Had a Dream

A had a vivid and powerful dream a few minutes ago. Although I could only remember so much of it because when I awoke much connections came to me in understanding I can barely put into words.
In the dream I was working with scientist on a technology but I think it was more of two things coming together at least at the end. And I don't know if it was about Einstein or if Einstein was involved. I was switching from scene to scene in this dream. I felt, bringing the pieces together to come to an understanding. And at the end before I woke up clear as day this was said or stated:
A ,influence+B, influence= C direction or A+B= C,influence

After this in the process of waking up I was lifted down lightly like being in a cloud only everything was dark and I said in a child voice and mentality "ThankYou" (as if thanks for the lift) I said this to a being or some kind of or an energy being somehow I knew he smiled at this point with a little more focus on this being I jerk away immediately from it and I woke up. No fear... just what was that? It shock me I have to admit to have such a dream of complete information and knowledge being conveyed like an exchange of some sort.

You know scientist, Einstein, technology all these are symbols for something else. All this felt more like a collaboration a marriage between two

If this wasn't enough on top of the rest of mysterious things in my life... interesting stuff

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