

Jedi Master
I'll post something my husband wrote about something he "dreamed" of last night. He was actually awake, but I wouldn't know how to name it.
In our city, nights are fresh even if it was really hot during the day. Last night it was unbearably hot, so after dinner we went outside the house for a little fresh air. While sitting on the floor chatting I saw a light, like a star moving. At first I thought it was a plain (although there aren't a lot of plains around and the light was still and white, but i guess my mind moved the thing to a comfort zone) except the light dissapeared in the sky. I point this because it may well be unrelated, but it is indeed something unusual.
Later on, I put our daughter to bed, and one hour or so later we went to bed too. In the middle of the night, I could hear my daughter crying in dreams in her bedroom. We both awoke feeling very tired in the morning.

This is what he wrote for me to translate and post in here:

I'm lying down in bed, ready to fall asleep. Next to me is my wife, asleep. Lights were off. I stretch in bed and start focusing in the night sounds. Listening to our breathing, the crickets and so on. I stretch my arms above my head, both hands togheter. I realised I was able to hear every sound separatedly and unusually vivid. After a while doing that, I saw some sort of grid in the darkness, and gradually, something that looked like a molecule appeared, it was like four of their atoms were in different colors. Then a voice started talking to me. The voice said that what I saw was life itself. The molecule from all life was created. I answered that i knew that (somehow I knew that while seeing it, altough I have no idea what that meant). The voice told me I had discovered a secret of great importance, and if I publish that, I would be rich and famous. I answered I wouldn't publish that (have no idea of chemistry anyway) because it was just a silly thought, and everybody woud think of me as a nut. And ultimately, being such a huge discovery, it should be used for the benefit of all, not to gather wealth. Then after a while, the voice talked to me about my wife. He said that she was evil, that she used me to get my energy, that all females are like that, that's why there are more women than men. The voice also told me that I need to hate her for she's no good for me. This is where I started to think that the voice belonged to a lizzie. Tried to ask, but I couldn't, in fact I discovered that I couldn't move my limbs, and the night sounds turned to an unbearable beeping sound. After a while (can't remember what happened then) the voice started talking again. It said that they feed from hate. That everyone holds an amount of hate inside them, and even the smallest amount of hate is useful for them. Then I said that i get rid of hate just by laughing at things, for example I read a comic book (named Mafalda) because it makes me laugh. But the voice answered that Mafalda is charged with a lot of political content, and yes, you can laugh, but it's making you notice what is wrong in the world, and thus, it makes you feel full of hate towards power and the people in charge because they are responsible for all the poverty and hunger in the world. You can laugh, you can fool yourself, but the seed of hate is already planted into you for us to take it.
After that, I kept on naming the things that make me happy (which I can't remember) but the voice could always find a way to turn all that into hate. In one moment, I could name something that the voice could not object, but can'r remember what it was. The voice also said they don't like tattoos (I have circa 30 tattoos done) because tattoos put people away from "perfection". Then I figured out i was about to solve some sort of mistery, deciding to tape record this the next time it happens, or maybe putting it into writing, the voice irrupted again to try to persuade me that if I do that, I would lose my mind, or find death. Once the voice finally left, my limbs got loose and I was able to move again.

So. I have no idea what this means. Any insight will be much appreciated.
Hi skycsil,

I don’t know that I have insight to offer but can relate to the experience.

I’ve witnessed those lights in the sky many times over the past year or two. Prior to the past couple years I never noticed anything unusual overhead, but over the last few months have seen these maybe a dozen times. They are definitely not aeroplanes in that the speed is often times at a crawl. Sometimes they even appear to simply stop and hover up in the air.

As for the experience your husband describes, this caught my attention as I had a weird dream last night too, the first of its kind.

I will not go into all the details but what is important it seems is that I too witnessed some sort of ‘molecule of light’ - to use your terminology - though I do not recall any discussion in my experience.

