Good orpositive beliefs

I pressed the post button by accident, not sure how but erm, again sorry 😅😅
Right. Start again..

I found this bit in the transcript 23 March 2019

Q: (Artemis) What did they want to say before when we stopped them? They wanted to say something. So, continue.

A: Learning to think has become a big part of the destiny. Now, it must be combined with belief of a particular kind. Belief that is based on subjective wishful thinking is entropic. Belief that is based in firm knowledge of nature is empowering. This is what your group has lacked. You now have the opportunity and tools to change that.


So I thought maybe it's good to open a thread about what these beliefs of a particular kind may be, what beliefs in firm knowledge of nature could be.

Thoughts that come to mind are..

Belief in the existence of a higher power

Belief in the existence of positive higher level beings and their ability to help us

Beleif in the existence of negative beings, to learn how they may hinder us

Belief in the healing power of nature and natural remedies

Belief in the infinite benevolence of the Universe

Along these lines..

These are just a few that come to mind, hoping to put more in future maybe . And maybe others can add if they like :) I'm rushing here and could have spent alot more time on this post but would like to put it up now so I didn't just leave that weird non post just hanging there lol! Thanks for reading.
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