Gluten vs. Mucous & Thickening of Stools?


Jedi Council Member
Every time I have another episode, I think about this more. (*Thank you again Lauranimal, et al*)

Gluten, Glue-tin. Take some flour, and mix with water to a thick creamy consistency. Get two pieces of paper or cardboard, tip one piece of paper with the mixture, and press the two pieces of paper together. Wait 24 hours. Now try to pull them apart. You have just made paste, and used it. But also food, paste, pastry, etc.


What I am trying to explore is the connection between the effects of gluten on the colon and the effects of mucous on the colon, as described by Dr. Robin Gray in the "Colon Health Handbook". At the fourteenth edition, this little book has been a staple at health food stores for decades. I took the 8 week cleansing program in 1986, and the experience blew my mind.


_ (his site)

_ (my prior post)

Gray's thesis is that certain foods are more difficult for the body to digest, and to keep things flowing, mucous secretion provides lubrication. These foods include beef, pork, dairy, and I don't recall him mentioning wheat (maybe he does by now). The idea is that an increase of these foods increases mucous, and that this can slow digestion. What might take 1-2 days now takes 3-4 days to pass. And this produces at least two toxic side effects:

1. Increased Putrefaction from incubating rotting waste at body temperature for a longer period of time.

2. One of the functions of the colon is to extract moisture from waste, this I was taught. According to Dr. Gray, some of the fecal matter never exits, and builds up on the walls of the colon (as described in my prior post). Gray's claim, is that the material restricts lymphatic flow, as again stated by him the colon is where the lymph drains. Constricted lymph flow or outright blockage, he says is a prime factor in heart disease among others.

I mention it here, because I am unclear as to how the presence or absence of gluten, also a thick, gooey substance, could exacerbate or interact with mucous?

Anybody know anything or got any thoughts about it?

"Thanks in advance"

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