Hacker attack on USA


The Living Force
A source in the security forces of the United States Reuters said to believe that behind the attacks "foreign entity or government." The authorities are examining a possible connection with China, said the source close to the investigation.The FBI said it has started its investigation and that it intends to reach those responsible.

OPM in April noticed activities that endanger his computer system and the Department of Homeland Security has concluded in early May that it violated the confidentiality of the data and the agencies that are menaced data four million workers.

Agencies are not precisely led to the kind of information the hackers come.


to be honest, I believe this is just a circus parade :huh: , because of the upcoming presidential elections, PTB must have chaos and hysteria in order for them to implement their new set of nasty rules.... my two cents. :cool2:
Well, the US and it's puppets have really been fomenting much conflict over China's projects in the South China Sea lately, so these supposed Chinese hackers come in at just the right time for priming the American mind. The president of the Philippines just came out with a comment comparing China's activity in the South China Sea with the Nazis during a speech in Japan. An ironic and hypocritical comment considering his visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, an ultra-right fascist.
Renaissance said:
... supposed Chinese hackers come in at just the right time for priming the American mind.
Chinese experts are due to the increased US military presence in the South China Sea have repeatedly warned of a potential military conflict between the United States and China. States are struggling to maintain the status quo in dealing with China as a global power on the rise because China is becoming a naval force that decisively to protect its sovereignty.
China in the mid-5th month tried to electronically hamper US unmanned aircraft Global Hawk that was spying on its activities to the Spratly Islands, after US aircraft P-8A after several warnings went flying through the territorial waters of China and the island where Beijing is building an airstrip, and seaport.
Subsequently, Hong Lei, spokesman for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said:
Quote from:
"Scouting by US military aircraft is a potential threat to the safety of Chinese naval forces and error may occur maritime or air incidents"
A mistake? Interesting!
During the debate in the US Congress as Deputy Minister of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs David Shear said:
Quote: "The United States, after a long time quietly watching China's activities in the disputed area, decided to protect its national interests in the South China Sea."
US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia and the Pacific did not say that this "national interest" in the South China Sea to protect the US militarily.
China did not wait long to answer, and the state leaders in Beijing issued a "White Paper", the Chinese military strategy and the particular destabilizing global factors cited increasing US military presence in various parts of the world, strengthening military alliances with their participation, as well as a comprehensive review of the concept of war security of Japan. In the document stressed that China will not attack anyone first, but if defend.Document was published on the official website of the Beijing.
President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Konstantin geopolitical Sivkov. states:
Quotes from RIA Novosti:

"New China's military doctrine speaks of the shift key priorities in the defense and that China intends to provide access to the world's oceans, to strengthen aviation and create a new system of nuclear deterrence and objectives ballistic missiles will be on the US territory. China is increasing its arsenal of intercontinental ballistic missiles that will be deployed on land and at sea, where they will be able to take aim at US targets. The old Chinese military doctrine was contemplating attacks maximum range of 5,000 kilometers, given that the main enemy was considered Russia. Change a potential enemy could be scary news for the United States. "

A former professor of history at Yale University, USA, Michael Auslin believes, and I quote:
"Beijing and Washington in the South China Sea are increasingly approaching the red line. Both countries claim to defend its national interests and priorities and thus increase the possibilities for potential conflict, and there are three scenarios that could cause a Sino-American war:
1. Stochastic conflict

The US Navy is considering sending ships to a distance of about 20 kilometers of Chinese-made islands in the South China Sea. With this action the United States would hurt what Beijing considers its sovereign territory. This scenario implies that the American ships could hit one of China's submarines and naval patrols that are already deployed in the area.

2. The conflict Murder

Beijing is in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea islands already built up area of ​​more than 2 000 hectares. In this situation, if China decides to withdraw from the region will lose geopolitical prestige. To prevent this, the Chinese leaders to be able to decide to prevent the US incursion into their water and the recently renovated islands send their planes before they do the United States. This will limit the space for US flights, which can lead to conflict.

3. Indirect conflict

If China deems that it is too risky to directly defy the US ships and aircraft, can show their intentions by intercepting ships and aircraft of other countries in this area. For example, China close to their new island may prohibit the passage of foreign ships or try to banish the less advanced foreign aircraft. A direct conflict between China and any of its neighbors at this point could end up engaging in a conflict of US forces who believe that international law can intervene.

Sam Bateman, a researcher at the National Centre for the safety of the ocean, says the Pentagon aggressive politics is jeopardizing what little regional stability, but also violates international maritime laws, and hard, and I quote:
"China, unlike the United States, acting in accordance with international law, not to mention the fact that other countries in the region, including US allies such as Malaysia and Thailand or India, have the same attitude about their economic zones as protected and China and do not want their "investigation" carried out by third countries. In addition, the United States ignores the fact that the water in the South China Sea part of protected economic zones of countries that surround them, and not the word of "international waters", as has been claimed in Washington. International law stipulates that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (CDM) requires that the third country in protected economic zones act respecting the will of the countries which are the areas. Therefore, ignoring the will of China, the United States directly violate the Convention on the Law of the Sea. "

Building artificial islands in the Spratly and Paracel Islands in the disputed waters of the South China Sea shows the determination, but the maritime pretensions of Beijing and Admiral Harry Harris says, and I quote: "China in the South China Sea literally build a" great wall of sand. Chinese claims in the waters are unprecedented, and the construction of artificial islands be serious doubts about the real intentions of Beijing. Above all, the construction of runways for airplanes length three kilometers upset most of the countries bordering the South China Sea. Upon completion of the construction would be able to deploy the Chinese fighter planes, bombers, drones, transport and reconnaissance planes and electronic warfare equipment. "
In addition to an airstrip, Beijing on artificial islands built the port and storage tanks that are able to support the increased air and naval operations. Since China does not have bases abroad and the place of refueling, as well as a developed logistics support, construction of one or more bases in the Spratly Islands and the Paracel can significantly improve the operational advantage of the Chinese navy and the coast guard, and strengthen China's defense capabilities in the South China Sea.

Quote from a Croatian portals:

"This is no longer just the" reputation "of the Chinese authorities in the eyes of the world. The situation has reached a boiling point, and questioning the safety of some power lines, which are still the key to secure the economic development of China, but also the implementation of the" New Silk Road ". To upgrade infrastructure in Central Asia Beijing needs safe passage through the Straits of Malacca and the presence in the South China Sea, which, according to the US Department of Defense, can meet 82% of China's need for oil and 30% of its gas. The strengthening of the Chinese presence in the area of ​​Spratly Islands and Paracel not only attempt to establish a series of units that will strengthen China's military presence in the area, but is part of a broader strategy that aims to overcome the limitations in Southeast Asia and across the Indian Ocean to provide a stable influence of China in the Middle East. Washington may think the activities of Beijing short term play and that the Chinese people are having fun building the "wall of sand", but forget the saying "to China, whatever you do, always thinking one hundred years ahead".

What's cooking between the US and China, perhaps we can ask the hackers? ;)
Twice in one week?
Officials believe that the punching base security checks separately from hacking last week, when they pulled out personal information feds.

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