Haunted house maintenance tips?


I'm curious whether any forum members have experience with paranormally active homes (or living quarters) and possibly even do-it-yourself household tips on exterminating spirit activity? I've got my own methods, but in the case of friends or neighbors who are not adhering to any spiritual system or religion, I'm not sure what to recommend. This pertains to activity of the nature of spirits breezing by in disruptive manners, shadow deathlike presences hanging on rooms, and objects getting rearranged in alarming ways. All activity signaling some kind of insidious force on the move against the current 3D occupants.

I'm familiar with using sage for smudging purposes and that's calmed down situations I've had to deal with, but in the context of casual friends or neighbors looking for advice I'm really not sure what to recommend. Engaging some random for-hire new-age spirit-cleansing shaman is not an option.

Maybe this is all too general and its a bit like asking "how do you cure someone who's sick?", but I suppose I'm holding out a hope for some sort of universal means by which 3D occupants of living spaces plagued by spirit attachment can take command of the residence. For myself its a matter of breath-work, mantra, and sage, but when people have trouble adapting to such activity I'm not sure what to tell them. Maybe there's a web resource dealing with spirit co-habitation problems someone knows of? (Ha ha, "spirit co-habitation problems", maybe they should call Dr. Phil or Oprah! :P)
daveOS said:
I'm familiar with using sage for smudging purposes and that's calmed down situations I've had to deal with, but in the context of casual friends or neighbors looking for advice I'm really not sure what to recommend. Engaging some random for-hire new-age spirit-cleansing shaman is not an option.

What does sage do to calm a potentially paranormal situation?
HI daveOS,

you might want to (re)read what the C's have to say about rituals:

Q: (L) The ideas of candle burning, salt, sage, shamanistic rituals and so forth? Is all this useless?
A: Maybe. You are learning; remember when we say "good: no ritual"?

Q: (L) In other words, your knowledge and your strength, which comes from your knowledge and knowing, is the point and the protection?
A: Precisely. This is extremely important. Ritual drains directly to Lizard beings.
Q: (L) Even our saying of the Lord's prayer?
[Prayer of the Soul?]
A: It is okay to pray. Why do you think organized religion is obsessed with rituals?
Q: (L) Is the same thing true of shamanistic practices and so forth?
A: Exactly.

Q: (L) We would like to know a bit more on the subject of rituals, which you have warned us are restricting on many levels. Why is this?
A: If one believes in one's activities sincerely, to the greatest extent, they certainly will produce SOME benefit, at SOME level. But, merely following patterns for the sake of following patterns, does not produce sincerity and faith necessary for ultimate benefits to result. So, therefore, as always, one must search from within, rather than from without, to answer that question. Do you understand? To give you an example, to be certain, you meet this all the time. If you read material in the pages of a book that advises one form of ritual or another, and you follow that form of ritual because you have read words printed on the pages, does that really give you the true sense of satisfaction and accomplishment within yourself to the greatest extent possible? Whereas, if you, yourself, were to develop an activity which one or another could interpret or define as a ritual, but it comes from within you, it feels RIGHT to you, and you have a sincere and complete faith in it, whatever it may be, does that feel right to you?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: Have we answered the question, then?
Q: (L) Yes, thank you.

It all seems to come down to knowledge, again.
daveOS said:
Maybe there's a web resource dealing with spirit co-habitation problems someone knows of? (Ha ha, "spirit co-habitation problems", maybe they should call Dr. Phil or Oprah! :P)


I think you're making a pretty broad assumption about a complex phenomena. How do you know this is a case of spirit co-habitation? What is spirit co-habitation?

[quote author=Lúthien]It all seems to come down to knowledge, again. [/quote]

I think that about sums it up, Lúthien.

If you haven't already, I would recommend reading Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel. That might be a good place to start.
m said:
What does sage do to calm a potentially paranormal situation?

I'm not sure it does anything. I'm just divulging a means I've employed in the course of confronting unexplainable activity. I've seen sage used to great calming effect and have attempted to use it in like manner. I'm glad Luthien comes right out with what the C's have said about rituals as I was aware of that passage and how posting my methods could be construed as if I'm endorsing such practices. But I'm not saying I know some prescription for dealing with paranormal activity, or even what the paranormal activity is. Just that activity occurs, this is how I've dealt with it (however inadequate), and I find myself amidst friends and neighbors looking for ways of confronting similar. I wasn't advocating rituals, and these days will rather credit knowledge as being the means by which I've somehow found balance with whatever energies pulse through my place (but even so I have a lot of unanswered questions undermining whatever knowledge I've employed). As it stands, I'm fine telling others knowledge is the best tool for confronting the paranormal, and sorry for the wasted space but it seemed a valid question to raise at the time.
Valid information doesn't become knowledge unless that information is applied. So when you say "For myself its a matter of breath-work, mantra, and sage," and follow that up by saying "I was aware of that passage" in reference to what the C's said about ritual, that indicates a gap in knowledge, and that gap might be one of the reasons why you experience whatever phenomenon is happening in your environment. You might also consider this in relation to mantra - since you didn't tell us what you mean by that, I'm not sure what you're referring to.
m said:
Valid information doesn't become knowledge unless that information is applied. So when you say "For myself its a matter of breath-work, mantra, and sage," and follow that up by saying "I was aware of that passage" in reference to what the C's said about ritual, that indicates a gap in knowledge, ...

