group of chimps are hunting with spears


The Living Force
The article states that they have found a group of chimps that have learned how to make spears and use them for hunting.
There is also a story on SOTT about an orangutan who used a spear to fish

Planet of the Apes coming to a jungle near you? :lol:
My neighbor is a monkey :) just kidding, but the monkeys do not they the feel the effects of the wave ?
Kisito said:
My neighbor is a monkey :) just kidding, but the monkeys do not they the feel the effects of the wave ?

I don't think anything will escape the effects of the wave. If you follow, you've surely seen the almost daily stories about odd animal behavior (pets attacking their owners, elephants stomping people, mass fish and bird die offs, etc... ) All of these things are most likely symptoms of the changing atmosphere as the wave intensifies. So monkeys are no exception. Neither is man. ;)
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