . .of course, it may be completely different in your world view. In another way, it could reflect the way the sea swallowed up the lives (flesh) of those killed in the tsunami that is so much in the collective consciousness.

To me, the ocean is the mother of us all, beating like a heart in its movements; it consumes, but also contains all life both in the psychic sense, as well being life's origin in the 3-D view.

I can only imagine that this dream must be very meaningful for you, & that it is probably important for you to see into it very deeply.

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