The Force is Strong With This One
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Sorry for being lazy, I'll just copy what I wrote in another forum.
Also, Bill Gates has been building a seed bank of natural species in Antarctic along with Rockefeller. Things just add up.
For the unquoted part:
Sorry for being lazy, I'll just copy what I wrote in another forum.
Russian researchers have made experiments on hamsters and soy. It was hard for them to find any natural soy since 95% of world's soy is GMO these days. Lucky world, huh?
Well anyways they did the experiment with four groups of Campbell hamsters that have a high reproduction ability. One group was fed only natural soy. The other two were fed with both natural and GMO soy. The last group was fed heavily on GMO soy. The experiment lasted at least three hamster generations. The first generation birthing was okay with every group. New pairs of heavy GMO group developed maturity later, and third generation didn't manage to reproduce anymore.
Since this experiment was made, French has banned GMO products until they're proven safe. Yet 85% of Europe's animal feed is GMO these days. So we're screwed here too, even if not so much as you guys. :/ And sidenote, Bill Gates recently bought a lot of Monsanto stocks, the guy who advocates population control.
Also, Bill Gates has been building a seed bank of natural species in Antarctic along with Rockefeller. Things just add up.
For the unquoted part: