Greenland's Early Sun Puzzle.


The Living Force
In reference to

The sun has arrived two days early in Greenland according to KNR Radio. It usually rises on January 13th but for some reason rose on 1/11/11 this year.

Inhabitants from the area appeared worried when witnessing the strange phenomenon. "The sun is not supposed to be here until January 13th, something isn't right" a 74 year old local reported to KBR radio.

Okay. That's weird if it's true. The first thing to ask here is how valid the observation is. . .

What's the real time frame on the Sun reappearing? A look at a local tourist agency website tells us. . .


"Ilulissat lies approximately 350 km north of the polar circle. Thus, there is midnight sun from May 21st to July 24th. Equivalently there is a period of time between November 26th and January 12th where the sun does not appear. However, during the day there is always a period of twilight midday with light for 3-4 hour. On January 13th the sun reappers in Ilulissat at 13 minutes to 1 pm. For many this is a half day off, that is celebrated on Holms Bakke where the sun is greeted with song and fireworks."

Similar information is noted elsewhere. . .

That's just my cursory approach to the question, but it seems to verify the dates. (I'm sure a person with better knowledge in the geo-sciences would be better suited to answering that than me, but I'll go with it for now.)

Next. Did the Sun really come back two days ahead of schedule, or is this a hoax of some kind? We have a radio station report on the event. Is there confirmation? We may have to wait on that.

Assuming that this is the real thing, then it's a big, big deal.

There are a number of early theories flying around, one of the loudest of which being that Global Warming is to blame, (that the ice on the horizon has fallen due to melting.) Frankly, that sounds a little hysterical and ill-considered to me for a number of reasons. (Wouldn't the Sun rise be measured over a somewhat fixed horizon, like water or land and not something as mutable as snow-covered ice? It's a Port town, after all, built on rock with an ocean view. Also, isn't one of the tenets of global warming that the seas will rise? Doesn't much of that icepack float? But I digress. . .)

Another quickly floated theory is that of atmospheric illusions being a possible culprit. I don't know enough either way to comment, so we'll have to wait for better data.

But if it really is the Sun people are seeing, and if it really is two days early, then that does leave the question hanging. Especially, if the relative position of the stars has not changed.

One thought which immediately struck me was this. . .

I can't remember where I saw it, but I recall that the speed of the Earth's rotation has slowed down. It was mentioned somewhere around here, but I've not looked for it yet. The mention stuck in memory, though.

If so, then the that would change the shape of the planet. The bulge around the equator would retract and the planet would become become more round. Light would strike Greenland more easily if it were less flat at the top of the world. Here's a graphic which helps visualize the effect. (The yellow dot being where the Sun is directly overhead and the lighted area where the light hits before going past the edge of the planet. If you can picture that map printed on a ball, and then picture that ball being pressed down from the top to make it wider around the equator, then that pressure being slightly released, it is possible to see how the Sun's light would reach a little further North.)



Anyway, it was just a first thought, and I suspect things are a fair bit more complicated, but I wanted to throw it out there.

(EDIT: I can't seem to get that graphic to appear. It's the bottom image on the linked page, if you want to take a look at it.)
Found it. . .

Laura said:
Session Date: July 6th 2010

Q: (L) Is oil leaking out of the ocean bed floor in the Gulf of Mexico in any other places besides through the well?

A: Yes but that is happening elsewhere as well. All part of the "opening up" phenomenon.

Q: (L) So, you mean that what we've speculated about sinkholes and cracks in the earth... What is causing this opening up?

A: Misalignment, or rather sliding of layers of crust of earth due to slowing of rotation.

Q: (L) Okay, what is causing this slowing of rotation?

A: We have mentioned the approach of companion star and its tendency to "ground" the system.

Yeah. This seems to be a likely contender.
Woodsman said:
Found it. . .

Laura said:
Session Date: July 6th 2010

Q: (L) Is oil leaking out of the ocean bed floor in the Gulf of Mexico in any other places besides through the well?