The dream itself seemed to involve sexual relations with an ex of mine, someone I’ve not seen in 6-7 years. However on a couple of occasions, as I felt reserved or hesitant to fully engage in sexual activity, a glowing light appeared. The best I could describe is that it seemed to be an orb, like the orbs people talk about in photos, (which I’ve captured hundreds with camera) only somehow this seemed more real and alive, was multi-colored too. When I awoke the thought arose that it was akin to the photography orbs, in the dream though seemed like something else.

Also, as I awoke, in the middle of the night, I experienced extreme pain in my ears. Mainly the left ear but it seemed to go back and forth for a bit. I’ve actually experienced this pain for the last couple days, on and off, which is new. Out of the blue, suddenly there is an intense shrill or pain in one ear or the other. It is mostly the left ear.

Thank-you for sharing your experience for it prompted me to share mine. Something seems afoot, not sure what. I’ve also been waking up with a heavy sense of fatigue even though getting plenty of sleep, so that struck me as odd as well.

One of the most recent, and vivid dreams where there was a voice, is from a year or so ago when I heard that high-pitched sound, could not move, and suddenly a voice simply said “Remember the Mission” :huh: at which time I woke up fine.

Thanks again and with kind regards,

It's weird, it looks like some of us are having similar dreams, I wonder what that means. I've never experience what you and my husband did, but i do have a few weird dreams. Actually he was awake so it wasn't a dream although there seem to be sleep paralysis involved. Perhaps it was an abduction? We're quite confused about this.
One thing I forgot to mention: we received this morning "Secret History of the World", he flipped the book a little looking at the pictures, and discovered that the Tree Of Life pictured on the first page of images is pretty similar to the weird molecule thingie, not exactly the same tho.
He wrote about something that happened to him over a month ago for me to translate and post. It looks a lot like an abduction memory (past or present) but still you never know.
Here we go:

This was the very first time I felt this, also my first time playing with sounds perception in the darkness. I'm not a musician but I do pay some guitar and bass, most learnt by myself, listening to music or watching at people playing. I usually pay a lot of attention to the sounds around me, but sometimes I like to turn my head off, in the dark, thinking of absolutely nothing, because it gives my mind some rest.
It happened nearly 200 km away from home, in a little town where I was working as a teacher. I used to spend 3 days per week there, sleeping into a rented house with other teachers.
I went to bed at midnight, lights were off except for a little clarity from outside the house. My bedroom was next to the kitchen, separated by a door made of wood and glass. The bedroom was simple and ordinary (a bed, chair, a window and a second door to the back yard, and a clock).
I laid on the bed, hand over my belly. Started focusing in the ticking of the clock to the point that it seemed to sound from inside my head. The ticking started to sound slower too. Then I looked at the kitchen door and could see a strange shadow moving. Immediatly after that, I felt as if someone or something grabbed my ankles and wrists, leaving me unable to move. I could hear some noises behind my head, but I couldn't turn to see. Even moving my eyes demanded a great effort. My fingers were still, and it was as if my muscles were tense, moving independently from my will. I tried to release my hands until I could move my fingers a little. I remark that was awake all the time, but had no fear, but as soon as I could move my fingers, the feeling of being held by the wrists came back. I was paralyzed again, except that my mouth slowly opened, no matter how hard I tried to stop it. I tried to resist with all my strenght and suddenly some images appeared in front of me, I could see myself having sex with my wife. At that exact moment, I started to feel something (a probe?) into my... err... orifices, and it was quite painful. Then my muscles started to relax altough my mind was completely unrelaxed. This is where I thought that the greys had gotten me. I made an effort to ignore the images behind me, until I could suddenly turn to my left, staring at the door that led to the kitchen. Again the feeling of being held or tied, and my mouth opening by itself. Then, something strange happened: being laid on my side I could feel as if something was being pulled off my head. It was a weird sensation of another me being pulled off my body. After a few minutes I realize I'm standing next to the bed... but at the same time there I was, laid down ON the bed, paralyzed! So I turned to the kitchen door and walked heavily being able to see the door from both my body on the bed and the one that was walking. Once I arrived to the door, I stretched my arm to reach it, to see what the strange shadow was, but I had this feeling like a hand grabbing my arm, pulling it back. Then I shouted and I was instantly on the bed again, being able to move as usual.
As I stated before, I was awake all the time, and conscious. What puzzled me most was the strange feeling of being in two places at the same time, and of course the paralysis.
The next day, I talked about it with my wife, and she suggested me to look for bruises, but I coudn't find any.

