Gunman enters Dutch TV station, demands to go on air - reports


The Living Force
FOTCM Member said:
A gun-wielding man has broken into the building of NOS, the national broadcaster of the Netherlands, entering the studio control room and demanding air-time, Dutch media reports.

At 7 p.m. GMT, the NOS broadcast also displayed a message reading: "In connection with circumstances, no broadcast is available at this time.” Employees were evacuated while police surrounded the building.

The unidentified gunman was apprehended by police some ten minutes later, local media reported. There were no reports of injuries.

It is unclear what the man wanted to say on air. However, Dutch media report he was well-dressed and carrying a pistol fitted with a silencer.

NOS director Jan de Jong told Radio 1 that there are no signs the broadcaster is a terrorist target. He added it was unclear how the man got through tight security in the building and into the editorial offices.

Police confirm a man had entered the studios at around 8 p.m. local time, but have not yet provided details

An image of the alleged gunman appeared on social networks following the incident. However, RT cannot verify its authenticity.
The TV channel is still off-air as police are searching the perimeter.

The NOS studio is located in the central Dutch town of Hilversum, some 20 km east of Amsterdam.

The incident follows strengthened security across Europe after deadly Paris attacks at the beginning of January, when Islamist gunmen killed 17 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and a kosher supermarket.
This is an article about the incident by the NOS, the news organization itself. Found here:

Korte gijzeling bij NOS
Vandaag, 20:55 Binnenland

Vanavond is een gewapende man de studio's van de NOS binnengedrongen. Vlak voordat het Acht Uur Journaal begon eiste hij zendtijd. Daarbij nam hij een NOS-medewerker in gijzeling. Direct werd het hele gebouw ontruimd en de politie ingeschakeld. Kort na acht uur werd de man door de politie overmeesterd.

Onduidelijk is wat de man nu precies wilde. Tegen de man die hij onder schot hield zei hij: ,,Ik hoop dat u daar wil zitten, dan straks, als ik moet beginnen. Ik beloof dat u niks zal gebeuren."

Verder zei de man: ,,De dingen die gezegd gaan worden, dat zijn wel hele grote wereldzaken. Wij zijn zeg maar ingehuurd door inlichtingsdiensten en daar hebben we zaken vernomen die de huidige samenleving in twijfel trekken. En die gaan we nu naar buiten brengen. Wij doen dit ook voor de gewone burger.

Wat hij hiermee allemaal bedoelde, bleef onduidelijk, want daarop werd hij door vier gewapende agenten gearresteerd.

rough translation

Short hostage sitation at NOS
Today, 20:55 National news

Tonight an armed man entered the studios of the NOS. Just before the eight o'clock news began he demanded airtime. In addition, he took an NOS employee hostage. Immediately the whole building was evacuated and the police was called in. Shortly after eight the man was overtaken by police.

It is unclear exactly what the man wanted. Against the man he held at gunpoint, he said:,,I hope you will sit there, then later, when I should start. I promise you that nothing will happen. "

Furthermore, the man said: ,, The things that will be said, that will be very large world affairs. We are so to say hired by intelligence services and there we have learned things that challenge contemporary society. And those we are going to bring out now. We also do this for the ordinary citizen.

What he meant by all of this remained unclear, because shortly after that he was arrested by four armed officers.

All in all after the first viewing of this material it seems really strange.
What a strange story! Maybe to enforce the new decisions to fight terrorism that will be put in place all in Europe?
loreta said:
What a strange story! Maybe to enforce the new decisions to fight terrorism that will be put in place all in Europe?

Yeah, it seems fit that scenario. We'll see how the story develops.

Vanavond kwam even voor achten een gewapende man het NOS-gebouw binnen in Hilversum. De man had een pistool en zou lid zijn van een hackerscollectief. Hij eiste zendtijd op nationale televisie.

Tijdens de gijzeling lieten de helden van de NOS de camera's en microfoon lopen. De man werd zonder geweldsincident aangehouden door de politie. Momenteel doorzoekt de politie het pand op explosieven.


Tonight just before eight armed men came into the NOS building in Hilversum. The man had a gun and is alleged to be a member of a hacker collective. He demanded airtime on national television.