A: Yes but that is happening elsewhere as well. All part of the "opening up" phenomenon.

Q: (L) So, you mean that what we've speculated about sinkholes and cracks in the earth... What is causing this opening up?

A: Misalignment, or rather sliding of layers of crust of earth due to slowing of rotation.

Q: (L) Okay, what is causing this slowing of rotation?

A: We have mentioned the approach of companion star and its tendency to "ground" the system.

Yeah. This seems to be a likely contender.

Yes, seems most likely at this point because about anything else would produce other anomalies that would surely be noticed. But then, the Cs did point out way back when that it is not likely that the PTB would inform the masses of the slowing of the earth because they do understand the implications and so do many people.

Just so much stuff happening that confirms much of what the Cs have said about our world and what may happen.
What about a phenomenon similar to the one described in this article -

The image showed could perhaps be mistaken with a sunrise that does not go much higher than the horizon.

Another thing that may be relevant is that the actual appearance of sunrise is an optical illusion due to atmospheric refraction.

wikipedia said:
Sunrise is the instant at which the upper edge of the Sun appears above the horizon in the east....Because atmospheric refraction causes the sun to be seen while it is still below the horizon, both sunrise and sunset are, from one point of view, optical illusions.

Refraction is also a function of temperature and pressure. The values given above are for 10 °C and 101.3 kPa (Allen 1976, 125). Add 1% to the refraction for every 3 °C colder, subtract if hotter (hot air is less dense, and will therefore have less refraction). Add 1% for every 0.9 kPa higher pressure, subtract if lower. Day-to-day variations in the weather will affect the exact times of sunrise and sunset as well as moonrise and moonset, and for that reason it generally is not meaningful to give rise and set times to greater precision than the nearest minute (Meeus 1991, 103).

Could this occurence be related to a change in conditions of some part of the atmosphere in that area? Obviously we are talking about a really significant change here so I may be way off, it's just something that came to mind.
Woodsman said:
Assuming that this is the real thing, then it's a big, big deal.

There are a number of early theories flying around, one of the loudest of which being that Global Warming is to blame, (that the ice on the horizon has fallen due to melting.) Frankly, that sounds a little hysterical and ill-considered to me for a number of reasons. (Wouldn't the Sun rise be measured over a somewhat fixed horizon, like water or land and not something as mutable as snow-covered ice? It's a Port town, after all, built on rock with an ocean view. Also, isn't one of the tenets of global warming that the seas will rise? Doesn't much of that icepack float? But I digress. . .)

Another quickly floated theory is that of atmospheric illusions being a possible culprit. I don't know enough either way to comment, so we'll have to wait for better data.

But if it really is the Sun people are seeing, and if it really is two days early, then that does leave the question hanging. Especially, if the relative position of the stars has not changed.

I think You're on to something, because the global warming theory certainly doesn't fly here either...
Take a look at the map(globe preferably, google earth will do).
Ilulissat is situated on greenlands westcoast in a large bay. A floating glacier passes directly south of the town.
This glacier comes down from the east almost in a straight line.
So, standing on the southern shoreline in Ilulissat and looking due east all you would see is this glacier and on this particular date no sun.

Why? Because the sun shows up the first time almost due south and there you have a mountainous landscape that doesn't change(imo)... at least not much anyway :/
article said:
If you saw funny lights in the sky before dawn Tuesday, you were looking at light from the ground filtered through millions of tiny airborne ice crystals.

People across Ottawa and up into Gatineau Park reported seeing beams of light shooting straight up from the ground about 6 a.m., and some said the effect was like hundreds of searchlights.

Geoff Coulson, a meteorologist from Environment Canada, says there was nothing unusual about the lights. The unusual part was the atmosphere.

