Halliburton to relocate to Dubai


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
ABC30 said:
(Houston - WABC, March 12, 2007) - The country's largest private contractor in Iraq, Halliburton, is planning a controversial move.
The multi-million dollar energy company once headed by Vice President Dick Cheney will relocate its headquarters from Houston to Dubai.

Halliburton says it will allow them to focus on oil exploration in the Middle East.

But Democrats, like Senator Hillary Clinton, say the move raises serious questions.

Clinton says there's also evidence that Halliburton failed to provide services and cheated American soldiers. It is unclear if the move will lead to job cuts.
Halliburton is the firm that made the more money from the Irak war ($27 billion).

We might wonder how much they plan to make in Iran.
One thing i know is that Dubai became wealthy from one day to the next. Many Cypriots used to go to work in those areas after the invasion, to make money and send to their families, and i have heard that in those days (early - mid 80s) Dubai was just a vast desert. Today it has more skycrapers than Manhattan.

Check here to see the change. Only these two pictures tell one thing: Dubai is a "playground" for those with money and power, "dirty" money that need to go into the laundry :O

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