Hadron Collider repairs to cost £30m


The Living Force

Hadron Collider repairs to cost £30m

Repairs to the Large Hadron Collider, built to simulate a "Big Bang", could cost around £30 million, scientists have said.

The massive particle collider is the biggest and most complex machine ever made and designed to recreate conditions just after the universe was created 13.7 billion years ago.

It sends beams of sub-atomic particles to smash into each other at nearly the speed of light. Physicists believe the results of those explosions could unlock more secrets of science.

However, nine days after it began firing beams of proton particles around its 17 mile underground tunnel, scientists were forced to shut it down when an electrical fault caused a helium leak.

James Gillies, spokesman for the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern), said the leak caused "quite considerable mechanical damage to the accelerator".

He said repairing it will require 59 of the 1,600 magnets in the collider's tunnel, buried under the Swiss-French border near Geneva, to be removed and then re-installed.

Some 28 have already come out, and all the magnets should be back in place by the end of March, he said, with the machine likely to be powered up again for tests by June.

The collider is supported by Cern's 20 European member states and other nations including the US and Russia. But Mr Gillies said: "We will not be going to our member states asking for more money, we will deal with it within the current Cern budget."
Hi 1984, I thought I had double checked for this because I know how the crew is really good at gathering science news. You are right though, tis a good idea to go through all the news of each section just to be certain there are no double stories and I will make sure I do that in the future....Is it possible I posted mine before the one on the Signs page appeared?
Would it be possible or is it a good idea to compile a bit of code so one could check if the url already exists at SOTT? (via some fancy textbox or something?) Might overload the server if the database is big though.
Just a thought.

Im out of my league here but I found this forumpost that might be related :)

phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=224682.0 said:
Consider this example:

Here they define, which script on server side will the request be send to. You can change it to 'check_url_in_db.php'
Code: [Select]
var url="gethint.asp";

Then they add a query string. In your case that would be a URL to check.
Code: [Select]

After that they send request to the server side script, which does it's work and returns some results.

They also show function stateChanged(), that basically monitors if the server side scripts have send any replies, and does whatever is needed to be done, when reply is received. (In this case it fills the text field with text received from script)
Ocean said:
Hi 1984, I thought I had double checked for this because I know how the crew is really good at gathering science news. You are right though, tis a good idea to go through all the news of each section just to be certain there are no double stories and I will make sure I do that in the future....Is it possible I posted mine before the one on the Signs page appeared?

Hi Ocean,

Sorry for the delay in answering. The SOTT story was posted prior to your post, at least as it showed up on SOTT. The SOTT page moves along rather quickly as articles are posted. The titles do very often greatly differ from one article to another, which is why it was suggested to check SOTT first. :D

Thanks for your continued effort in posting article suggestions.

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