I know how strange this all sounds, but I do believe in every word he wrote. Any similar experiences, anyone?
At risk of souding like a mentally deranged person, I'll report a couple more weird things that happened reciently.
A few week ago, we were sleeping. Our daughter next room started crying very loud, so when we opened our eyes he saw a glowing colored ball floating above my side of the bed. I didn't noticed, just got up to comfort Sofi as usual.

Two nights ago, she started crying again, this time no ball, but the shutted windows filtered a little light as if it were about to dawn. The weird thing is, it was 2 AM in the morning. Over 4 hours before dawn.

We see weird things, we hear weird things, and it's all tyring and confusing. What we ignore is so much larger (in size and quantity!) than what we know...
Hi skycsil
I use to have these sort of things happen to me a lot when I was younger...with the occasional event like this showing up even recently.
The things I know have helped reduce the occurrences of these events are reading the Wave series (and learning as much about these things as possible), changing my diet to a gluten/dairy free one (I ate something I shouldn't have by mistake a month or so ago, and had these 'high strangeness' things show up again, so diet is very important it seems), and doing the EE program. More specifically doing the pipe breathing and meditation (listening to or saying the Prayer of the Soul) every night seems to offer some protection against these things.
Saying the prayer during such events also seems to offer some resistance to them.

The quote from your husband in the first post is really interesting actually, and I think it is very important that he keeps resisting these things suggestions. The point is, if they get you to believe the lies they tell you, you are trapped by them and fed upon more easily. By believing them and not fighting, you are (even if you don't realise it) aligning yourself with these STS forces.

This article recently helped me see it more clearly. Stalking or Precis on The Good and The Evil. You should be able to see the dynamics of STS forces and comparing them to your husbands experiences they match really quite well.

Another thing that may (or may not) help is the recent UFO video that was produced by some of the forum members here.....it does sound quite like an abduction. http://veilofreality.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/ufos-aliens-and-the-question-of-contact-%E2%98%9E-video/

I had a dream a week or so ago (this isn't the first time) where I saw a grey alien staring at me very closely.....I already knew from previous dreams like this that they go rummaging around your head when they do this, and have done my best to fight them off a few times (one time I learnt the link goes too ways, so went rummaging around their head....it panicked and the dream ended with a sudden sensation of bleeding to death from my ankle). This time seemed different, because I wasn't scared (I was however Very angry) and was very controlled in that I refused this with all my will. I then saw my hand placed on its head (from a very strange angle) and I poked it in the eyes and held my fingers there until it blinked a few times and turned away (it even made a noise of discomfort). Its eyes felt squishy and cold :/
I wasn't going to damage it, but was going to stop it doing whatever it was trying to do to me.

I don't know for sure what happened to your husband, but I think whatever it is its very important to fight it. fwiw
Thanks for the feedback, RedFox, it's much appreciated. It's interesting what you say about The Wave, I'm re-reading it because when I read it first time I didn't knew much about all this, and everything sounded so strange to me that I missed A LOT of things. I'm almost finishing, and it's helping me understand things that were unclear, it's even giving me a real reason to feel less vulnerable and thus, less afraid. It also helps a lot to post this here and realise that we're not alone in this, if it wasn't for this forum and a close friend (who introduced me to the work) I would think my husband and I are losing our minds. There is so much high strangeness going on, and I feel it's going to get worse. Of course, worse is subjective because maybe it's a clue that we're starting to SEE a little what's going on even if it freaks us so much!
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