Thanks for concerning yourself with my confusion m. I think I'm usually the first to admit the gaping holes in my knowledge systems but this situation got ahead of me. It probably would've been better to precede my initial post by quoting the transcripts Luthien kindly provided and say that in light of this my previous practices in confronting these phenomenon are obviously obsolete, but my neighbors raised these issues with me without any forewarning and I suddenly found myself thrust into conferencing on these matters and so it was a rather impromptu posting.

I guess another way I could've conveyed the situation is, "wow all of a sudden my neighbors have engaged me to help figure out the wild things happening around their places and all I've ever figured out about what to do about such happenings is wander around humming to myself (which doesn't translate well to others let alone convince me I've done anything other than calm myself down) and there must be something smarter to tell my neighbors, does anybody know?" As it stands, "knowledge" was the answer I needed and made for a healthy first discussion. Thanks!
RyanX said:
If you haven't already, I would recommend reading Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel. That might be a good place to start.

Exactly my thoughts when reading the opening post. What one thinks as ghosts , spirits ,and so on really has to be looked at in a different way. You say you have your own methods , are you having a certain type of phenomena happening in your immediate environment?
In this house, are there children or pre-adolescents? Not that they could make jokes but sometimes a person within the family can produce telekinetic effects unconsciously. It could be some emotion/energy stored in the house especially if it is built with rocks. Too many possibilities, too many free parameters and too little data in these cases.
I think that salt was mentioned somewhere in the forum to block energies but i could not find the thread yet. However, i think that there is a different between the case of just a stored energy or electromagnetic focusing and the case of a malevolent presence/consciousness. In any case it is better OMHO to get more data as suggested.
Away With The Fairys said:
RyanX said:
If you haven't already, I would recommend reading Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel. That might be a good place to start.

Exactly my thoughts when reading the opening post. What one thinks as ghosts , spirits ,and so on really has to be looked at in a different way. You say you have your own methods , are you having a certain type of phenomena happening in your immediate environment?

I've been interested to read Operation Trojan Horse since hearing about it from Laura but it appears to be a pretty difficult book to lay hands on. In the interim, reading Laura's works have helped me reorient around a variety of unexplainable activity that has happened around my place, and I'm now learning from my neighbors it is not unique to my abode.

The house that owns me was built in 1918. I moved in as a renter over 15 years ago before becoming its debt slave 9 years later. When I initially moved in the previous tenants left me and my new housemates with a caution, "watch out for the old man in the basement" along with all kinds of crazy stories about weird pet behavior, apparitions, voices and objects getting moved around. My new housemates and I had a good laugh at the old tenants as we settled in but we soon found substance to their claims in like kind experiences.

For the better portion of my residency at this house I've had housemates. Of the many configurations of guys and gals I've lived with I now have too many stories about crazy events to tell here both from spooked out housemates and my own first hand experience. But in general we've seen objects get relocated to odd places, cats howling at a specific location in the basement (different cats different times, same location), stereos magically turn on, along with all sorts of personal experiences of voices, shadow passings, and skin chillings.

I've never known what to make of the phenomenon around my place and/or what if anything to do about it. I've never really felt threatened by it and there have been a few incredible synchronicities with long lost items suddenly turning up at the moment of most critical need (a hide-a-key for instance) that some of the housemates came to brand whatever energies on the move "friendly ghosties".

So that's the background on my immediate circumstance various neighbors became aware of that compelled them to come talk to me. Basically there are two neighbors directly confronting situations with apparitions and specters. I don't want to gossip too much about their experiences but one of the neighbors sees clients at her place where the clients have simultaneously corroborated ghostly encounters (sounding much like concurrent phantom experiences I've had with housemates). Similarly the other neighbor reports forces moving about and oddly both neighbors recently had to deal with freshly dead crows on their doorsteps.

Obviously I'm not qualified to talk to either of them as I've never really done anything about my situation other than breathing exercises and reciting "Om" to calm down. I just wanted to persist in my despondent passivity about the whole situation, but must say that at least my impulse to post the forum had some merit as the "knowledge" reminder was key to liberating the conversation from fixating on 'dead dudes' to talking about different densities and hyper-dimensional realities. Additionally instead of talking ritualistic approaches, the focus became personal susceptibility and how knowledge can be wielded to mitigate. Perhaps most exciting for me was finding consensus about the strange energy permeating the zone in which we reside and factors that could be inducing the charge.