During the hostage the heroes of the NOS kept running the cameras and microphone. The man was arrested without violence by police. Currently the police is searching the building for explosives.

The article contains another video of the police action by another Dutch news organization:
Verdachte op NOS-redactie is 19-jarige uit Pijnacker

De man die de redactie van de NOS binnendrong, is een 19-jarige man uit Pijnacker. Dat heeft het Openbaar Ministerie bekendgemaakt op een persconferentie. Hij is geboren in Zoetermeer. Meer wil het OM niet over hem kwijt.

De man wordt op dit moment verhoord op een politiebureau in Hilversum. Hij wordt onder meer verdacht van bedreiging en wapenbezit.


Er worden extra maatregelen genomen om het Mediapark. Zo komt er meer beveiliging en gaat de politie extra surveilleren. "Het is van groot belang dat journalisten hun werk kunnen doen", zei burgemeester Broertjes.

Broertjes en hoofdofficier Bac van Justitie prezen het optreden van de politie.

rough translation

Suspect in NOS hostage is 19-year-old from Pijnacker
The man who forced himself into the offices of the NOS, is a 19 year old man from Pijnacker. The Openbaar Ministery (Prosecution Office) announced that at a press conference. He was born in Zoetermeer. The OM doesn't want to tell more about him.

The man is being interrogated at the moment at a police station in Hilversum. He is amongst others suspected of threatening and possession of weapons.


Additional measures are taken at the Media Park. There will be more security and extra police will patrol. "It is important that journalists can do their work," said Mayor Broertjes.

Broertjes and head officer of the Justice Department Bac praised the actions of the police.
Ah, there we go... The above article has been amended with the following:


Sinds de aanslagen in Parijs was Hilversum volgens Broertjes voorbereid op dit soort incidenten. "Je weet nooit wanneer zoiets gebeurt, maar dat we voorbereid waren, blijkt wel uit het snelle optreden van de politie."

"Het is even wennen sinds Parijs dat ook de pers zelf in de belangstelling staat", gaat Broertjes verder. "Dat blijkt nu ook weer in Hilversum, nu dit incident heeft plaatsgevonden."

rough translation:


Since the attacks in Paris Hilversum was prepared for such incidents, according to Broertjes. "You never know when something like this happens, but that we were prepared is shown by the swift action of the police."

"It takes some getting used to since Paris that the press itself in the spotlight," Broertjes continues. "This seems to be now also the case in Hilversum, now that this incident took place."
From: _

TV news hijacker in court as prosecutor demands 4 years in prison

Posted on Dec 8, 2015 by Janene Pieters

The appeal in the case against Tarik Z., the young man who tried to hijack the 8:00 p.m. NOS news broadcast in January, started in the court in Leeuwarden on Tuesday. The Public Prosecutor demanded 4 years in prison, one of which conditionally suspended, against the man, according to reporter Raymond Boere tweeting live from the courtroom.

The Public Prosecutor also demanded rehabilitation and mandatory psychiatric treatment in De Waag, a center that offers specialized treatment to people with a combination of a mental disorder and transgression behavior, and a location ban for the Mediapark in Hilversum. These demands are very close to what the Prosecutor demanded when the case was first tried. In July the court sentenced Z. to 30 months in prison, 15 of which suspended.

The Prosecutor called Z. paranoid, over sensitive and suspicious, citing an occasion in prison when he refused to eat his meal because the seal was broken as an example. He also believes in distorted and contradicting ideas, for example he wants to work for the intelligence services, which are the agencies he wanted to warn the public about when he tried to hijack the news broadcast. He believes that his actions will improve the chance of him getting a job there.

Z. handed a 31 pages long manuscript to the court, which he believes will show that his actions were not a hostage situation. The manuscript includes his versions of events, reactions to witnesses whose statements disagree with his own and the speech he wanted to read on the hijacked news broadcast. The 20 year old man also told the court that, looking back, he would not call his actions clever.

When this case was first tried, behavioral experts stated that Z. was completely sane when he forced his way into the NOS building and that he does not need psychological treatment. According to the two psychiatrists who examined him, he suffers from “delusional ideas”, but does not have an actual disorder.

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