The phenomenon is known as a trumpet pillar, because it often shows up as a tall column that widens at the top, like the mouth of a trumpet. It happens most often in clear, cold air, because that's when ice crystals form and hang in the air, close to the ground. Under some conditions, ice crystals can also cause us to see a ring around the moon.

Coulson said the sight is most noticeable when the light comes from an isolated source in an otherwise dark area.

The effect can also vary with different shapes of ice crystal.

Well, this phenomenon described in the article happens when the air is colder, or cold. Which i think, could be related to the contrails article Laura wrote, that our atmosphere might be cooling or there is more dust in our atmosphere, or more obviously both are happening, one is the effect of the other.
clerck de bonk said:
I think You're on to something, because the global warming theory certainly doesn't fly here either...
Take a look at the map(globe preferably, google earth will do).
Ilulissat is situated on greenlands westcoast in a large bay. A floating glacier passes directly south of the town.
This glacier comes down from the east almost in a straight line.
So, standing on the southern shoreline in Ilulissat and looking due east all you would see is this glacier and on this particular date no sun.

Why? Because the sun shows up the first time almost due south and there you have a mountainous landscape that doesn't change(imo)... at least not much anyway :/

Nice research on that point.

With such a precise time as, "13 minutes to 1 pm" every year being the expected moment of arrival of the Sun, I figured the Sun would have had to have been rising over something a tad less mutable than glacial ice.

Yet, I find it interesting/telling that the global warming explanation has stuck so firmly with anybody who has even heard of this news item from Greenland. The sales job on anthropocentric global warming has certainly been effective and deep.

I mean, the Sun arriving two days early is just so huge, it seems ridiculous to me just how deafening the silence has been. (Much like crop circles; everybody, especially sci-fi geeks, are so in love with the idea of alien contact, but when it actually happens right out there in the open, the event of the century is ignored. Simply amazing.)

The interesting part in all of this now for me is that if the solar system has been grounded by the dark star, resulting in these observed effects, then we have a strong indication that the twin sun has in fact arrived.
One other thing that comes to mind is the documented 'bright nights' following the Tunguska event and the Krakatoa eruption. :huh:
Woodsman said:
I mean, the Sun arriving two days early is just so huge, it seems ridiculous to me just how deafening the silence has been. (Much like crop circles; everybody, especially sci-fi geeks, are so in love with the idea of alien contact, but when it actually happens right out there in the open, the event of the century is ignored. Simply amazing.)

Couldn't agree more.
I personally wish(fully thinking) it could be explained by some sort of optical illusion like in Green_Manalishi's post. Because if not, I see no other option than the one You're researching...

Woodsman said:
The interesting part in all of this now for me is that if the solar system has been grounded by the dark star, resulting in these observed effects, then we have a strong indication that the twin sun has in fact arrived.
I think there is another detail to this.

It is said that the sun arrived two days early, lets call this -2 day. Is there any news that says the same happened in day -1, because if not then it is reasonable to assume it was an optical illusion.
Green_Manalishi said:
I think there is another detail to this.

It is said that the sun arrived two days early, lets call this -2 day. Is there any news that says the same happened in day -1, because if not then it is reasonable to assume it was an optical illusion.

From the reporting done, it appears the sun also rose the next day, otherwise I'm sure it would have been mentioned. They didn't say that the sun appeared for one day then disappeared, then appeared on the day it was supposed to. I'm sure that would have been more 'odd' than the sun showing up two days early.
anart said:
Green_Manalishi said:
I think there is another detail to this.

It is said that the sun arrived two days early, lets call this -2 day. Is there any news that says the same happened in day -1, because if not then it is reasonable to assume it was an optical illusion.

From the reporting done, it appears the sun also rose the next day, otherwise I'm sure it would have been mentioned. They didn't say that the sun appeared for one day then disappeared, then appeared on the day it was supposed to. I'm sure that would have been more 'odd' than the sun showing up two days early.

So, if an optical illusion it would've had to be prevalent for two days in a row. Not unheard of, but not proven either...

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