Given that it sounds like it is not your house, but generally your neighborhood that is affected in this way, I wonder if you live in an area centered over a magnetic fault. Keel mentions this in OTH. The quote below concerns "UFOs", but as Keel mentions throughout the book, UFOs and haunting ultimately come from the same general hyperdimensional phenomena.

[quote author=OTH]
Every state in the United States has from two to ten "windows."
These are areas where UFOs appear repeatedly year
after year. The objects will appear in these places and pursue
courses throughout the 200-mile limitation. These window
areas seem to form larger circles of activities. The great circle
from Canada (not to be confused with the traditional geographic
Great Circle) in the northwest through the Central
States and back into northeast Canada is a major window. Hundreds
of smaller windows lie inside that circle. Another major
window is centered in the Gulf of Mexico and encompasses
much of Mexico, Texas, and the Southwest.

Many windows center directly over areas of magnetic deviation
such as Kearney, Nebraska; Wanaque, New Jersey; Ravenna,
Ohio. In the 1950's, teams from the national Geological
Survey Office quietly flew specially equipped planes over most
of the United States and mapped all of the magnetic faults in the
country. You can obtain a magnetic map of your locale for
about fifty cents by writing to the Office of the Geological
Survey, Washington, D.C. 20242. If you have been collecting
UFO reports in your home state, you will probably find that
many of those reports are concentrated in areas where magnetic
faults or deviations exist.

UFOs seem to congregate above the highest available hills in I
these window areas. They become visible in these centers and
then radiate outward, traveling sometimes 100-200 miles before
, disappearing again.

So if you are eager to see a genuine example of our phenomenon,
pick a good Wednesday or Saturday evening, visit the
highest ground in the area closest to you which has a magnetic
fault, and watch the sky around 10 P.M. The best times are the
last two weeks in March and the first two weeks in April, all of
July-August, the last two weeks in October, and the first weekg
if in November and December.[/quote]

Also, have you ever had any odd fires in your neighborhood by chance, either started by people or of unknown origin? That's another characteristic of these areas supposedly.

[quote author=daveOS]I've been interested to read Operation Trojan Horse since hearing about it from Laura but it appears to be a pretty difficult book to lay hands on.[/quote]

I believe there was an OCR copy going around at one point. That might be restricted to members of the Fellowship now (not sure if you are a member). You could probably ask Laura or Approaching Infinity if it is possible to obtain a copy. I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here by suggesting this. It is a really good book and I hope more people can read it. It sounds like the information in there would be quite pertinent to your situation.
mkrnhr said:
It could be some emotion/energy stored in the house especially if it is built with rocks. Too many possibilities, too many free parameters and too little data in these cases.
However, i think that there is a different between the case of just a stored energy or electromagnetic focusing and the case of a malevolent presence/consciousness. In any case it is better OMHO to get more data as suggested.

Thanks for the focal points mkrnhr, I appreciate the delineation. I think the activity is more candidate for electromagnetic focusing and some sort of stored energy getting activated than malevolent presences. All of the houses in question are stick built; one of them was one of the first built in the neighborhood (around 1908), mine came a decade later, and the other is something from the 50's. It seems consistent among the members of the various dwellings that the heaviest activity people have experienced has come in ground floor or basement rooms with milder activities experienced on upper floors. Also the neighborhood is located just a couple of blocks from the three big TV towers (nearly in line with the center tower) which in recent years have been outfitted with arrays of microwave repeaters and they actually put a microwave repeater in the steeple of the church out back of my place. My experiences of the paranormal activity predate the microwave repeaters so I'm not sure its a factor but I suppose it could be amping things up to a degree. Also our street is situated in the lee of the immediate top of a hill which makes for eddying of city sounds and weather right in the saddle of the landscape we occupy. Our street has some sort of unique vibe to it that has compelled many visitors to the neighborhood to comment "my you live on an unusually cozy street" (for the middle of the city).

RyanX said:
Given that it sounds like it is not your house, but generally your neighborhood that is affected in this way, I wonder if you live in an area centered over a magnetic fault. Keel mentions this in OTH. The quote below concerns "UFOs", but as Keel mentions throughout the book, UFOs and haunting ultimately come from the same general hyperdimensional phenomena.


Also, have you ever had any odd fires in your neighborhood by chance, either started by people or of unknown origin? That's another characteristic of these areas supposedly.

RyanX this is such an eye opener. I too now wonder whether the area is situated amidst a magnetic fault and will be investigating ways of acquiring a magnetic map from the Office of the Geological Survey, but as mentioned above it seems we're jacked on electromagnetism by virtue of all the radio towers. Also, although I haven't experienced the "odd fires" first hand we just got an arson alert from the fire department advising us to be on the lookout and take precautions because there have been six such fires in the last 9 months.
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