Grays and chewing gum


Padawan Learner
I had my first dream with gray alien type beings on Monday, March 7th. I marked it on my calendar so I could document it in my journal and later on this forum. First, I should disclose that I do not consider myself an abductee, contactee or experiencer. I also have no recollection of ever seeing a UFO.

With that said, here goes. At one point during my dream state, I found myself standing before two typical looking gray aliens. They both gave off a very menacing vibe. One being was standing directly in front of me and the other being was standing at my two o'clock position. I recall being annoyed by them and saying something really sarcastic like, "What are you gonna do?" I was not at all afraid which made them both angry. The one in front of me telepathically said he was going to harm me with his mind.

I then did something pretty vulgar...I took chewing gum out of my mouth and flicked it at it's huge forehead, egging him on. Which really got him in a tizzy! I also reminded them that they couldn't hurt me. But, the one in front of me started focusing his energy through is eyes on me and I just stood there and shrugged my shoulders like I got nothing out of that. He tried to "mentally engage" me again but this time it seemed to backfire on him and whatever was intended for me started to happen to him. I watched him shrivel up and fall over. I assumed he died.

The other one gasped telepathically and muttered something before trying to destroy me with the same mental technique and it too backfired and caused him to shrivel up and fall over. The whole scene reminded me of that childhood saying...I'm rubber. You're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. :P

I woke up right after the second one died and just shook my head because it was so strange. I told my husband about it the next morning and he laughed when I said I flicked my gum at its forehead. I admitted it was so vulgar but at the same time it was hilarious.

I have no idea what it means. I just knew I had to share it with you all. It could fit under the "Tickle Me" thread so if you want to move it thats fine with me.
Hello Ask-Seek-Knock, it would appear that you have won some kind of etheric battle.
Don't get too cocky though, they won't let you off that easily.
Every time you have a win, you come out of it stronger.
Keep up the good work.
Interesting that the dream appears to point out a relationship between mechanical actions (like chewing gum) and being 'annoyed' by aliens. Once you get rid of the mechanical action, the grays didn't have much purchase with you.

It also points to a relationship between what you put in your mouth (and perhaps what even comes out) and how things go with the grays.
Thanks MusicMan and Ruth for your replies.

Very interesting read Ruth, thanks for pointing that out. It was so weird because I really didn't DO anything. I just stood there and let them do it all and then watched it backfire on them. Its like I was immune to it all and on some level I knew I was immune.

Lately, I have been contemplating the C's saying of "knowledge protects." I am also currently reading the following books:
The Cryptoterrestrials (Mac Tonnies)
Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls (Nigel Kerner)

So, maybe it's my minds way of letting me know how "knowledge protects" in conjunction with the Grays. I normally don't gravitate towards books on the Grays (for example I've never read any of Whitley Strieber's books) so I find the whole experience interesting. Although...that might explain my annoyance since during my waking hours I really don't give the Grays much thought or consideration.

I'm definitely going to contemplate the last part of your reply:
Ruth said:
It also points to a relationship between what you put in your mouth (and perhaps what even comes out) and how things go with the grays.

Thanks again!
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