Happy 30th anniversary for the C's!!!


FOTCM Member
Today, the 16th of July 2024, is the 30th anniversary of the first 'contact' with the C's in 1994!

Thanks so much Laura for enabling this contact, for your perseverance to the ouija board for over 2 years before getting an answer.

What hard work, patience and determination! Without this, and without your dedication to human beings, your thirst for knowledge and your desire to share,
we wouldn't be able to enjoy this exceptional contact with the C's.

Thank you to the C's for accepting and maintaining this contact.

Feliz 30º Aniversario!!!
Thanks to the Cass. who have heard the call in everyone's life, to Laura and Ark for navigating in these turbulent waters and their determination to follow and balance, to all those who support the Chateu and the network for their commitment in the daily struggle and also thanks to the entire forum for allowing me to share in union with you. :clap:🤩:wizard:
It makes a beautiful change to have happy positive things to celebrate this week! :-)
Heartfelt thanks for the 30 years of dedication and love given by Laura, The Cassiopaeans as well as everyone that has been involved right up to today.
It is a question I shudder to contemplate, as to where I could have been today had I not found my final resting place here, and learned whatever I could learn. Share whatever I could share. And Consciously suffer for the benefit of myself and others, in what is a very hard school of knocks and suffering. Especially in these times.
However, the suffering would be much worse without this aim and path to follow!
It truly does feel like Alice through the Looking Glass!
I still feel the most important advice that the C's gave us was 'Knowledge Protects - Ignorance Endangers'
Because, That is precisely what we get from the C's, The Wave and the Forum.
We need to know which is which, and STS from STO and make our choices accordingly.
May our loving helpers be around for another 30 years, and hopefully still be present for us in 4D and beyond! Big Hugs xxxx
A very happy 30th anniversary Laura and thank you for your tenacity and stubborn nature to reach yourself in the future. Your freely given knowledge has supported us all. Wishing you good health in the time left to us and and warm gratitude from the
bottom of my heart.:hug2:
Happy 30th anniversary!🌹💐🌹

Thank you C´s, Laura, Ark and all the crew. Thank you for all the endurance and continuous incredibly hard work, for never giving up, teaching us Faith, for all sharing and building this unique network of learning. Thank you for continuously teaching us. 🥰
Thank you to Laura & her hard persistent work, the chateau team, and the C's. It is absolutely incredible what has come to fruition because of Laura's determination and ability to Network with others on a similar journey for Truth. Forever grateful that I one was shown these books/teachings and that they exist at all given the intense attacks to stop the distribution of this knowledge.

30 YEARS WHOO HOOOOO ❤️ :headbanger::clap::wizard::love::bacon::perfect::cheer:
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